
I Tried, But I Can't

Rune was busy fiddling with something on a garden bench when he saw his brother enter their mansion's courtyard. He raised his face and smiled broadly.

"So, what happened? I heard from Jan about the rain last night. Did your plan work?" he asked in a cheerful voice.

London just frowned and shook his head. "Not even close. Somehow it's very hard, to tell the truth to L. Even though I've tried."

"What happened?" Rune asked attentively. London, who was close to his youngest brother, was always open to Rune. Without hesitation, he told him about the problem. He was not sure that Rune would be able to help, but there was no harm in telling his younger brother to lighten his burden a little.

Rune only shook his head in response to London's story. He understood his brother had missed the right moment to open up about his true identity to L.

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