
New Challenges 4

After Jake returned home he called his mother to tell him about the victory, then Jake went to rest to be ready for a busy week.

Jake was very happy and in great shape in both basketball and athletics, even though he was finding his progress in slowing his time to the next marathon very slow, he was sure he could still win.

So before the end of the year, he wanted to win this state championship and also the New York marathon and close very well this year which was great for him.

Emily had hired a few people to help monitor Jake's and the company's investments as well, and since she had done it a few times for Jake, Emily had more easily bought the stock with the money she received from investors.

Just as Jake had thought aside from slightly increasing the stock value that 30 million had not changed much for Cisco, it wasn't even 0.1 percent of the company, but that was exactly what Jake wanted.

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