

Since the beginning of the world and the evolution of living beings there always existed an unspoken and unwritten rule, that is the law of the jungle. The basics of this law is well known by the virtue of instinct by all organisms, which is the strong preys the weak. Especially in the world of martial arts this law is vividly seen in its vicious form. Normally the martial arts world won't be a complicated one if this unspoken rule is not there. As the martial arts is all about becoming strong albeit by different ways and for different reasons, strength is the main part. Hence the martial arts world and the law of the jungle are inseparable. Ofcourse, this law can be overcame by various ways. Like having a strong backing or becoming strong oneself or with the help of wit and wisdom. One thing is to be understood whoever it might be, the law of the jungle applies to all, even if a person is strong there will be a time when one has to bow down to the timeflow.

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