
Are you THAT Zy?!?!

Revised by: Chemistry is fun!!

While everyone is getting ready to eat the pizza, I see a zombie coming down the stairs sniffing the air.

"You finally decided to leave your room, Bart? Stop staying up all night playing that game and talk to us." Sun Hee complains about the zombie.

"This is my brother Bartholomew , but you can call him Bart, he's addicted to a computer game and plays it all night, he quit college and said he's going to be a pro." Lisa tells me as he walks into the kitchen.

As he looks for pizza our eyes cross and he looks at me from top to bottom. "Are you Liz's boyfriend?" He says with a dead face.

"No." 2x

We respond together, then stare at each other and laugh. " Hahahaha "

"I'm your neighbor Zhanye , but you can call me Zy . Nice to meet you." I say reaching out for him.

" Zy ... That name is familiar to me. I'm Bartholomew , but you can call me Bart." He says as he shakes my hand.

"I was going to sleep at 8:00 am mom, but I came across a live from a really good guy before bed and I ended up watching him until lunchtime." He says as he yawns. "What are these pizzas for? Is it your birthday, Liz?" He asks.

"No idiot, we're celebrating that everything went well in my cello competition." She says rolling her eyes.

"Whatever." He says while washing his hands to eat.

"Liz told me you want to become a pro at a game, would it be GoA ?" I'll ask him.

"Yeah, you play too ... wait ... Zy ... You're blond too ... It can not be a coincidence ..." He says, his eyes widening.

" Hahahaha , yes I am the one who did stream until noon." I say scratching the back of my neck.

"My God, man ... What kind of a coincidence is this? We have to play together! I have a team, but we only play small championships." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"What's your ranking and your route?" I ask curious.

"I'm Diamond 1 and I play in the middle." He says excitedly. "I saw some comments that you started playing a month ago, is that true?"

"Yes, I never felt like playing until a month ago." I say as I get a slice of pizza.

As we talk Liz and Sun Hee look at each other and begin to laugh at each other. It seems like they did not expect me and Bart being so different to have something in common that would be so captivating.

" Duuude, I don't believe it. I have been playing for 5 years and I'm still in the diamond." He says whimpering with his mouth full.

"Relax hahaha , we'll play together. At least it'll be fun hahah ." I laughed.

While we talk, Jorge arrives, joins us and we eat together.

When everybody is full I say goodbye and leave.

"Good night guys, it's already time to go, from here to my house there's a lot of traffic." I say.

"Traffic to walk from house to house, I know ... Hahaha, " Jorge says as he laughs.

"I'll walk with him to the door, mom." Liza says as she gets up.

"Nice to meet you Zy , when I get online I'll add you." Bart says as he waves.

"Sure, but I only play in the morning, see you tomorrow, haha ." I say being pushed by Liz.

When I leave the house I stop and look at her. "Thanks for everything, it was fun today." I say.

"Thank you for saving my concert." She says shaking her head.

"See you." I smile as I walk away.

"See you Zy." She says waving.

When I get home, I see my parents helping Henry and Sue with homework. "Good evening son, how was the date with Lisa?" My mother speaks with that smile on her face.

"What date mom, don't start with this." I say embarrassed.

" Hahaha, don't mind that son. You'll still hear a lot of it." My father laughs at my shame.

Entering my room I practice my sing until bedtime and open my status window "Status" I say softly.

- Zhanye Black

CHARM: 53/100

AGI: 67/100

STR: 52/100

INT: 75/100

LUCKY :? ?

Cooking: 75/100

God's Arena: 67/100

Exercises: 46/100

Voice : 38/100 -> 40/100

Driving : 45/100

Piano: 50/100 -> 51/100

Points to distribute: 0 -

'Wow ... The list is getting big. 'I think as I see my proficiency stats .

The next day when I open my Live already appears the comment that I am used to.

[ DramaticVanilla : Morning Zyyy !! You could open Live sooner, right ? I stay up all night waiting for you to open the live and you only open at 8:00 am . Where is the consideration for me?

" Ahh Vanilla , don't even begin with the drama. Why don't you sleep early and get up early to watch me? Don't you have school? "I ask.

[ DramaticVanilla : I don't like going to high school. Grr 😡 ]

When I open GoA I see a friend invitation. 'It must be Bart. '

When I see his nickname I become incredulous. [ HideOnBush ] 'Is this *Faker's Nick ? How does this guy have it? ' I think.

When I open the chat I get 20 messages asking why I did not go in before.

"You saw what I said to Vanilla, Bart, why don't you do that too?"

[ HideOnBush : Ahh ... I think I'll do that. 😅 ]

When I call him to the group and we enter the software to talk by voice I put in the queue.

"Well guys, chat. As I only play jungle, I usually only give jungle hints. But today I will play with a friend of mine who is Mid, then I will give some mid tips also. Main mids, release fireworks ! "I say excited.

[ ViewerA : Finally mid tips !! I was dying of envy watching the viewers who play jungle talking how much they climbed the rankings because of tyour tips. Now it's our turn!]

[ ViewerB : I second that. Now is our chance to climb the rankings.]

[ ViewerC : When will you have tips for Support Zyyyyy ??????]

[ ViewerD : We want tips for ADC !!!!!]

A war began in the chat between which would be the next lane that had to receive tips.

At the beginning of the game I wanted to show a combo that I remember was very famous in my old world and I saw that nobody thought of doing it in this world. "Bart, get the Gallio I go from Nocturne ." (I decided to use the names of the LoL champions to make it more fun for those who know.)

"Right, but why Gallio ? He's very weak, " he ask after catching the champ.

"Let's show to the chat how to screw a bot Lane today hahaha ."

The start of the game was very smooth, he and I took the lvl 6 when I told him to go down to the bottom of the map that the fun would start.

"Look, I'll Ult in adc when I touch him you ult me ok?" I ask him.

"Alright!" He responds prepared.

The ultimate of Nocturne makes him fly out to a character on the enemy team while leaving their map dark and Galio's makes him jump on an allied team character and throw everyone from the enemy team up when he falls.

Coming close to the bot lane I use my red trinket to see if the enemy team had left some sentinel of vision and by the still bright stone the sentinel they put had just been undone. From a distance I observe the two bot lane doubles attacking the minions with no opening for me to jump, but while I was thinking about what to do, Lucian from the enemy team gave a dash forward while shooting my team.

"This is my chance," I thought.

Squeezing R and aiming at Lucian , I start advancing on them while they are still reasoning why everything went dark. "Now Bart!" I say as I see a circle forming around me as my blade hits Lucian .

Just before Bart falls from the sky I see a flag while a warrior comes running over me, it's Jarvan from the enemy team.

When his spear hit my back he was thrown up because of Bart's ultimate . As players are being thrown, Bardo's ends and botlane of my team comes to help kill the enemy team.

[ ViewerA : MY GOD !!!!! This tactic is great !!! How has nobody ever thought of it!]

[ ViewerE : Calling my duo to watch live now for us to do this strategy together to climb the ranking.]

[ ViewerF : Previous post +1]




* Faker was considered for many years as the best player of League of Legends .

We reach the 97th position!!!! 2 CHAP TODAY!!!! RELEASE THE FIREWORKS!! Please, vote with your power stones, if we get the 89 untill tomorrow will be more 2 chap release!!

And what you think about a mass release at saturday? *-*

I've made this chapter following Chghaith's hint. I hope you guys like it.

From them who don’t know, I’ve reached Challenger on BR server being main Nunu, soo wait for some Nunu chapter LOL.

Zhanyecreators' thoughts
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