
A Letter to My 16-Year-Old Self

One of my friends asked me If I had a chance to go back to 2002 and write a letter to the 16-year-old me, what would I put in it?

I thought about it for hours and suddenly I burst into tears (don't ask me why. If you are Kid Haidér, you are allowed to be emotional at any time!)

Other than the must read, listen and watch lists. Here are the things that i would write to the 16 year old Kid Haidér.

- When it comes to expressing yourself. You should take care of what you say. you are not very good at it but you sound good when you write it.

- Start reading and watching Malay, English and Middle East classics. You can learn a lot from it!

- You cannot always listen to your parents.

- Do not explain yourself. You will get tired. They just get you or they don't

- Look for the opportunity to New York. Start now! Tell your parent about it. Tell them now!

- Don't be too nice on the first meeting (with anyone)

- Make friends with everyone. Be friendly, be closed with right people. You can have clique but don't rely heavily on them.

- You can read comic. Do not listen to your mum. There is nothing wrong with comic.

- Do take care of other people's ego

- Few things are better left unsaid.

- Don't lend your clothes to your friend.

- Be demanding. Don't be afraid to say what you want.

- Kid, you will get over Cat and beware two years from now, someone named Fox will make you go crazy. Fox is just an illusion. Do take care of it..

I am not done yet. I'll write to you next year. Happy birthday! Be able to laugh at yourself.


The Whore of Babylon

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