
19.Did this really happen,HOW?

Small black creature rushed out and pounced at me.I moved to the side but I guess I was not fast enough as it knocked me off my feet and I fell on my behind.I was not even scared.We checked most of the island and we didn't see any bigger animals than our cats.

As I assumed the Shadow came.She is usually like that.More like a dog than cat.She started licking my face (le dog).I had to push her a little bit away because she slobbered my face.Just like Sunshine. Fortunately, Lilith is not like that.She is crazier.She would jump up my legs just to cuddle around my head like I am some kind of tree.

The Shadow seems to be extremely cuddly today.And she put some weight on...wait she got bigger?

I just realized one fact.They grew and got more weight.Last ten days all I did is eat ,swim ,sleep.

How much weight did I put on?I had to check my weight.Now.I slowly stood up and put Shadow on the floor.But something was wrong with her.She seemed not to want me to go.

She looked at me and whenever I wanted to go in direction of the window she would step in front of me.How strange.She saw that I looked at her and turned to go upstream.Then she turned to me and seemed to want me to follow.

I guessed what she wants.She want me to go back to the wall.But I can't do that as long kids are around.

''I will go there later.After they go back to work.I promise.''I said while looking at her.I know its crazy.This whole time they seemed to understand me more and more.Can I speak cat language or are they smarter than humans?I guessed second.Sigh.Anyway she understood my meaning and nodded.Then she turned around and run into the woods.

The island is the safest place I know so I didn't worry that something would happen to them.

The scale here I come.I saw light as the night approached.The kids seem to have left the light on just in case I need the bathroom.So I taught.

But actually, they were in the living room playing games in front of the television. Old ones as a matter of fact.I laughed and turned to take some snacks as well.Oh well, I said to myself.I took chocolate with me and went into the room.The scale was there...like dragon waiting to swallow me with all those three digits numbers.

AS I stepped on it I prayed for a second to the gods and hoped not have gotten any fatter.As the scale made a sound that it finished I looked down I got shocked.I screamed and could hear those two rushing to the room.

They opened the door and looked at me while I stood there with a shocked expression.

''Mom what happen?''Chi Chi asked as soon the door opened.But when she saw me standing on the scale she started laughing.So did Adam.''Mom we didn't want to tell you.As we saw the changes we didn't say a word.We actually have the same changes.''

I looked down to the scale and then at both of them and then again scale.In almost ten days I seem to have lost over 30 kg.Not only that.I didn't feel any discomfort or any side effects.Nothing.

I went to the mirror for the first time in a while.And saw me looking like me in my 30is. What the hell my skin as well is just fine.My boobs don't hang and my big fat stomach disappeared.

How did I not notice this?I guess I didn't care.But now how ...how did I do this?

I remembered that every night I would have that nasty stuff come out of my pores.It hit me.This place seriously helped me so much.Even if I don't lose anything anymore I could live with my 80+kg.

I started crying.I guess this is a better present than anything anyone could give me.From that moment on I made a decision.I definitely need to save this place.Even if I can never come back again.

I told them I will go back to the lake alone.The two of them nodded as they knew I would do so.

''It is good you told us.We will go back home now.If there is any change I hope you will call us and let us know.''She said.''We were worried that you would go without telling us.''

I looked at them.''Stupid.Both of you.I don't have to go now.Accept that you guys gonna come with me.Adam I will let you out now so you can bring backpacks back to your friend.Bring your own backpacks.You will follow me to the lake and take as many fruits and veggies as you can carry.Why eating messy food if you can have this one.''

They looked at each other astonished it didn't cross their mind to do that.

''Mom I will go with him.We will take water with us as well.''She looked at 5 l water carriers we had in the room.

''Go do that and call me when you are done so I can get you back in.'Let em, see if there are many people outside.''Indeed there was a bunch of people going around. Probably came back from club or party.I let them pass as each carried its own backpack and in each hand water carriers.They left swiftly.I noticed that they seemed to have more power and their speed seemed to be faster than a normal human.I need to wait to lose more weight.I didn't realize at that time that no matter how much I weighted I could keep my steps with theirs.

I turned around and looked at the rest of the water.I left some for drinking and rest a poured out at the garden to water tomatoes.I wondered if the water is wondrous or combination of water,air and the food.

I sat down and played the game as I waited for them to come back.

They didn't let me wait for long.One hour later they were already at the window.I pulled them in and let them go to their rooms,Even tho I knew as soon as I leave they will come together.Oh well,so be it.I might get some grandchildren as well.Maybe this new world will give them some security ifor the future.The world is a crazy place so I didn't plan them to have any children but if we could save this place and stay there..wouldn't that be the perfect place to safely raise children?

I let to the beach and went to sleep. Tomorrow I am going back to Big Island in my dreams...

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