
Almost the Last

(A/N Chapter for today - might be able to write some more later but idk )

I explained to Natasha the basics of chakra manipulation and how it works

"So let me get this straight" she started off "You're telling me, that this strange energy can just create flames and thunder out of nowhere, basically break the laws of physics with earth manipulation, and do a whole lot more shit - that theoretically should be impossible?" She asked with furrowed brows

I just snorted "Hey, you guys found a metal that basically defies everything, had stones that ripped open reality, and a mass murdering maniac that wiped out half of all life in your universe - you can't tell me shit about any of that"

Natasha sighed "Yeah, I realize that, but it's all a bit strange to take in"

I nodded "I get that, you should've seen my face when I met the guy that brought me here, the asshole"

The spy gave me a strange look "Someone brought you here?"

"Yeah, huge fucking dick - Omnipotent though, so I couldn't do shit to him. Vowed to kill him and all that biz" I casually replied

Her look became even more strange "You're fucking insane, you know that?"

I smiled and nodded enthusiastically "I know!"

She groaned and collapsed back onto the bed

"You know, I'm pretty sure I can activate your Chakra Coils.. It would give you a huge boost in your physical capabilities and mental prowess, as well as give you access to those techniques I was talking about earlier.." I mused out loud

The woman just locked eyes with me, eyebrows raised "You could do that? That easy?" She asked skeptically

I nodded again "Yep, everyone has at least some Chakra to be able to live in this world, otherwise I'd most likely be dead right now or severely crippled. I could kick start your own coils with some of my own from my reserves. I do have to warn you - It'll hurt like a bitch multiplied by a hundred" I explained

She sat up straight "Do It" was all the redhead said

'Hey that rhymed!'

I grinned "Alright, but don't go complaining to me when this is all over~" I put my hands on her back and started the process...

Lets just say the next few hours were filled with pain filled screams, and a few moans (?) at the end

We sat there at the bed, both of us sweating - Me from constantly trying to control my Chakra for around 4 hours, and Natasha from all of that pain she endured

She groaned weakly "Holy Shit, you said this would hurt but I didn't think it would hurt this much..."

I was breathing heavily "Yeah, I felt that exact same pain when I got the fox sealed into me" she grimaced, remembering the story I told her about Kurama's sealing into me

We sat there in silence for a moment before Kushina barged into room, looking furious

"What the fuck was that moaning I heard?" She growled out

I groaned 'System?'

[ It will cost 10,000 MP host, are you sure? ]

'Yes, I don't feel like explaining to her right now, so just rewrite her memories. I'll be fine with Minato, Tobirama and Nanami'

[Affirmative host ] The system sounded, before a glowing ball of light shot from my chest and hit Kushina, dropping her unconscious to the floor

Natasha looked surprised at that "Who was that, and why did you do that?"

"She was one of my girlfriends and I haven't explained to her anything about the system yet - so I did that to make you look normal" I explained. I didn't end up telling her anything about Kushina or Konan being my girlfriends because that seemed unimportant at that point in time

She rose an eyebrow "'One' of your girlfriends? You have multiple?" She asked me, slightly impressed

I nodded "Yep, only two right now, but I plan to have more in the future" I winked at her, to which she just shrugged off - leaving me slightly depressed

We only had to wait for a moment for Tobirama, Minato, and Nanami to walk in - Tobirama already understanding what happened, Minato just looking shocked, and Nanami having a deadpanned expression

"Three Words, Summon, No explain" Was all I said

The water user and Nanami just nodded, and Minato just stood there - long learning not to question anything weird I said

"Anyways" I pointed at Natasha "Everyone - Natasha Romanov, Natasha - Tobirama, Nanami, and Minato" I pointed to the three of them

She waved "Nice to meet you, now if you'll excuse me I'm quite exhausted" and she promptly passed the fuck out

