
Dead Drunk

Inside the dimly lit room, Wan Lin stood still as she held Quince tight. Her face was hidden against his chest so Quince couldn't see her expression.

"Miss Wan Lin?" Quince called out hesitantly. He wasn't sure what was going on. Normally, he would be concerned if he saw someone behaving this way, but since that someone was his fiancée, the person that pranked him not so long ago, he had his guard up.

'Is this a ploy on her part? Is she playing drunk?' Quince wondered but not for long as the little lady suddenly raised her face up and stared at him.

"Damn it Quince!" Anger burned in her eyes as she stared up at him.

"Miss Wan..Lin?" Quince asked, perplexed as he stared back at her.

"Why didn't you punch that bastard?!" She asked with an unhappy pout on her face, looking greatly wronged.

Quince was stunned when he saw those accusing eyes behind her glasses. Her face was completely red and it didn't seem like she was pretending. She was definitely drunk! Drunk and angry!

But Quince wouldn't believe her that easily. He learned his lesson after all. Yet, her actions looked too genuine so he decided to test her.

"Which bastard are you referring to Miss Wan Lin?" He asked.

"That Mr.Anton...Antoni...that bastard Ant man!" Queen finally yelled when she couldn't seem to pronounce that bastard's name.

"Ant man?" Quince choked as soon as he heard her referring to his new business partner as Ant man.

"He is definit....definitely an ant man! I mean what sort of bastard would stare so much! He definitely has the vision of an ant! He can't see well so he had to keep staring!" Queen explained the name to him immediately, looking frustrated as ever.

"If that's the reason why he kept staring, then shouldn't you forgive him?" Quince asked carefully,waiting patiently for her to answer.

"No!!!! I'm the freaking prime minister of the Rhitol kingdom! Staring at me is like insulting the king! Though that man is a bastard too!" Queen shook her head and raised her fist up before yelling out loud.

'Alright, dead drunk.' Quince concluded now that he heard the nonsense she was spouting. He immediately felt a headache coming on as he looked at her. A normal Queen was already hard to deal with, a drunk one would definitely not be easy.

"Alright, alright, I will definitely get back at him for you. What do you suggest I do?" Quince asked in a gentle tone, trying his best to placate her.

"Ha! I don't need you to fight my battle! I will protect us from that crazy Panty man!" Queen said as determination flashed in her eyes.

Quince choked once more now that the name changed into something much worse, though Quince definitely thought that the bastard deserved it.

"And how do you propose we deal with him?" He asked, looking completely serious. He wanted to deal with Mr.Antonio and he knew Queen would definitely have a crazy idea to prank him.

"We do it! We stare right back at him!" Queen started laughing happily after she announced her revenge plan.

Quince was stunned at her unexpected words and couldn't stop himself as he broke into a smile, his dimples clearly visible. He amusedly chuckled at her exclamation before agreeing,"Alright. Let's do that."

"Yes!" Saying that, she immediately pushed Quince away before turning around.

Quince was startled when she pushed him, confusion coloring his eyes as he saw her stomping over to the bathroom door.

"Bastard panty man!" Queen declared as she swung the bathroom door opened."Come out here! Right now!"

She yelled and marched inside the bathroom, looking like a soldier ready for battle. Quince worriedly followed after her only to see that she had turned the shower on.

She stood on the side and stared at the water running, seemingly lost in a daze.

"Miss Wan Lin! What are you doing?" Quince knitted his brows together as he walked over to stand beside her.

"Wan Lin who?" She asked as she gazed at him.

'Great, she can't remember that she's supposed to be in disguise now.' He thought before letting out a helpless sigh.

"Miss Vancroft..." Quince said but before he could utter another word, Queen immediately gripped his face hard with both her hands.

"You look familiar...." She said as she looked at him. 'Why does this fellow look so familiar?' Queen squinted her eyes and tilted her head trying to get a closer look at the person in front of her.

"Not surprising, considering the fact that I'm your Boss now." Quince said sarcastically,with a layer of frost in his eyes, hoping to jolt some senses back into her. It wasn't as effective as he wish since his face was being squished by her, ruthlessly ruining the mood he was trying to portray.

"Boss?" Queen looked lost as she slurred the word out. "But I'm the boss!"

"You just signed the contract this morning. You are now employed by the De Roi Group. Remember?" Quince asked as he pulled her hands off his face and held it at her waist level.

"I'm employed?" Queen looked even more confused by the news.

"Yes." Quince nodded, "Now Miss Vancroft, I suggest we get out of this bathroom so we could get you home. My driver..." Quince trailed off as soon as Queen tore herself away from him.

"Hot" She murmured and walked straight under the shower. However, the next moment she immediately jumped and started whimpering loudly.

"Cold!!!!" Queen shivered and shook her face, hoping to shake the cold away, causing her spectacles to fall off her face.

"Miss Vancroft!" Quince immediately tried to pull her away from the shower. But Queen suddenly yelped, startling Quince.

"My eyes! My eyes!" Queen yelled and rubbed both her eyes. Without the spectacles offering her protection, the water went inside her eyes. She immediately felt uncomfortable and tried to rubbed them.

"Don't! The contacts..." Quince tried to stop her but both the contact lenses already came out of her eyes.

"Wahhh! it hurts Quince." She wailed as her eyes reddened due to her previous action.

Quince turned off the shower and gently pulled her out from beneath it. He swiped the lenses off her cheeks before sighing helplessly.

"It's alright. It's just red because you rubbed them too hard." Quince said as he gazed into her eyes.

"It's cold." Queen jutted her lips out and complained pitifully. "My head feels heavy."

"I'm assuming you have a wig on your head, so it's not surprising that you feel that way." He sighed once more. "Wait here, I'll go get you a towel."

He then spun around to go get her a towel. He only walked three steps away but the sudden 'kwash' sound that came from behind him froze him in his tracks. It sounded suspiciously like...

"Miss Vancroft. What did you just do?" He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands as he asked her.

"Ohhhh that...." 'kwash' "I'm cold and you said it's because of something on my head." She replied.

"Yes, the wig on your head." Quince replied stiffly.

"Aha, but I couldn't take the wig out and I realized the problem is actually because of something else!" Queen sounded excited as another 'kwash' followed.

"What.would.that.be?" Quince asked, enunciating each word and desperately praying that the answer wouldn't be what he thought it was.

"My clothes of course!" Queen replied with another 'kwash' and Quince's hopes immediately shattered.

Hello everyone~~ Let me take this chance to say hi as our main leads are too busy taking care of business to do that~ I’m trying to practice my cliff hanger skills lately~ is it working? ❤️ Anyway please like,share,comment and vote for this novel~ thank you!

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