
Missing (2)

Sarah walked toward the planning room while stretching her arms above her head.

She cleaned up some basic core functions for Eve, like reading time and accessing various devices, but there is still much to go.

Sarah made a plan. Currently, Eve can get the feed from cameras, and Sarah needs to clean up the functionality where Eve will control the cameras and send an alert when someone enters the camera's view. For now, Eve will not be able to differentiate between friends and foes; that is a separate functionality and if all goes well, that will work as well within two-to-three days.

Earlier, Sarah would spend a whole day on the chair immersed in the code, and not notice the time passing. But now it's different. There are too many things going on, and she was getting hungry. Instead of asking someone to bring her food, she decided to take a walk, stretch, see Aiden and check on the current status, and she will get food before going back in front of the monitors.

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