
Panda Faunus?

Lunch was rather hectic. June tried to snuggle with Magna since it was the first time she's had his cooking. Raven, on the other hand, didn't show any reaction but the look in her eyes told Magna that he needed to be careful.

He could almost hear the thoughts swirling in her head, trying to find the perfect opportunity to take him back to the tribe. Only difference would be that he would become her personal chef.

The trio rested for a while after the meal since the bliss of Magna's food made them feel full and content. Even Raven became relaxed, lying on the ground as she watched the clouds roll by.

Magna and June were surprised to find that Raven had unknowingly fallen asleep. She actually seemed peacefully, her perpetually scrunched up eyebrows now laying lax as she softly snored.

The pair could see the bags and wrinkles on her face, fully realising just how tired Raven was. From how she acted, you'd never notice how fatigued Raven actually was.

Even though Magna planned to leave after a few minutes, Raven didn't wake up until an hour had quietly passed by. Obviously, he could have just woken her up but Magna hesitated.

She was his ticket to instantly travel to Qrow and he didn't want to piss her off. Pulling him from his thoughts, Magna and June watched as Raven slowly sat up and stretched.

The pair were both surprised as they saw the genuine smile on her face as she gently brushed some loose stands of hair from her face.

Once Raven realised that June and Magna were watching her, she instantly froze. She calmly pulled her scroll out from between her breasts and glanced at the time.

Magna was stunned. 'I guess she really is Yang's mother…' He thought. Yang also carried her scroll around in her bra, something about it being safer in there than in her pocket.

Anyway, Raven glanced at the pair and said in a surprise tone, "You… let me sleep in?"

June smiled at Raven as she happily replied, "Yup! You seemed really tired so…"

Raven stared at the pair for a few seconds before turning away. Magna thought she was going to ignore them when she said, "Aren't we going to my brother? Let's go already."

Watching her start to stretch again, Magna looked at her in confusion when she took a deep breath and stabbed the air with a knife hand. A small red gap opened up as Raven slowly dragged her hand downwards.

Magna could see the concentration on her face as it took nearly a minute for Raven to open a portal large enough for them to travel through.

Once she was done, Raven panted lightly and muttered, "There… it's done…"

Turning towards Magna, Raven held her hand out and said, "Now give me my weapons. I have a tribe to run and being out here is just wasting my time."

Sadly, Magna still didn't trust her as he frowned, "How can I be sure that this portal will takes us to Qrow?"

Raven rolled her eyes, "My semblance only opens a portal to people I've bonded with. Even if it's not Qrow, you'd end up at either Tai or Yang."

"Or Vernal. I'm not taking the risk of ending up back at the tribe." Magna growled.

Seeing that they were at an impasse, Raven narrowed her eyes at him as she said, "Then what do you suggest?"

"Come with us. Once I'm sure that you took us to the right place, I'll give your weapons back." Said Magna.

For an instant, Raven's face twisted into a mask of anger, her crimson eyes gleaming as she glared at Magna. However, she quickly calmed down and nonchalantly said, "This isn't what we agreed on."

Magna nodded, "I know it's not but I need to make sure you'll take us to Qrow. Now that that's out of the way, can we get going?" The tone in his voice showed that their was no room for negotiation.

Raven clicked her tongue and waved her hand, closing the portal as she methodically opened another. Magna stared at her with a deadpan expression while June stood behind him with a strained smile.

'So she DID plan on taking us back to the tribe...' June inwardly grumbled.

Instead of apologizing, Raven snorted at the pair and walked through the portal while slipping her scroll back into her shirt.

Magna softly sighed, thanking himself for his cautious thinking as he quietly followed behind her. Left on her own, June pulled her scroll out from her bag and stared at it for a couple seconds.

Finally making up her mind, June blushed as she opened the collar of her shirt and placed her scroll inside her bra.

Not even a second later, her scroll fell out from the bottom of her shirt and landed on the ground. Tears gathered in her eyes as she hastily picked up her scroll and dashed into the portal.


Once June crossed over, she froze when she saw what was happening. Raven was roaring in laughter on the ground, clutching her stomach while Magna was quietly trying to stifle his own laughter.

Infront of the laughing pair was a rather furious panda faunus. His hand seemed to be contemplating whether to draw his sword or reach for the flask near his waist.

Eventually, the man sighed as he pulled the flask off his waist and quickly drank it's entire contents.

June wiped the remnants of tears from her eyes as she said, "Why are you guys laughing at the panda faunus? Did he do something funny?"

Both Raven and Magna paused. They both slowly turned to June and stared at her for a couple seconds before bursting into laughter. Raven's laughter was much louder than before and this time, Magna couldn't even hold himself back.

June inwardly cringed while watching Raven laugh. The only side she ever got to know of Raven was the cold-hearted tribe leader. So, for her, seeing Raven laugh was very... unnerving.

It took a few minutes for both Magna and Raven to calm down. The panda faunus looked like he could use a drink but all he could do was bitterly sigh as he looked at his empty flask.

Magna managed to calm down first as he motioned towards the panda faunus and said, "June, allow me to introduce you to my mentor, Qrow BRANWEN. This… is Raven's brother!"

By the end of his speech, Magna and Raven couldn't help but burst into laughter again. Qrow currently had two very black eyes.

They could all see that Qrow still retained his vision but somehow, the area around his eyes were majorly bruised, making him look like a panda.

June wondered why his aura wasn't healing him but ignored it in favor of curiously watching Qrow. Unlike before, Qrow didn't frown as he stared at Raven with a wide smirk.

Suddenly, Qrow pulled out his scroll and typed something before sending it, his smirk growing larger by the second.

Raven froze on the ground as an arctic cold chill travelled through her entire body. She frantically turned to Qrow and hastily screamed, "What did you just do!?"

Qrow chuckled and said, "Oh, nothing much…"

The sound of trees and bushes being uprooted could be heard as 'something' quickly closed in on them.

Before anyone could react, a familiar voice roared Raven's name as a powerful fist zoomed between Magna and June and struck Raven in the face.

The fist broke the through sound barrier, sending a powerful shockwave outwards as Raven soared through the trees.

Qrow couldn't hide the grin on his face even if he tried as he smugly continued, "I just told Magna's mother that her son's kidnapper was here~."

The next chapter will be a test chapter (It will come out at a later date). It will be longer than most, reaching approximately 25 to 30 pages long. If the changes are well received, then I will change and adapt. However, I feel it's fair to inform you that longer chapters mean it will take me even longer to update.

Thank you for your time.

Your not-so-reliable author, Nexusprime117.

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