
What is Your Choice?

Within the sixth floor, the dozens of time tornados still awaited. Every single one of Konrad's nine ladies sat crossed-legged within the eye of a tornado to cultivate, refine holy crystals and master new abilities.

Armed with a portion of the inheritances previously harvested, they carried on undisturbed. And with the tornados' time increase, spent nearly thirty years in secluded cultivation.

Across those decades, their cultivation skyrocketed, reaching the peak of the True Origin Saint Rank. Meanwhile, they mastered various new skills. Daphne specialized in alchemy and artifact refinement. Zamira, Faidra, and Aliki in formations. Lena, Jasmine, and Iliana lmastered unique attributes and developed various soul enslavement abilities.

Only Freya and Astarte focused solely on improving their battle power at the fastest pace possible.

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