
Chapter 1: Mysterious pen

"kriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing' the bell rings .

"Okay class dont forget to do your assignment, this is all for now, Class dismiss!!."Fu bai told his students.

Fu bai is a teacher in Quezon Prefecture University, he is good in teaching but the only flaw he has is he's so melancholic, he is not close to anyone.

After he dismiss his class he heard the chitchat of his students about a new novel they are currently reading

"hey bro! that novel is so good, whenever i read i sunk into the world full of demon slaying soldiers. i feel my blood boils everytime the protagonist slash his sword." Student kyu said.

"Me too bro, it so amusing i wish that i can write a good novel like that one!." student jao.

"well sad to say we are not on the level of the author's creativity." student kyu.

that is the reason why i only read hahahhahahahaha!! jao said while laughing loudly.

Yes indeed!! kyu said with laughter in his face.

infront of the black board

Fu Bai sunk into his own world after he heard their discussion

"if only i can write a good novel like the author of that story," Fu Bai mumbled with disappointment.

"I want to write a novel!!!!." he said it with fervor conviction in his mind


As he go out of the school he accidentally bump into an old man with ragged black cloth

the old man stares at him with amusement

"Hey!! I feel the great fate inside of you." the old man said as he hold Fu Bai's left arm

"Huh? hey sir im sorry for accidentally bumping you ,but what are you talking about?" Fu Bao said while staring the old man with indignant and apologetic eyes.

"nothing!!! hahahahaha it's my lucky day." said by the old man.

"huh?, i feel that someone is playing at me." Fu Bao said.

"young man, your name is Fu Bao right?" the old man ask him and started to squeeze the arm of Fu Bao.

"Oouuuuuuuuch!!!! let go of me !!! wait? how did You know who Am I?" Said by Fu Bao with agony and tears in his eyes

"hahaha!! today ill give you the key to follow the desire of your heart, i heard the strong desire inside coming from you. someday youll gonna make me exist , but for it to happen i will give this pen to you. dont throw it and use it wisely you never know how this will change your fate." said by the old man as he give the pen to Fu Bao.

Fu bao recieve the pen and as he hold the pen he notice than it gives a shiny luster it seems the pen has a life.

"Theres something in this pen, this is so mysterious!! with and amaze expression and spooky feeling" Fu Bao said it in his mind.

"Hahaha young man i know what you're thinking but i will not spoil it, i will let you learn what power that pen can bring to you hahahaha, good bye Fu Bao!!!" said by the old man as he disappear to Fu Bao's sight.

After the old man disappear Fu Bao's face started to become blue, he is so frightened because someone infront of him disappeared suddenly

"Oh!!! My!!!! God!!!! GHOST!!!!!!!!!!." Fu bao is so scared that he forgot that he is still infront of the gate of the school.

Some of the students stair at him with mysteriousnes some are shocked that their teacher Fu bao who is so quiet before and after the class shouted. he look so terrified as if he had seen a ghost.

"oh! look at teacher Fu, what happen to him?" a young student asked the crowd.

"Hey dont worry guys im fine i just seen a .... rat that's it! go home now guys it will be dark very soon." Fu bao answered agitatedly

And he run quickly going home.

"What's wrong with teacher Fu? hahahahaha." the students murmurs as they seen Fu Bao slowly fades as he run.

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