
Pop Points

Oh! forgot to mention this is Atsume Academy where it's the school of the arts and we have something called "Pop Points" aka Popularity Points. Where you earn them by the notoriety we get how much people know us... I only have 3 Pop Points. Guessing who's the most popular person? Rosella of course charming men and breaking hearts since 2015. Yes, since in the 8th grade and you also get Level Classifications! And I'm in the "Losers" bracket... But it's fine cause I get to drive now! And I'm heading to the best restaraunt bar at "Otai Kampai" so good food Mmmmm... Anyhow I'm in junior year and things are "Going to" change.

I will try to make a chapter where it's me going to introduce his best friend. So be ready for that! >:3

mh_gamerd0creators' thoughts
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