
Shit Always Follows

Jack was sliding over the metal ground and making a sharp turn to his right side.

The reason for that was because there was blaster fire following him not so far behind. Some shots even flew just a few centimeters above his head.

"Here! Get inside this ventilation shaft!!", shouted a very agitated David while fumbling with a gadget to open up the electronic shaft. Not being able to open it he became nervous.

Ben was the second person that arrived at his location and saw his friend failing in opening their escape route. So Ben ended up using his blaster to blast that shitty thing open. And by some miracle, it actually worked.

Then he grabbed David and threw him down the shaft. Looking back at Jack that was already closing in, he also entered.

Jack saw and heard David from afar so he had a clear goal and also vanished down that same shaft. And that in just the blink of the time when their pursuers came around the same corner Jack took.

When they reached the vent they looked at it and hesitated for a certain while until someone else came. It seemed to be the leader of the group.

Hearing out his own man he became furious and pointed at the shaft. It looked like he still wanted them to follow. Not waiting for anything further he left jzst the way he came.

Meanwhile, the trio was fumbled themselves through the near pitch black shafts and trying to find another exit.

Jack had the best vision of the three and actually could see pretty well in dark places. That is also why he lead them while navigating this maze.

At some point, Jack heard a certain sound.

"Wait, what is that sound?", he asked and tried to concentrate.

"What sound? I don't hear anything.", commented David.

"It may be them. Hurry up or they will catch up.", urged now a somewhat exhausted Ben.

"Oh no...Fuck! RUN!", Jack became somewhat paler recognizing the sound he was hearing.

Right at that moment a massive amount of what seemed to be water came flowing from a ventilation shaft to their upper right side.

That water hit them and washed them along a certain path in the mazelike shafts.

"Urgh " Jack hit a lot of objects while being washed away. He was also banged along many metal walls.

[3 points of damage.....4 points of damage...]

In his mind, he could only see how his life was also dwindling.

´Damnit! What the fuck is happening!?´

Just when he also started to curse around their ride stopped and they seemed to be splashed outside into a large pondlike area.

[37 points of damage taken from hard impact.]

And sadly that pond was very shallow and Jack hit the ground - hard.

Seeing that he was still alive he slowly tried to stand up. His whole body ached all over.

`Urgh, guess not having the gamer body is a real pain in the arse.´

[Your bodies are still more resilient than normal people. Fatal wounds are only numbers to you.]

`Damn, shut up Terra. Not now...`

Lamenting about his guide he looked around. Immediately a horrible stench crept up his nose and he had to gag more than once.

It looks like they ended up in a fucking trash disposal area. And it was the one for the whole fucking city of Nar Shaddaa. Well, at least he qas sure about the part where they were in.

Trying to keep his nausea back somewhat, he tried to find his friends. And boy was that some work because as Jack searched, his Sith heritage annoyed him for the first time.

That was because Jack his sense of smell was so good that it already gave him a headache to smell this place.

Luckily finding David was not that hard. He landed between some garbag and was sunk in it head first.

´God damn, mate...´

Grabbing his friend's feet he pulled him out. He immediately started to scream and cough. At least he was alive.


"Calm down.." Jack gageded a little. ""We are still alive. Let's get the fuck out of here first." Ben was also not hurt too badly and already moving around in the brown water, that was actually full of shit, to find some exit.

"This way...", said Jack after finding a metal ladder that went up. He grabbed the still cursing David and climbed with him to the top. Ben just followed.

At the top, Jack let go of David and handed him a medical stim.

David glared at it and took it, immediately pushing it into the side of his right arm and activating it.

Jack threw another stim to Ben that was caught and also injected himself with bacta just like David.

[Regenerative Fluid detected. + 50 HP and health regeneration up by 500%]

"If it was not for you asshole..." David was slightly out of breath. But that didn't stop him confronting Ben. "What the fuck did you think in your head!?"

