
Friends and traitors (8)

Jeff and Jasper joined JoAnna, Ellie, Sarah and Aiden in the back room when Christopher, Vincent and Russel left.

Jeff's heart cracked when he saw JoAnna curled up in a sofa chair, sleeping.

"Thanks, Jasper.", Jeff said and turned to Ellie, Sarah and Aiden. "Thank you as well. I will leave ten of my people to help you take your paintings back and to clean up here. They will leave the place how it was. I will see you all tomorrow."

Jeff scooped JoAnna in his arms and carried her out. He wants to take her home, so that she can sleep properly in the bed.

"Now what?", Jasper asked when Jeff left.

Jasper does not know what they are planning after this. He didn't agree to allow Bradley and Christopher to just leave. They know that the two of them are traitors, it's not like they can get more guilty. What if they go into hiding? Or cause problems?

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