

Author's note: I don't want to rewrite Haven journey like in the show. It is quite boring and nothing of importance will occur so I will make a time skip here


A month had passed since the fall, Vale recovered significantly since the event but the main roads were still closed and the kingdoms seem to be wary of each other. Ruby and her friends headed toward Haven Academy like in the original show, the only difference was Jaune was replaced with Pyrrha who made their trip much easier than the original as she provided great help during their fights especially against Tyrian. The fight against Tyrian went a lot better than the original, they managed to beat Tyrian and cut his tail without Qrow getting poisoned. As of now, they already made it to Haven where they met Oscar, the latest reincarnation of Ozpin. The battle of Haven Academy was near.

Ruby's journey was not the only thing to change, another major change from the show was The White Fang. After killing Seina Khan, Adam took control of The White Fang and changed the name to The Bloody Fang. After what happened in Vale, Adam and his soldiers turned mad. They declared war against humanity. They didn't desire equality anymore their major goal was the complete extinction to humanity and whoever support them including Faunus. If a faunus is not helping against humans then he is an enemy to all faunuses and must be eradicated alongside the humans.

On the other hand, Salem was calmer in comparison of Adam but her subordinates could feel the cold rage under her calm demeanor. For the majority of her existence, Salem hated Ozpin more than anything, even more than the gods who cursed her. But after her little encounter with Mesa. She hated him more than anything including Ozpin. If she was given the choice to kill one of them, she will choose Mesa without doubt. After all, thanks to him she kept wailing and screaming out of pain for days which nearly made her nearly go crazy.

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Few days earlier before the battle of haven, Mesa was still in the Schnee manor. He was inside Jacques's office standing near the window staring at Weiss escaping from the manor.

" Your daughter finally decided to flee, she sure took her time " Mesa commented with amusement.

" WHAT !!! " Jacques stood and moved toward the window to take a look

" That insolent girl, how dare she run like this!!! I will make her regret this forever" Jacques said in anger.

" Just shut up, If I had a father like you, I would have killed him ages ago. You are lucky she is still didn't try to assassinate you. Her escape was suppose to happen eventual so nothing wrong about it, let her go, it is her destiny. If you want to stop her, I will make sure you won't live to see tomorrow's sun. Beside didn't I tell you to train that useless son of yours how to manage your work. He finally became of use " Mesa commented from the side.

Jacques looked angrily at Mesa and said " how does it seem like you know everything?? Just why are you really planning to do ?? Why are you doing all of this??"

Mesa chuckled evilly as he replied " How I know…. That's for me to know and for you to waste your life trying to figure it out hehehehe. Beside, everything almost ready, we don't spoilers now, do we?. But I can say there are two main reasons; the least important one is that I saw and heard things which disgusted me, while the most important reason is I'm bored and this is the most entertaining thing to do. Now just be patient and wait. Anyway I have a book to deliver, bye Jacques !!! "

Mesa disappeared after saying his last words. Jacques looked at the empty space with troubled eyes, he wasn't sure what he should do, everything he knew and understood about the young man didn't make any sense. For years, he tried to understand his motives and plans but he still couldn't even get relatively close to find out what is going on. He thought about getting rid of him but he was terrified of what this lunatic can do to him. In the end, he put the whole conversation in the back of his and went back to his work. Years of interacting with Mesa made his mind numb to this whole confusing madness.

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Mesa appeared in a small restaurant in one of the villages near Haven. He walked directly toward a short old lady with mechanical eyes.

Mesa stood before the old lady and greeted her " Hello, Can I have some of your time? "

Mesa's eyes were spinning as a gleam of amusement appeared in them.

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A day before Haven's battle, The Bloody Fang members in Menagerie were gathered to plot the attack on Gihara's house. The leaders of this meeting were the two foxes brothers.

" We should attack them tonight, we will get rid of Gihara and the rest while bringing Blake to the higher leader " The long eared brother said

" Illia, I want you ... " the tailed brother was about to give his orders to Illia when he was interrupted by clapping sound.

When he and the rest looked toward the door where the sound came from, they saw a handsome young man with crimson red eyes staring at them.

" Good, now that I have your attention, please listen carefully " The youth said with an evil smile. The brothers and the rest of the faunses felt fear erupting from there hearts. They didn't know why, but their instincts screamed for them to run, but their bodies refused to remove or interrupt the talking youth.

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Sometime later, in a huge house in the middle of Menagerie , Blake was with Sun, who tagged shamelessly, visiting Blake's parents. Blake was telling her father about The White Fang and how they attacked Beacon, also how they were cruelly wiped out.

