
Saturday at Jasper's apartment (5)

Jasper looked at Ellie with an unreadable expression. He has to acknowledge that what she said makes sense. If something can impact their relationship, both of them should be aware of it.

Jasper does not want to admit that his father can decide whom he will date, because if it comes to the point where Jasper needs to choose between his position in the company and Ellie… it will be a difficult choice. But even without going to that extreme, Norman is using his power over Jasper to make his life more challenging. "Are you sure you want to bother with this?"

"Since when it's a bother to understand troubles of a person you like?"

Jasper held his breath. Did she just say that she likes him? Or did he imagine it? "Say that again."

Ellie blinked few times and her breath hitched when she realized what she said. She cleared her throat before speaking: "I don't see it as a bother to understand your troubles."

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