When he reached Destiny Trammel house her family was happy and content. "Hello son in law. Destiny is still resting but you can wake her if you desire." Destiny father said. Marcus felt as if he was still conscious but Destiny wasn't in her room. He searched for her everywhere in the Trammel small house. Finally he smiled and knew where she was. He raced to Travisville Memorial Park and right there under the tree she stood with a beautiful white dress and flowers in her hair. "I have been waiting for a redo of that kiss" she said charmingly. Marcus was more than happy to redo every second of loving her for the rest of his long life. The magical contract was in effect and his grandparents no longer was around to make his life miserable. It was the greatest thing Destiny Trammel ever thought of. After that day they all graduated and attended Gerald Sardell and Valarie Meadows wedding. Everyone finally was at peace with each other and was allowed to love whom they wished. Lohan and Judy had triplets that following year. They were all close for the rest of their long peaceful lives.