
Survival Challenge, Start!

As the students walked to their respective islands, they suddenly came to a stop after hearing an interesting offer from one of their companions.

"Hey everyone, how about we make this a bit more interesting and make a friendly bet?" The student offering this deal was the most sneaky and untrusty of everyone in the bunch.

"Huh? And why will we do that? You obviously have something behind your sleeve like you always have Kokichi" Kaito responded trying to pay no mind to whatever the little villain was spouting.

"Oh come on! We are talking about a friendly competition, where the losers have to obey the winners and be their life long slaves, what's so wrong about that?" Said Kokichi as if he was talking about any normal punishment for a bet.

"Slave...?" Miu whispered to herself, as she got aroused with the idea.

"Who the hell will take those risks?" Shuichi tried to talk sense into the mocking Kokichi.

"Fine! Fine! I just wanted this activity to be a bit more interesting, after all, I'm gonna be stuck with Mr. Astronaut for a whole week! You gotta have compassion for me guys!" Kokichi begged to be understood while holding a fake expression.

That's all he could do, lie, and expect others to eat his lies.

"It's not like I'm dying to spend these next days with you, you little snake" Kaito reciprocated the same feelings towards Kokichi.

"You know to hit where it hurts Kaito" Kokichi grasped his chest as in pain.

"I think we should hurry before the activity begins" Kaede suggested to everyone present.

It was around 11:30 am, the students had breakfast, but their stomachs will crave for lunch in a few minutes now.

"What time is the activity supposed to begin?" Korekiyo asked his fellow students.

"I believe Rantaro-san said at midday" Kaede responded.

"But wouldn't that leave us without lunch!?" Tenko immediately worried about her daily dose of protein.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Shuichi said out loud.

After a few minutes of talking and discussing, every group was on there corresponding bridges, which will take them to the islands they will be inhabiting for the next days or so.

"Ahem ahem," A voice was resonating in the entire central island, which could be heard from every bridge. "I hope everyone can hear me, we are just moments away from your survival activity to begin!" It was definitely Tsumugi's voice coming out of some speakers around the island. "For day one we are going to give you the chance to start familiarizing with your environment, try choosing a base, and if you are worried about lunch, do not worry we will provide lunch and dinner for the first day" As Tsumugi finished speaking, some people were taken aback by the last portion of that announcement.

"Just the first day!? What about the other 6 days!! We are gonna die if we don't eat!" Tenko screamed in terror from where she was standing, while looking around and catching glances of her male companions. "If I get hungry, I'll have to sacrifice one of you, degenerate males! You can fulfill your duty and satiate my stomach!" Tenko aggressively stated.

"For the next days, you will need to find your own food, since you are surrounded by water I highly recommend to look for fishes you can consume, or you can scavenge around the island and see what you can find from it, remember that all islands have their own challenges, so you need to adapt to what you can work with" This time was Rantaro instructing everyone. "We didn't want to send you to survive empty-handed, so there is a folded fishing rod inside the bags we gave you, obviously some of them are more efficient than others, groups on islands 3 and 4 have the best equipment, while people in island two have good equipment but not up to par with the others, you will need to work a bit harder" It was obvious that the layout for the group on island 2 was going to be more laidback, but scavenging for resources was going to be more demanding.

"Now everyone you can now proceed to your islands and start looking for your lunch and initial supplies, these are going to be located just a few steps away from the bridge as you arrive. Good luck! And remember if anything goes wrong please let us know! We are here to help" Rantaro tried to make the students feel at ease, by telling them they are not alone. They will always have a pair of eyes over the entire island.

"We are definitely going to have a hard week" Shuichi though while letting out a sigh.

However, three different students had their minds busy with other ordeals, they didn't worry so much about what was happening on the outside but even more in the inside.

On the same island, two people were not on the same page as everyone else. Actually, one of them was never on the same page as others.

Miu was asking herself what could she do to have some just talk to her. "I know I'm kind of aggressive, maybe my comments are a bit out of place, but is nothing out of ordinary right?" Miu envisioned herself as a perfect woman, with a perfect body, attitude, and unbelievably enough with perfect words. "If I want to get closer to someone, I need to maybe change a little bit?" Even though the ultimate inventor was knowledgeable about every piece of gear and mechanism in the market, she couldn't figure out her own flaws, "Maybe... I'm too fucking perfect for them!" And her thoughts were loose once again. "Yeah, yeah, I'll have to turn down my perfectness just a notch, so these guys can catch my wavelength" Partially correct and partially incorrect, Miu though.

Just a few steps away from Miu there stood a diligent maid. Watching over his current master, her eyes on him, but her mind was totally lost in her own clouded thoughts. "I live to serve, I don't have selfish thoughts, I can't have them" Kirumi only live to serve and help others, but she never stopped and think about herself. "I don't matter as long as my master is fulfilled and happy, but is that everything there is to me?" Kirumi started to doubt her own set rules, her own policy, her own selfless devotion, "Why am I suddenly growing an ego, I shouldn't.... or maybe it was that I couldn't until now" Kirumi's sight was adrift, she couldn't connect her thoughts and her actions at that moment. "Is my own life meaningless without my master? Will I cease to exist whenever I'm not needed? Do I just live to serve others? Or am I in need to serve myself...?" Kirumi's thoughts were taking the most out of her.

Could she find a true meaning to her own existence?

Meanwhile, in a completely different bridge, a magician is mustering her courage to make the best out of this situation. "Okay, Himiko! The girlfriend factor is out of the trick, you have everything to get closer to Shuichi. If you don't maybe even Kiyo-kun will reprimand you, for letting this opportunity go to waste" Himiko was hyping herself up, in her own mind. She needed to do this, she wanted to do this, there was going to be no more opportunities like this.

"Come on Himiko, seven days and counting," Himiko said to herself as the group walked over the bridge to their island.

Hey everyone! Sado here! I hope you are having a great start for this week, either with school, work, or just hanging around. Finally another chapter in, I hope everyone is enjoying the story! Thanks to everyone who comes in weekly to read a new chapter or just out of curiosity! I want to ask all of you if you have any critics at all please let me know, good or bad everything helps! Please leave a review and let's make so this novel reaches many more readers! Have a great week and I'll see you all next week! Or maybe this one, who knows. Puhuhu

Sado13creators' thoughts
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