Blake's father had a grim and serious look on his face as he commented on what he heard " What they have done is truly over board and they deserved to be punished, but even then to be killed in such a manner and to force Adam to skin his own face…. Such cruelty truly makes me shiver"

Blake's mother seemed terrified as she added " No wonder Adam changed The White Fang name and purpose. Even monsters and worst criminals doesn't deserve such a treatment "

" Regardless of what or why, you can't give you add to The White Fang. They humans extinction and not equality " Sun said

Gihara, Blake's father, was about to say something when he heard screams from outside his house. He and the rest walked out to see what was going on, they were welcomed with a sight they have never thought they would see.

Tens of houses are burning all across Menagerie, people were screaming all over the place. Gihara rushed as fast as he could toward his people, the rest followed his suit.

When Gihara reached the nearest man, he grabbed him and asked in hurried and shocked voice " How the hell the flames started? What is going on here? "

" We don't know sir. It just happened, all of a sudden the flame where all over the place." The man answered in a similar tone.

Gihara wanted to know how did it come to this, but he knew he had higher priorities at the moment.

Gihara screamed " Help people to evacuate first !!!! When everyone is out safely start putting the fire down. Start moving now !!! "

Those who were watching earlier in a terrified manner, now, had the resolve to start moving as they saw their leader moving out first.

While moving around and helping who needed to help, many including Blake, Sun and Blake's parents noticed a small group of nearly 20 people gathering in the middle of the burning houses not doing anything.

" What are you doing? Come help us or get out of here. It is very dangerous " Gihara screamed toward this group.

They were The Bloody Fang members, the two foxes brothers moved forward as one of them started speaking " People of Menagerie, my faunus's brothers and sisters. Many of our comrades in The White Fang died bravely in Beacon, in order to get us equality. Their sacrifices musn't be in vain. We, the newly formed Bloody Fang swore to take revenge for our fallen comrades, for our noble reason. "

One he finished talking the second started speaking "We will fight humans to death. We want to invite you to our cause, to join us. It will be either us or humans. Brothers and sisters, we knew you have your homes and houses and you believe this is a great life you are having here… But !!! we are imprisoned here, we are not free !!! And therefore we decided to shatter this prison. Burning this prison is the first step toward true freedom !!!! "

Gihara and the rest stared shell shocked at the two brothers, they just heard the most ridiculous thing. Did they seriously burned the place for this reason ???

" What the hell is wrong with you??? Did you go crazy ??!! " Gihara screamed in rage

The two brothers didn't seem affected by Gihara's rage. One of them spoke " Join us !!! we are the superior race that will dominate remnant !!!!"

The people of Menagerie started shouting and screaming in rage. Losing their home already made them angry and sad, but hearing their words, they became completely mad, the people wanted nothing more than making these bastards pay for everything.

The two faunuses sighed then one of them spoke " No one going to join? Think carefully, your life and freedom depend on this !!! "

His words did nothing but made people madder. The people gethered and moved angrily toward The Bloody Fang. The two brothers raised their hands as the soldiers behind them aim a new fancy rifles toward the mobs.

The people stopped moving forward but they continued to curse. The brothers shook their heads as they spoke again in unified voice " From today onward, only the strong willed faunus will continue to achieve our dreams. While the weak hearted ones shall be removed. By the end of today, we the faunus will be stronger than ever. REMOVE THE CANCER WEAKNESS FROM OUR RACE, FIRE !!! "

The soldiers fired at everyone without care and since many of the present were not hunters or had their auras unlocked. They died or got heavily injured. In mere seconds, the situation devolved into a bloody scene of destruction and death, the flames raged in the houses as the civilians were killed.

Gihara, Blake and the rest of the fighter which had aura used their auras to survive the rain of bullets. When firing was finally over, only the ones with aura left standing while the rest died. The survivors looked around themselves seeing tens of corpses and even more people being wounded.

Gihara shouted with bloodshot eyes " DId you go crazy ??? You monsters !!"

Gihara at this moment couldn't tell who is dead and who injured. His mind couldn't handle this bloody scene.

The two smiled as they replied " In contrary, we have never been more rational. Today we are removing the weakness of our race, only the elites and truly strong will remain. In addition, tomorrow our high leader Adam will strike down Haven and declare the start of a new era!!! An era where we faunus will rule a world with no humans !!!"

The rest of The Bloody Fang cheered madly hearing his words.

