

The group looked at the door shining with their flashlights. It was completely shut tight.

"This one should lead us straight to the generators.", said David and looking at the holographic blueprint of the Venator class star destroyer.

Jack also looked over to that holo modulator in his hand. "Ho~ This ship costs nearly 60 million credits...No wonder that Grakkus wants to scrap it apart."

He noticed the price tag that was also on this blueprint. Now one could see how costly actual things were. While such a ship cost 60 million, droids cost around 400k per unit and onward.

The one hearing that and coming to a realization was Ben. He first thought their fortune was massive but apparently Jack was right. But then again, who needs a military class star destroyer.

It just goes to say how much freaking money was thrown at each other in the following clone wars. Especially on the confederation side.

"Is that an actual manufacturing blueprint? You somehow got your hands on something like that?", Jack added as a question.

David only nodded. "You won't believe what some black markets can yield. It was a lucky find for sure."

"Alright, you two. Get to work. You should be able to use the energy that is supplied to open this up, right."

The tech couple that he was now talking to only nodded and went over to the side and removed some plates near the door controls.

They linked up with something alike to a computer with the electronics and soon the door got overridden and started to open up.

But it only moved a tiny bit and stopped.

"Really...What is the problem now?"

"The door mechanics seem to be damaged. Nothing we can do on this side.", answered Pyr in a grumble.

Jack only sighed and then went over to the small crack. Anchoring himself at one side with his shoulder he started to pry the gap open.

"Grrh" With a lot of brawn he soon got it moving and after it had a certain gap he used one of his legs to push.

Soon the gap was large enough for everyone to move through comfortably.

"This should do it."

*Beeep* BD-8 was chirping happily and ran through the door.

Lyn was also whistling. "Some muscles you got there." Then she went through as well.

Ben and David now knew how the poor guy was beaten to a pulp back then.

"Remind me to never arm wrestle with you.", chuckled Ben.

Now Jack felt somehow monstrous. 'It is only pushing a fucking open door to the side. Why the big reaction.'

[They are correct, Jack. That Strength of yours is greater than most other races.]

'Not you too, Terra.'

The group continued onward and tumbled through the corridors until they reached their destination that they were aiming for.

"Look at this mess.", commented Mist. She went over to the makeshift power supply the guys before them put together to juice up the gravity generator.

"Man, she is right. Did they even spent an hour on this?", commented David now.

The electronics and cables were thrown about haphazardly just to get the results they wanted.

"Can you fix it and get at least power to the lights. I am not expecting this thing to fly anywhere.", asked Jack.

"Sure, that is no biggy."

Soon all guys available started to help out get the power back online and it took about 15 minutes when they were finished.

"And this lever goes up..." With that done a sudden whirr was heard in the generators and the ship came back to life with lights starting to blink up.

"Nice, then we can..." Jack who smiled suddenly stopped his words and his expression became horrified with a deep frown. "Fuck...."

The others that looked at him also suddenly realized it.

The room they were in was so dark that they didn't notice at first but now they could see it. The interior was not coated brown or anything but what they saw now was straight out of a horror movie.

There was a lot of blood smeared on all the walls here and there with some parts of the walls damaged.

To make matters worse a sudden vibration traveled through the ship and an eerie screech could be heard echo through the metal.

"What was that? Is there some beast on this ship that went haywire?" asked Lyn while also frowning.

Billy shook his head "Military ships like these should not have been used to transport any dangerous lifeforms."

"Could they have been smugging?", asked Ben.

"That is also unlikely. Smuggling with such a big and obvious ship...Okay, looks like this won't be such an easy job now. No wonder the ships docked on the other side looked like they were attacked.", said Billy and readied up his rifle.

Jack also went out of the generator room with him. His mind was currently screaming warning signals as if he had a massive headache again.

Then while moving to find out about the creature that they heard, they saw even more grotesque scenes all over ship that was about a km in length.

"How many people could be stationed on this ship.", asked Jack the clearly expereinced mercenary.

"About 2.000...If all of them were really killed I don't even want to know what killed them."


"Hey, stop. Look." suddenly Pyr pointed at a person appearing in front of them from a side hallway.

All of them were confused and looked at the guy in front of them.

"Hey, you. Identify yourself.", demanded Billy while aiming at him.

The person slowly moved its upper body and looked at them. Some guys in the group groaned seeing half of the person's face being ripped apart.

"What the hell.", commented Mist.

"Fuck...Please...Dont tell me this is what I think it is....", said David and slowly retreated a few steps back.

Right at that moment the person growled and charged at them.

"Stop, or I will shoot you.", shouted Billy but Jack was already quicker and fired his rifle. The energy bolts hit the body of the person and it was jerked around from the impacts.

Only when it was falling over to the ground after it got hit enough did Jack stop shooting.

"David, is it that...?"

David only nodded. "No doubt about it...We better move."

"What are you talking about?", asked Lyn. Then she looked back at the corpse. "He is dead, right?"

But right at that question, the body jerked again and the guy slowly rose up.

"Fuck, we need to retreat. NOW!" Jack shouted and at that moment another 13 or so guys came charging from another hallway further back. They all were wearing various military clothes but all of them were bloddy and wounded as the other guy.

"Shit!" Billy exclaimed and threw a grenade to slow them down. Then he and the others took their legs into their hands and ran as fast as they could.

Trying to escape the horde of crazy people took some effort and they only escaped after shutting a door behind them.

"David, get us back to the ship. Tell us where to go!"

"Already on it.", he answered while looking at the holo map.

"Wait, why are you so panicked now? Do you know what happened to these guys?" asked Lyn.

"Did you not just see what chased us? If all 2.000 personnel were infected and are walking corpses like these guys then good luck trying to fight back. The last guy didnt even die. I am leaving, NOW. This mission is an abort.", rebuked Jack after thinking he heard her complaining.

"What are they?", asked Ben now "Are we seriously fighting against zombies now?"

"You guessed it. I never would have thought we would come across this shitty virus of all things. If we dont escape, we are going to be dead soon."

As if to confirm his words another screech was heard echoing.

"We never should have entered this damn ship."

'Terra, how the fuck did I end up here. I thought I had a high luck value.'

[I don't know....wait...Your luck has fluctuated to -70, oh no.]

'What!?How can my stats just change into negative values?'

[Luck is the only value you cant increase with your points and it fluctuates from time to time depending on your encounters.]

'But so drastically like that...I thought I was lucky with the title and all?'

[That is not normal, for sure. You are actually lucky in this misfortune. Think about how easy you entered the ship and restored power without encountering any enemies...]

'Fuck that. That is no solace. I would rather have seen one of them and escaped immediately.'

[Right, then be grateful you are still alive and were not overrun yet. The only explanation I have for this would be that you changed something you were not supposed to and now fate is testing you....]

'And that would be?'

[ I don't know...I can give you guidance and explanation but can't look into cause and effect...]

'Doesn't matter. Gotta survive this first. Terra, open up the lucky box I got in my inventory.'

[Done, the box contained 2 million credits, a lightsaber and 10 free stat points....]

'Shit, nothing useful. Lucky my ass. Well, at least the points are nice and I can use them later.'

[I am sorry I didn't notice it sooner. Good luck, Jack.]

While he had an inner dialogue with Terra the group moved through the corridors and tried to reach the hanger where their ship was waiting.

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