
Nanami and Shinji POV

~~ Shinji POV ~~

I always though being strong was all I had to do to get by in this world

That was what they told me when they killed my parents and left me there in a pool of their own blood

'Become strong and nothing will stand in your way. Strength is power' was my mantra for a long time in my life..

That was until I met Jack

Jack was an unusual kid, always having this foolish grin plastered on his face, but a faraway look in his eyes

I thought he was weak when I first saw him

Oh how I was wrong

When I saw him training with Ms. Yoshina for the first time, he was running miles within minutes like it was nothing, no sweat anywhere in sight.

When I first saw this I wanted to fight him right then and there, but I held back to see what he could do

When I saw him doing hours worth of exercises without even looking winded was when I really had to see what he was made of

"Hey! You there!" I shouted, walking up to him

"Hmm? Me?" He looked like an idiot, but I had to remind myself of those exercises he was doing

"Yeah, You seem strong. Fight me" And he really did seem strong, I wanted to test my worth so bad it was driving me a little crazy

"Shouldn't we introduce ourselves first?" he asked me, a little annoyed

"If you beat me I'll tell you my name"

He sighed "Fine, let's go

And so we sparred. I charged at him first and at I was surprised to see he could keep up with me, but I had to remind myself of his training yet again. Then he started to gain the upper hand about halfway into the fight

I started to grow angry, and thus sloppy. How can he have this much strength at such a young age?

I started to miss my hits, and he noticed. He got much fiercer in his attacks and got a lucky hit on my jaw that knocked my straight out

I awakened a bit later with the help of Ms. Yoshina

Jack was strong

Strength equals power

Jack was powerful. And I admit, I felt a bit of admiration for him to be able to knock me out

"Akei Shinji" I say suddenly, after waking up

"What? You say something?" he looked at me with a puzzled expression

"My name. Akei Shinji" I said louder. His questioning is gonna get on my nerves

"Oh" He said with quick realization "Mine is Jack. Uzumaki Jack!" There's that shit eating grin again

"You wanna spar later?" I said, a matching grin on my face

"Of course I do!"

~~ End Jack POV ~~

~~ Nanami POV ~~

I always enjoyed researching the unknown and asking questions

"What would happen if I put this inside of this" or "That inside of the other thing"

The data gathering was always the most Fascinating process. Especially on the human body

Which was why I was intrigued when I first saw Jack Uzumaki and his training.

'There's no way a child as old as him should be able to run for that long' I thought to myself confused

'It's just not possible, even with chakra'

That's what I thought was the case

I was proved wrong

For the first time since I started doing experiments and research I was proved wrong. It came as quite the shock to me when he told me all about Yin and Yang natured chakras, and how they worked

I went home and just thought that night

The next day I went to the library to see if they had any information on these types of chakra, but the only thing I could find information on was the normal 5 nature transformations, nothing on Yin or Yang

'Was he wrong? But there is no other way he could do so much exercising and not be tired' The gears in my head were turning at a mile a minute, but I couldn't figure anything out

'I'll have to think on this again' I though to myself before heading home to just think for the rest of the day

If Jack was wrong, then there was no other way he could do so much and act like it was nothing, so he had to be some sort of demi-god or spirit, which was highly unlikely

If he was correct, then he had to have more knowledge he was willing to share, more questions to be answered, more to be proposed. That one was the most probable answer, and the one she chose

'And even if he is wrong, having a demi-god or spirit as a friend would be great' she reasoned

So the next day she joined Jack's and Shinji's training, and when she stepped onto the training grounds, she was frozen

The two boys were so fast her eyes couldn't even follow them. She'd only see blurs from time to time and sparks of what were presumably kunai striking each other

Both boys were going at each other with the intent to kill

'Wow' was Nanami's only thought

"Stop! Stop!" Jack shouted as they slowed down. "This here is Nanami, the girl I told you about" Jack said with a welcoming smile

The other boy just stared at her before saying "She doesn't look that strong" and walking off

That made her a little sad, she knew she wasn't that strong physically, but to have it said to her face was kind of depressing

"Maah, don't worry about him, he grew up most of his life with the mantra 'Strength is Power' so that's all he sees when he looks at other people. You may not be strong physically, but you have a superpower up here" he pointed to his head "I know you'll be as powerful as us one day" He finished , smiling

Nanami smiled

'I guess I made the correct choice after all'

There wasn't enough Shinji nor Nanami shown in these 4 years so I decided to make a chapter showcasing the first time they met Jack

I might make more of these, If I feel they are needed, just to flesh out the team more

I have also started stocking chapters, so I can have enough for a Mass Release during some sort of milestone

Anyway, Thank you for reading

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