Blake shouted in rage " You have gone mad !!! You killed your own, you became worse than the monsters you fought against "

The two brothers didn't respond but it was Illia who took a few steps forward, she spoke with a cold face " A traitor like you have no right to speak!!! You should be executed but the high leader wanted you alive. So I will be delivering you as you will make a good stress relief for him. Actually, he might use a bitch like you as a reward for our comrades when they have great achievements. You should be thankful for his generosity "

Blake stared at her old friend with eyes filled with surprise, sorrow and anger. At the moment, Blake was angrier than ever. The rest of the faunus on her side had similar feelings.

Gihara took steps forward, he growled at them " We will stop you, we will not allow this madness to continue "

The two sides took battle stances, The Bloody Fang was heavily outnumbered. But they didn't seem worried. In their eyes, a mad battle intent was shining showing how to determined, they wanted to slaughter everyone who stood in their way. It barely took anything, for the place to turn into a bloody battlefield.

Gihara and Sun charged at the brothers while Blake attack Illia. The Rest of the both sides engaged in a brutal fight.

Blake shot a few bullets at Illiea who dodged them easily and countered with her whip. The whip spinned around Blake blade. The two stood staring at each other. Blake spoke " How could you do this? I thought we were friends ??!"

Illya snorted " Friends? I was never your friend. Truthfully, I always imagined how I will fuck you and break you. Oh How many nights I dreamed of breaking you. Now, I finally can do it, and I will be even praised for taming you whore HAHAHAHA "

Blake eyes were filled with anger, her friend turned out to be nothing but a horrible monster. Blake didn't talk again, she attacked Illya with everything she had, Illya fought back with a maniacal smile.

On the other side, Gihara was having trouble dealing with two brothers, The bloody faunus soldiers were preventing sun and the rest to reach Gihara, and even though it was troublesome to deal with them, Gihara still managed to keep the upper hand most of the time.

" This is not what The White Fang created for, this is madness " Gihara shouted as he punched one of the brothers

The one who got punched replied " It's The Bloody Fang, beside didn't I tell you I will turn it into this when I made you step down from being the leader, you didn't forget that, did you? "

Gihara looked confused then he noticed the eyes of the two brothers having red like energy flashing through them. Gihara widened his eyes as he muttered " It's you !!!"

The two brothers smiled evilly then said in a united voice " Brothers!!! We might not able to kill these filthy traitors. But our great and wise leader will, he will remove these traitors and destroy the humans. For The Fang take them with"

The two brothers charged madly at Gihara, the two of them brought out a small detonator and pressed it. Gihara didn't even realise what happened before the two exploded killing all three at once.

In the surrounding, The Bloody Fang soldiers did the same, the explosions rang out killing all The Bloody Fang and few others who didn't manage to escape or had low aura reserves left. Blake didn't suffer more than a few scratches as Illya for some reason was the only one who didn't charge madly. She simply detonated herself while keeping distance.

Blake stood stunned in her place, she looked around as she observed the corpses all over the place. Her heart nearly stopped when she realised her father was also among these corpses. She walked slowly toward him, looking at his burned and bloodied body, Blake started tearing as she got closer.

Blake kneeled near her father corpse, she cried loudly, she prayed to whatever god out there that this is nothing but a nightmare, but to no avail. Sun used all the strength he had left and walked toward her, his body was bloodied and burned, he looked at her then at the surrounding, people were screaming and crying. Hundreds between dead or injured as more and more people of Menagerie were arriving to the bloody scene.

Sun couldn't help but curse " What the fuck is wrong with them?? How could they do something like this ?! They have turned monsters and they said they will do it again in Haven !!! "

Blake who was crying stopped when she heard Sun, she stood up with her eyes red and filled with tears.

She shouted for everyone to hear " People of Menagerie!!! The White Fang have done this, they have gone mad, They killed our families and destroyed our homes. They killed my father because he wanted peace... they want the destruction and death to spread. First, they attacked Beacon causing thousands to die,Today , They attacked us!! Tomorrow, they will attack Haven. If this goes on, they will destroy the peace we sought for years, we are not animals, we are not monsters. But if they continued, the world will think of us as nothing but monsters. All our efforts will be in vain, the death of our loved ones would be for nothing. We must stop them for our dead and injured friends and families. We must stand united to stop them !!!! "

The people could see Blake face, her eyes were red and tears covering her face. They heard her voice choked filled with rage and misery. They empathized with her, they all had the same feeling, The White Fang must be stopped.

As Blake and the rest were shouting and steeling their hearts for starting a war. They didn't realise the whole incident, their words and their actions have been recorded by someone.

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The next day, Raven, Yang's mother, was standing with her right hand vernal next to her and the rest of her tribe behind her. In front of her, Cinder, Hazel, Mercury and Emerald.