"Fuck! I am sorry, alright!? How the hell should I have known that it would end up that way?" Ben started to get agitated being blamed so much.

"He is right, we just were at the wrong place at the wrong time...", agreed Jack and patted David on the shoulder. "At least we managed to escape that."

David looked at Jack and wanted to argue but just sighed. He turned around and started walking somewhere.

Jack just followed and after that Ben also started walking.


A few minutes prior. The group wanted to get something to snack and ended coming to what seemed to look like a cantina.

So they sat down and enjoyed the moment. Jack even unequipped his helmet and stored it inside his inventory.

But all three of them were surprised when a slim blue-skinned woman appeared and started to dance on their table.

She was very scarcely dressed and had tentacle looking things hanging from her head instead of hair.

For people that knew about this race, they would immediately recognize them as Twi'lek and those tentacles were not really tentacles but Lekku.

There were other races that also had them. But in general, they could be moved just like limbs so some would still compare them with tentacles.

`The Fuck?´ Jack was surprised and mesmerized at the same time when he saw this. He completely forgot about the fact that Twi'lek were used as slaves for just such entertainment in many regions of the galaxy.

And the beauty this Twi'lek showed was not by a small margin. No wonder it was always said they were good looking. It was actually fucking true if you saw them right in front of you in flesh and blood.

Even Ben stared at her even though he was pretty Xenophobic most of the time.

The Twi'lek did notice their interested looks and smiled slyly. She moved her body seductively and then kneeled down and approached Jack.

"Just a little bit...", she shushed to him.

"What? What do you mean?" Just when Jack asked the Twi'lek seemed to place something in one of the pockets of his coat.

And suddenly the atmosphere changed drastically.


"Boss, over there!" A goon started shouting and pointed at Jack and his friends. Then suddenly the Twi'lek woman stood up and jumped down from the table. She gave Jack a sweet wink and disappeared.

"Don't let her escape!"

It seemed that the Twi'lek was actually hunted down by some gang and just tried to hide among these dancers. Not such a bad idea but it seemed that it was no use. Or was it?

Because Ben actually interrupted the goons. "Hey, what do you want from that lady?"

"Huh? Wait, she interacted with you, didn't she? Are you with her? Boss! I think we got some accomplices over here."

Hearing that Ben immediately shut up and frowned. He probably made a big mistake in asking his question. David just grumbled for his dumb move.

"You! That woman stole from us. And since you seem to know her you should tell us where she went. Now!"

"We don't know anything.", replied Jack immediately and continued to drink his drink that he brought earlier.

"The fuck? Do you know who you are messing around with? Now that I think about it, we should make sure you remember us, you little shits."

Jack just put his glass down and stared at the fucker that is threatening him right now. His eyes glowed a little bit.

If they want a barfight he would gladly obey.

Ben saw his attitude and smirked. Then he pulled his blaster. "Do you think we are scared of you?"

David made big eyes just the same as Jack when seeing that.

´The fuck!? Did your brain fry just now?´

"Oh, look boys. A cocky one. Get this fucker!" At that order, the goons started to take their blasters and rifles out from their shoulders and holsters.

Jack gritted his teeth and immediately reacted. He grabbed their table and threw it to those goons.

Then he grabbed David and Ben and pulled them behind cover. They started to flee. The rest of the story is just basically it.


So now they were walking around an alley in what seemed to be a poorer district and had to find their way back to remotely know where they were.

They were basically lost for good.

"Hey...What did that girl give you?", asked Ben now.

"What? Do you actually think about that? You know, she fucking blamed us for her little stunt. She is probably laughing at us somewhere in safety with a lot of cash stolen from that gang.", protested David.

Jack on the other hand just took out whatever she paced in his pocket and was flabbergasted.

"Thanks for the help! Bye!" -

"That Bitch...", said Jack and handed over the note that she left behind and a 100 credit chip.

"Just like I said." sighed David.

"Damn...", replied Ben.

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