
Soren's Past!

I take Zwyah's body and I rush home. But then I realized.....I don't have a home....None of us do....And there wasn't really a town that we could go to, Not in our current condition. Then all of a sudden a cloud of mist appeared out of nowhere. The pressure I felt was unlike no other.

"GEHHHAHAHAHAAAA!" A child laughed as the mist cleared

"It is I, Kid! I shall help you poor civilians!" He said

"You'll bring Zwyah back!?" Soren asked

"Nope! I will give you guys a home though!" Kid answered

All of a sudden a house appeared out of nowhere. We cautiously stepped inside and it actually seemed like a normal house. But then the ground started shaking and we and it felt like we were being lifted up. I looked around and saw a note saying, "Look outside this window ->" I looked outside and I saw kid on the ground and I realised the house was levitating.

(30 minutes later)

The house had landed in a rain forest filled with strange creatures. I was searching through the drawers and cabinets to see if there was any medical supplies to use. But then my wounds magically disappeared. Then all of a sudden a book fell through the roof titled, "The Universe....I Guess" I thought I might as well read it. The table of contents showed there were only 15 chapters "The World", "The Planes" "The "Creatures" "The Zones" "The Crowmen" "The Forgotten" "The Hero's" "The Two Lord's" "The 7 Deadly Sins" "The Grandmaster" "The Robots" "The Limboians" "The Voodoo People" "The Ascended" "The Sacred" Those where all the chapters yet there was one more but the name was torn and it said page 658 but the book ends at 657.

I looked at it every which way and it seemed to say, "The Pantheons" It must be too important to share. I was about to read it but then I heard shattering glass from another room. I rush to were the sound came from and I saw Soren panting and picture of a Man, His wife, and two daughters, shattered. Soren saw me and she drawed her spear out.

"GET OUT!" She screamed

I put my hands up and I slowly approached her.

"DID YOU NOT HERE ME? GET OUT!" She screamed, slowly backing up.

I told I just wanted to know what was going on. She dropped her spear and sat down on the bed beside her.

"That's a picture of my parents and my....Sister....." Soren said

I sat next to her and asked her why she broke it then.

"Years back when I was the only child my parents had already hated me, I was reckless, disrespectful, and helped out all the helpless slaves my parents captured for my entertainment" Soren replied

"I was always harshly punished, yet was never allowed to fight on the front lines. My parents never thought I was ready" Soren said

"My dad was a greedy scumbag who never even took the time to properly look after his own family" Soren sobbed

I couldn't even properly sleep at night because two of my guards molested me every time I tried. It went on for about 3 years before my.....Sister was born.She was born with a rare case that gave her an immense amount of intellect" Soren said

"Unlike me, My parents adored her, They loved her! She got all the attention! She was blessed with smarts and powerful magical capabilities. Nobody cared about me anymore. The only "Friends" I had were slaves, Tranque, Ok!?" Soren sobbed

"They were all I had before that little b**** I was forced to call a sister killed them before eyes. T-They d-d-didn't want me to be h-happy. They want me t-t-to die!" Soren cried

"She soon figured out what I was afraid of. I had an intense fear of mimes and silhouettes. One day when I tried to go to sleep I heard a creak coming from my door. I quickly rushed into bed and got under the covers" Soren said, trying to stop snot from running down her nose

"I heard footsteps in my room and I felt a hand run across my chest. It wasn't a normal hand. I could tell it was missing flesh, skin, bones. When it got to my head it yanked my cover out from my face and a I screamed when I saw its face. It--Its face was all distorted and messed up!" She said as tears ran down her eyes like waterfalls

"It grabbed my hair and pulled me out My room. It brought me to the dining table where I saw silhouettes of me being killed, in so many different ways. I saw the people that cared for me killed. I tried to tell myself that it wasn't real but it.....It was so...." Soren stopped

I gave her a pat on the back and told her it was okay if she didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"When I saw her come in the room she was, Different. She was supposed to be around 6 at the time but sr he looked like she was 22. She had used time magic to age herself. She walked up to me and grabbed me by the throat and pointed her staff at me" Soren said with a slightly less quaky voice

"All of a sudden my clothes dissolved and I was naked. She grinned as I felt my stomach burning. She was burning some type of pattern onto my stomach. It was the same design as the head of her staff. It looked like an Aztec style Sun. I screamed and cried in pain as she laughed at my suffering" Soren said clearing her voice

"She dissapeared as my father rushed in. He saw me naked and moaning....Not really the best thing to see with out context...hehe..." Soren chuckled, She was trying to hide her pain, That much is clear to me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He yelled at me at the top of his lungs. "YOU ARE TO BE HUNG BY YOUR WRIST JUST LIKE THAT SO EVERYONE CAN SEE JUST HOW MUCH OF A DISAPPOINTMENT YOU ARE-" He got stopped by a bronze chain that pierced his skull" Soren said, No longer having sadness in her voice

"I was confused. I backed up to see who killed him. It was a man with bronze shackles all over him. They were ones next to his elbows, on his wrist, his ankles, his thighs, and one on his mouth. They all had chains hanging down and the one on his left wrist had the severed head of my mother on the other end" Soren said

"What do we have here?" The man said, squinting his eyes "How about you come with me-" A teenager rushed up and punched him right in the stomach. He seemed to be about 17 and I was 14. Behind him was a blond haired man wearing a dark red cloak and beige shirt. His pants were dark red and his eyes were beige. When he pulled out one of his two guns his eyes turned into a bright red as he aimed his gun at the man with the shackles" Soren said, Looking away from me.

"Another bounty here I come!" He shouted as he shot his gun rapidly. The bullets seemed to be small fireballs that stuck to his opponent and exploded. I'm unsure if this is by mental command. The teenager looked at me and shut his eyes. He lifted up and fist and threw a punching motion at me and all of a sudden I was in a biker outfit. He then carried me away from the situation" Soren said, wiping her remaining tears.

"He looked at me with his dark green eyes and said, "My name is Mànä. Nekæda and my friend over there is Karku Oalksviayah. We're bounty hunters and this man has been after your family for years. I'm sorry we let him succeed" I didn't want to say anything, even though he seemed to be a calm person. Its hard to describe his clothing. They way it was made makes it hard to tell if he's a cyborg or not" Soren said

"My sister came back out and saw Mànä talking to me yet she said nothing. A few minutes later we all gathered into the dining room and since it only had space for one more, We had to decide who goes to the orphanage. "Hey wait a minute, This child...The one with the blue hair...I sensed your presence when I spoke with your sister but it was much higher. If it isn't your presence then who does it belong to? Was I sensing the presence of another? No, They prescene had the same feeling yet it was much more intense.....S-Sorry I don't know why I expected you to answer, you're only six" Mànä said, scratching his head"

"My sister turned back into her normal age and then I saw the body of her 22 year old self lying cold on the floor

with fake cuts and holes to make it seem like a dead relative. At that point I gave up and like I expected they took my sister. I was left with nothing once again. That scar my sister left on me screams her name to this day, Yunako"

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