" Are you ready? " Cinder asked with a very hoarse voice, Salem and Watts couldn't recover her voice to the original state as it was damaged severely.

" We are. After we are done from our venture, you will not cross paths with us again " Raven said

" Of course " Cinder said with a smile. However, because of the metal covering her face. It seemed like a demon smiling at them which made many uncomfortable. Cinder saw the reaction of the men and felt her anger soars. Previously, men would be seduced whenever she smiled but now… they are horrified. At this moment, her greatest desire is to gain power not to be feared but to kill the one who tortured her and his whole family.

" Let's move " Hazel said as he noticed Cinder anger rising.

Raven nodded her head then cut the space and opened a portal to Haven academy. She stepped in followed by Vernal and Cinder's team.

Once they disappeared, the tribe members started going back to their work when they noticed someone else coming toward them. It an extremely handsome young man with hypnotizingly beautiful red eyes.

" Hello everyone, I'm sorry that I came here uninvited. I would like to chat with you lot but sadly I don't have much time so I will make it short " At the end of his words, the young man eyes started rotating as a sense of dread spread among the bandits.

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In Haven academy, A portal suddenly appeared in front of Ruby's group. Ruby and the rest tensed as they knew there is a hard fight coming their way. Cinder and the rest came out of the portal.

Yang widened her eyes seeing her mother, she stepped forward and said " What are you doing with them mom? "

" I simply chose the winning side for the tribe " Raven replied emotionlessly

Yang eyes turned red as she clenched her fists. On the other hand, Ruby was looking at Cinder, she said " Cinder, is that you ? "

Cinder didn't seem to take Ruby's question friendly, she replied with a venomous hoarse voice " Yes "

Ruby and the rest flinched slightly hearing the voice, Ruby gathered her courage and asked " What happened to you? "

Cinder eyes spit fire upon hearing the question, she said angrily " the red eyed freak happened "

Ruby and the group immediately knew what she was talking about. It seems Mesa's brother didn't go easy on Cinder.

But Weiss thought otherwise, she commented " Mesa's brother went easy on you since you are still alive, didn't he ?"

Cinder looked at Weiss with hatred, easy? This word made her anger to ignite further. She replied " He beat me, used me to get what he wanted then tortured me for fun. Broke half of the bones in my body, destroyed my skin , took my voice and what makes me a woman then left me at death gates. That's how easy he went with me "

Her words made gave goosebumps to everyone including Qrow. She might be an enemy and they have to take her down, but they still took some pity on her.

Oscar, who was standing near Ruby, heard Ozpin telling him to switch with him. In an instant it was Ozpin in control, he called for Hazel " Hazel, why are you with them? Is it for your sister? "

Hazel looked at the child in front of him, he said " Yes!! You are Ozpin, aren't you? "

Ozpin nodded his head slowly then said " Your sister wouldn't have wanted this!!! "

Hazel looked eerily calm as he replied " I know !! She sacrificed her life for what she believed is correct. For that I respect her and respect her wishes. If I took revenge for her death, I would be simply insulting her. Previously, I would have attacked you the moment I saw you, but a certain person showed me my mistakes. Today, I'm not here for revenge, I'm here to give you punishment for your lies, I'm here to give you retribution for all the crimes you have done, for all the people paid for you mistakes, for the many who suffered because of you"

Ozpin looked stunned hearing this, Hazel reply was truly out of his expectation. Pyrrha remembered what Mesa's brother said about Ozpin. She couldn't help but ask " Why do you hate professor Ozpin?? What did he do ??"

Hazel simply replied " You might think he is a great person, a kind elder who fight against evil. But he is not better from those he fight against. He manipulates his allies, lie to them and send to their death. He is a devil in the cloth of an angel "

His words along side what she heard from Mesa's brother made her doubt Ozpin to the first time. She then remembered how Mesa seemed to hate Ozpin and always target him. Maybe it wasn't as simple as pranks but some kind of a way to show his hatred. Pyrrha looked toward Ozpin, maybe he is not what we thought. Pyrrha took a deep breath and pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind. She will question him later, for now she will focus on the enemy in front of her.

" I'm not late for the party huh? " A voice drifted behind Ruby and her team

Ruby looked toward the back, she saw a group of soldiers coming with a red haired masked person leading them.

" The White Fang also here, this is troublesome !!" Qrow commented

" We are not The White Fang anymore, not after what he has done to us. We are The Bloody Fang" Adam said

" You are late, Adam " Cinder commented

" It seems I'm not the only one who got my share of bad luck in Beacon " Adam said hearing Cinder's voice and seeing her.

