
Perfect date - day 3 (1)

Next morning, Aiden woke up after a bad dream.

In the dream, Sarah was being sucked inside a tree which was oozing sticky sap, and he rushed to save her, but she was only sinking deeper inside the tree trunk, and no matter how much he ran, he was not getting any closer… and eventually after a lot of effort he reached the tree, but she was already in, only her hands were out, reaching to him, and he grabbed her wrists and pulled desperately with all his might, but his strength was not enough… he felt a strange force tugging on him, pulling him inside with her, and his hands were in the sap as well, but he didn't want to let go of her, because if he lets go he might as well plunge into that deadly sap himself…

He woke up drenched in sweat and panting, relieved that he is in the bed, and all that was just a dream... bad dream… not real.

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