
All but One

"..I'll take em. I was going to go get them when I was done with Iwa but if you're just handing them to me.."

The Kage sighed and nodded "We'll bring them to you in a months time"

I bowed "Thank you for making this easy, honestly. I would not have wanted to start the third war in the middle of the second"

Everyone laughed at that Before Hashirama and Tobirama came in (In a henge), to escort the two of them out of the room

I looked back at Hiruzen who was still on the ground, breathing heavily, and grinned - activating my rinnegan

"Let's see what you have in that head of yours, shall we?" I put my hands atop his head and turned my human path on

His soul was pulled out of his body slightly and I started absorbing memories

My face was stone the whole time, not moving for the 4 hours it took me to look through all of his memories

When I was done, I took the whole thing and absorbed it, my face distorted into a furious look

"Good Riddance"

I sealed up his body and set it in my inventory

Tobirama came in and sighed "What happened?"

I glared at the spot Hiruzen was just at

"You have no idea Tobi, the man was way too far gone to save.."

"What did he do..?"

"That's easy, he orchestrated the fall of Uzushiogakure, he started the second war, he made the Uchiha even more of the Pariahs that they were, he even altered the Branch seal of the Hyuga to make them the slaves that they are now! And even still, there's more!"

Tobirama shook his head and walked off

I glared at the spot one more time


I appeared through into the Iwa hotel room

"Jack! What happened?" Itachi asked, noticing my face

I looked at his confused face

"You want the good or bad news first?"

He rose an eyebrow "...Good?"

"Ah, well bad news is that Hiruzen is dead.. Good news is that we only need to get one more tailed Beast! Hoorayy!"

Itachi deadpanned at me and sighed

"I guess I shouldn't get angry.. you did explain to me what he did in this world, and it's not the Hokage I knew.."

I nodded "I agree, I used to think of him as a nice grandfather figure, but the path to good is always paved with bad intention"

Kushina and Konan chose that time to head into the room

"Jack! You're back, what did they need you for?"

I told them the same thing that I told the other Uchiha and they nodded

"So we are heading to Taki next?" Konan asked

"Yep, Chomei should be the last one we need"

"Who's Chomei?" Itachi asked from the sidelines

"Ah, well you know about the tailed beasts?"

He nodded and realization came over him "So you're trying to do the same thing as the Akatsuki.."

"Stop right there" I cut him off "I'm not trying to take over the world or anything, that's way too much trouble. In fact, I have a tailed Beast inside me too, the nine tails to be specific"

"What?!? How??"

"It was supposed to be in Kushina here but Mito offered me the chance to become its Jinchuuriki because of my Uzumaki genes. I accepted obviously"

He sighed and put his head down onto the pillow in confusion

"He's not really a bad guy, just heavily misunderstood.."

Itachi didn't say anything, just rolling over in the opposite direction


(2 Months later)

The two other Kage kept their promise after I showed them Hiruzen's and The Mizukage's corpse

Natasha said that they were planning on betraying me but after seeing those bodies they lost all thoughts of that immediately

Blue B was still the Jinchuriki of Gyuki, and a Nii had Matatabi

Shukaku was sealed into a pot for some reason, not allowing me contact until we sealed it into the Gedo Statue, which sucked

Talking with the three wasn't really interesting, going the same way as Goku's talk, with them at the end giving me a part of their chakra, providing me with

[Ink Release (Mid-Low)]

[Magnet Release (Mid-Low)]

[Blue Fire (Mid-Low)]

And I went back to Isobu and Saiken

[Coral Release (Mid-Low)]

[Corrosion Release (Mid-Low)]

And all we needed now was Chomei who was just north of us

"So which waterfall is it...?" Nanami questioned while looking at the massive number of falls around us

I looked around and put my hand in a half seal

Suddenly, almost fifty wood Clones came out of the ground and ran off to a different waterfall each

"Over here boss!" One of them shouted after a few minutes

We jumped into the fall and followed the tunnel inside

It only took a few minutes until we found the city, and it was quite beautiful with the giant tree in the middle

"Too bad we won't get to see it for long.."

I opened my chakra sense and searched for the largest signature in the village

The most amount of demonic chakra was hidden in the tree

We jumped from the tunnel onto the toad below and started walking directly to the tree

All of the Civilians walking on the road were terrified at the sight of us

Being able to take down the Hokage as well as tall down three others with the Tsuchikage on your side, is something you don't want to mess with

"Stop!" I heard from behind me and saw a man in a makeshift Kage outfit hop down onto the road below

"We shall not allow you to steal our weapon!" He yelled at me

I just looked him in the eyes, my EMS activating


We stood there, still for a moment before the man started bleeding from all of his pores, collapsing onto the ground below

I Humphed "He only lasted ten hours..." and walked off

The Jonin beside him just collapsed on his knees, frozen

We reached the tree in a few minutes, finding the pool to dive into, swimming into the center of the city

We appeared in a large cave or root system, in the middle of the room was Chomei sitting there, waiting for me

"So I'm the last one...?"

I nodded "Everyone else has willingly come with me.."

Chomei just looked me in the eyes for a minute before giving a weird bug sigh/chitter (?)

"Might as well comply, you do have the eyes.."

The beast held its wing out in a makeshift fist

I just kept my neutral face, bumping fists with the large bug

[Bug Dust Release (Mid-Low)]

I suddenly felt as if I had a muscle in my back that I never had before, activating it revealing a set of amber wings

I nodded to it, having a little small talk for a bit, before I brought out the seven eyed Gedo Statue, beginning the Sealing process

A few hours later, the statue had all seven of its eyes wide open

I sighed 'Kurama?'

'Yeah, I got you kit...'

I was suddenly pulled into my mindscape, but not the normal location

This place was pitch black, no light to be seen

"Kurama?" I shouted out

"You there?"



It was still silent

"...So you're finally here"

A bit anti climactic but the next chapter should have a little more action, and it's going to be very edgy I think, just a warning. If you don't like stuff like that :>

Also, I'm writing the next few chapters, and I've found that Naruto isn't really Fitting in all too well, so I might change it - gimme a character from this universe to replace him (I was thinking one of the Jinchuriki like Bee or Gaara)

I'm going to release the last chapter for today in about 7 hours or so. See you then

Faveryycreators' thoughts
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