Cinder replied " I doubt you are as bad as me "

Adam laughed madly, he removed his mask and said " Think again "

Both sides felt disgust and dread from the sight, Adam had no face. He was a mix of flesh and bones. His eyes seemed hanging out of their sockets and his teeth out in the open. His face had no skin covering it. He didn't have a nose nor ears. Adam was more of a monster coming out from a horror movie.

Adam put his mask back and ordered his men " Go plant the bombs !!! "

He then unsheathed his sword and pointed toward Yang and Ruby. He said " The two of you will become The Bloody Fangs by the end of the day. This is my special gift for your adoptive brother and his family "

Qrow stood in front of the two girls, he now was worried. He didn't have any confidence in fighting 2 maidens and other 5 skilled rouges that as skilled as the kids with him or even beyond them.

" ADAM !!!! " A new voice filled with rage joined the fray.

It was Blake, alongside her tens of angry faunus and a mummified Sun. Adam looked at her and said " They failed, didn't they? Well it doesn't matter, I wanted to catch you and here you are delivering yourself hahahaha"

Blake stared at him with disgust, she simply said " Everyone, let's stop The Bloody Fang"

" AHHHH " The faunus behind Blake charged forward with no fear. They didn't have the intention to stop the plan, they charged with the desire to kill. Blake and Sun were not better. They attacked Adam with no mercy.

Hazel seeing everything playing out like this, he said " Cinder, go get the relic. We will stop them here, hurry !!!"

Cinder, Raven and Vernal went down to get the relic while Hazel, leonard, Mercury and Emerald engaged in fight with Ruby's group. Unlucky for them, they were outnumbered, which allowed Yang to sneak past them.

On the other side, Sun and Blake were pressuring Adam. Adam shouted " Just give up, you can't beat me"

Blake didn't reply, while sun said " Take this "

Sun created three clones which charged toward Adam, who in returned slashed one of them while the other two held his hands stopping him from moving.

" Let me go !!!" Adam shouted in rage

Blake seeing Adam unable to move momentarily, she used her speed to close the distance and stab him . Adam's eyes would have widened behind his mask if he still have skin on his face. He looked down at the blade stabbing him and then at Blake's cold eyes.

Adam kneeled in pain and said " In the end I lost, huh? To think it will end like this !!!"

Blake answered coldly " It is not over "

Adam raised his head in confusion only to see Blake swinging her blade toward him. In an instant, he saw the world spinning as he hit the floor. In front of him, his kneeling body without head and Blake staring coldly at him. Blake beheaded Adam with out showing and hesitation.

" Now it's over " Blake said coldly

From the side, Ruby and the rest of her friends watched in horror as Blake killed someone. They felt like this person is not Blake they knew. Blake didn't care as she moved near them.

" First, let's get rid of them, then we can talk " Blake said as her eyes scanned the people in front of her.

Hazel said to the two next to him " We have to get out of here!!!"

Emerald replied " What about Cinder ??"

Hazel replied " We can't wait for her, let's leave"

Hazel used some dust to cover their escape, Mercury followed him immediately while Emerald showed some hesitation before following them.

A minute later, Yang came out with the relic in her hand.

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Back in the tribe camp, a portal opened in the middle of the tribe. Raven came out of it looking wearily. When she looked around her, she froze. She saw her people, her tribe, everyone she knew and called family. Laying on the ground in a pool of blood. She felt like she was in a dream. She kept staring dumbly at the sight before her.

Raven then groaned as she felt a sharp pain in her chest, she looked down toward the pain source. She saw a blade coming out of her chest. The blade was pulled out from her body leaving her to drop to the floor.

Raven laid on the ground dying slowly. The last thing she heard was " When you stole the maiden power, did you think this very power will cause your death> It's ironic how the power you sought after in order to gain extra protection is the very reason of your death. A death befitting a coward !!!! "

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In an unknown place, Mesa was sitting on a chair naked while neo laying on the bed near him. She was naked with her body convulsing, her skin was flushed with her eyes unfocused and her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

Mesa asked " Do you know what is the greatest entertainment? At least from my point of view? "

Neo didn't respond as she seemed to be in her own world. Mesa chuckled and spoke anyway " It's to watch everyone dance to your rhyme. They think they are in control, they think they are free, doing everything as they wish, making a difference in the world. But every step they take, every plan they have, it was never theirs , it was never under their control hahahahaha "

Mesa stood and walked closer to Neo, he grabbed her and brought her closer to him. He bit her nipple harshly making her moan loudly. Mesa continued playing with his cute little toy.

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