I sighed and looked out the window - the moon was almost a quarter way up into the sky 'It is getting quite late' i thought before waving everyone out and heading to sleep

~~~ Next Morning : Residence of Three Tails ~~~

I had woken up the next morning feeling great - My Uzumaki healing factor finally kicking in and healing my leg and everywhere else brand new

We had gotten ready, though only Tobirama and Minato was with me since I left Kushina - She being still knocked out, Nanami and Natasha - Nanami wanting to study Natasha and the spy just wanting to rest

The three of us were standing at the residence of the Three tails Jinchuriki, Tobirama with his sealing supplies out and Minato ready for anything

I knocked on the door "Hello? Masaki? We are hear to talk to you about your 'Resident'! We might have a way to help you!"

Masaki Sasagawa was the person the three tails was sealed into - The only problem was that she was unaware of it for a lot of her life, before she had an emotional outbreak and almost turned into Isobu. Masaki killed almost 4 people during that outburst and since she was a civilian, was traumatized by it - going into hiding around the outside of the village

The door opened a crack, revealing a pitch black room. Masaki's eye popped in front of the crack

"Can you really help?" She asked desperately

I nodded "I have a seal master right behind me, and he is perfectly capable of helping you"

She opened the door wide and showed me the nightmare inside of her home. Trash was strewn everywhere, there were no lights anywhere, there were more stains than I could count and the dishes were piled high everywhere.

Masaki was no better - she looked like she hadn't taken a shower in quite a long time, her hair was all frizzled, wearing a torn up robe. Her eyes were turning grey from the lack of light in the room, and the skin around them was sunken in

"Please.. Help me..." Masaki begged us

I looked to Tobirama and he nodded grimly, which meant only one thing

She wouldn't survive no matter what we did

I sighed "We will try our best Ma'am" I led her out of the house and to our location we were going to use for the process

A couple hours passed and Masaki was lying down on a wooden platform I created and was being help down with restraints

"Ok Masaki" I started off "Before we start the process, I'm going to need you to bump fists with me" I help my hand out, and she stared at it for a long moment before she finally reluctantly bumped my fist with her own

And both of us entered our joint mindscape


I opened my eyes to the sight of my giant forest - but on the other side was a huge ocean, with Isobu standing there, surprisingly not asleep

"The container of Kurama" its voice rumbled "So he got captured as well" He let out a rumbling laugh

"Shut up Isobu, we aren't here for small talk" Growled Kurama

The Turtle widened its one good eye "Oh? What are you here for then?" The giant questioned

I coughed "Well, we wanted to ask you if you'd work with us? Or well, me at least..." I added the last point on when I saw Kuramas face

"And why would you want that? Why would I want that?" Isobu questioned

I stepped up closer to him and looked into his good eye

He staggered back "Those are..."

"Yeah, they're real" Kurama confirmed. Isobu just looked at me in shock for a second before -

"Alright... You've got yourself a deal, I assume you'll be going for Saiken next?" I nodded "Good, Who will you be sealing me in then?" I widened my eyes at that

'Shit! I forgot about that!'

[ Host, you have no need to worry about that. You can buy something from the store to seal the Tailed Beasts inside of ]

'Oh really? That sounds really convenient for some reason...'

[ I guess I can tell you host, the tailed beasts are a part of another secret mission - that is all I can reveal without myself getting in trouble ]

'Oh... Show me the prices then' I told the mechanical voice

[ 1 Tailed Container - 10,000 MP

2 Tailed Container - 20,000 MP

3 Tailed Container - 30,000 MP

... ]

'Simple eh? System whats my balance?'

[ MP ; 115,000 ]

'Buy the 3 and 6 Tails containers please'

[ Affirmative... Buying 3 & 6 Tailed Containers... Subtracting fee... Purchase Successful! MP ; 25,000 ]

I pulled the three tailed container out of my inventory and it looked like a little three eyed Gedo Statue, with only three tails behind it. Quite cute to be honest when it's not trying to murder every single living organism on the face of the earth

I handed the tiny statue to Tobirama "Seal the three tails into here, it's probably the most secure place it could be right now" He nodded and started the sealing process

I looked towards Minato and grinned "Let's go find us a Mizukage's body, shall we?"

Kiri is utterly fucked tbh, but who is coming next?

You'll have to wait and see, hehehe

I'm going to mess with Canon a bit - Kurama killed Mito because he was angry at her, and held a grudge against her for sealing him inside her, Isobu agreed to help out, so he is leaving slowly so as to not kill Masaski

Faveryycreators' thoughts
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