
Chapter 24:

As they were utterly shocked by what they saw, the flame disappeared and Yuhao opened his eyes.

"He? What are you doing here?" He asked, surprised by the presence of the others.

"Are you seriously asking us that? Look at the sky, it's already noon." Answered Fan Yu.

"Really?" He looked above and see the sun, high in the sky. "Oh~so it took me so long..."

"Can we know what did you do?"Asked teacher Mei.

"Well...after the experiment of yesterday, I decided to try to familiarise myself with my awakened fire attribute." He started to explain while doing his best to conceal the secrets parts that he didn't want to reveal to Bei Bei and Tang Ya who are still here. "So I created a flame in my hand and started to meditate with all my mind on it. The more I played with the flame and the more I understood about it but when I feel that I meet a dead-end I stopped and there we are."

"...' and there we are'...are you serious? Do you know want you just do?"Scolded Sin Lin Er.

"What I did?" He repeated the words, thinking. Then he summoned a flame in his hand. Like earlier, the flame was white, dense and fluid. "You talk about that? What's wrong?"

"Don't you know? Your flame is Absolute fire! Absolute fire! Do you understand?"

"Ultimate Fire? I don't think so. It can still be improved."

"What are you saying, the heat of that flame is even more than Ma Xiaotao or Yan Shaozhe who possess the strongest phoenix flame. The only fire hotter than their is the Ultimate Fire!"

"Maybe that ultimate fire, but my fire heat can still be improved." Say Yuhao with serious.

"...ok. Let said it's like you says. But even, don't show your flame to anyone other than us. Your ultimate fire will make Yan Shaozhe want to have you."

"It's okay, I know already...Teacher, I think I should ask for help from senior sister Si Mayan again for the next test tomorrow."

He was careful with his words because Bei Bei and Tang Ya were still here.

"Are you sure about that?" Asked Sin Lin Er. She didn't think that Yuhao will want to do that thing again this quickly.

"Yes, I want to know if I can help her."

"Hum~Okay, I will organize that. Go eat something and take your lesson with Meidao. Tomorow before the test, I will take a better look at your flame."

"Yes teacher!"


Inside Yin Meidao laboratory, Yuhao and her were working on a rank 1 soul tool for almost 2 hours.

Meidao showed that tool to Yuhao and made him analyze it, then he had to draw the blueprint of it. Actually, with is soul power rank, it's impossible for him to manufacture soul tool so working on knowledge and blueprints is the only thing Yuhao can do.

When they finished, she asked:

"Yuhao, are you serious about the experiment tomorrow?"

"Yes! Why?"

"You are conscious that those things should only be done with the one you love? And even if you didn't have one, you should do it only when your spirit goes berserk. You shouldn't take the habit to do those kinds of things at your age or you will turn bad in the future."

"Thanks for the warning but you have nothing to fear. I know already how I will finish if I go wrong. From my birth to today, I lived with a perfect example.

For Si Mayan and the other that will participate in the future, I don't care! It's just an exchange, I gain something from her and she gains something from me and we are completely consenting and aware of the risks and consequences. "

"Ok, I will not say anything more."

"Heu- Teacher?"

"What is it?

"C-could you...teach me about those things?"


"Well, you see...when I did it with Si Mayan, she did all by herself and I just had to wait until the end without doing anything. Being like a toy in her hand did please me...I, I want to be in control but...I don't know anything."

Yin Meidao was stunned. She looked at Yuaho without saying a word for more than one minute before starting to laugh.


"What so funny?!" He was angry when he heard her laugh.

"Ahahah~ Sorry! it's just that I didn't think that your masculine pride would manifest this quick."

"Masculine pride?"

"Yes! The Men in general, are proud and considers themselves as superior of us women. So when we engage in those activities, you tend to want control over us."




"Don't worry about that. I will teach you!"

"Thanks teacher!"

"...When I teach you about that, call me by my name."




'Your thing is already superior to most of the adult so even without knowledge or technique you are already dangerous. It's better if I teach you what you can do and what you can't before your own lust take over and that you hurt someone by mistake.'

For those who want to know:

No lemon scene! the MC is fucking 6 years old!

I will wait until he is 16.

And I don't know in how many chapters that will be.

Griffpmcreators' thoughts
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