
Team 7 Reunion

"Brace for an impending explosion. I sent Ten tail's attack off into the sea" Minato said to us. all allied ninjas are surprised by the sudden explosion, "Don't worry. I'm an ally. Thank you for healing naruto. Are you his girlfriend?" Minato asked. Naruto thinks me as a girlfriend, I chops his head softly for saying nonsense and Minato is smiled at our interactions. First Hokage, Second Hokage and Third Hokage also arrive too. Hashirama stops Madara to fight and his priority is stopping Ten tail.

Ten tail is charging to them,"You've done well, Naruto. Take a little break. Your friend will be here soon. He's an ally too." Minato told Naruto and he casts Biju Mode. I am smiled after immediately sense Sasuke coming here very fast and he's doing his job very well. The 4 Hokages cast Four Crimson Ray formation to sealing Ten tail and Hashirama adds Ten seals Sage Art.

I sense Jiraiya and Orochimaru go to the Master's place. "They will be reunited again and we will also unite too" I am little amused about this flow of the event. Sasuke finally arrives with Jugo, our friends are still very nervous about Sasuke's action although i had already told them that Sasuke won't go vengeance to Konoha Village anymore.

"I come to help protect Konoha Village and also becoming a supporting Kage." He said that and all of our friends are relieved and confused for the meaning of second statement. After healing Naruto, Three of us come forward, "We are Team number 7 and The students of the 3 greats" I said to them. "All right!! Team 7... is finally back!!" Naruto, Sasuke and i shouted and smiled.

Nine of our friends also come forward, they don't wanna lost to us. "This moments are better than in the original because in here right now, all 12 young generations of Konoha Village are completed to fight together." I thought. Ten tail begins its Biju bomb again, but it is damage rebounded by the formation and its head is sealed by Hashirama. He makes entry point on 4 side of formation to let the allied ninjas come into the formation.

Ten tail divides its flesh into many mini versions and begins to attack the allied ninjas. I see naruto and Sasuke punches the creatures, i also doing that too. I cast power burst to my fist and make the ground exploded, Naruto's face becomes blue after he sees me do that. "Don't worry, Naruto. I won't use this to you, if you don't do anything weird, okay?" I laughed and said to him with little sinister smile. Naruto and Sasuke are immediately nodded to me. "Weird, why sasuke also nodded to me??" I thought.

Naruto and Sasuke cast their jutsu, they look their each new jutsu such as black flame, Biju mode and new Sharingan. Our other friends also show their specialized jutsu to attack the creatures. Sai also wants to show his attack but he is interrupted by giant creatures. We immediately summon our Physic beast, Naruto and Sasuke go forward to attack then i will cast healing all injured allied ninja via Katsuyu. "I never imagined I'd get to see the triad simultaneously summoned again" Minato said.

Naruto and Sasuke successfully go inside to cast combination attack of Rasen-Shuriken and Susano'o flame. Jiraiya is still sitting beside Tsunade and the other Gokage. They are still unconscious because the exhaustion of spiritual energies. Orochimaru arrives with Suigetsu and Karin, Jiraiya asks who revive him then Orochimaru tells him. He also orders Karin to help them regained conscious. Tsunade wakes up, she sees Jiraiya and Orochimaru. She asks what happened to her and the other Gokage. Jiraiya says that your diciple Sakura help healing you all to the most basic conditions and go to the front line again.

"That red hair girl from Uzumaki clan is healing you just now" Jiraiya said and pointed her. Master look at her for awhile, Orochimaru tells Tsunade that you heal the other Gokage and they excuse themselves to go back. Jiraiya helps her as much as possible. Ten tail detaches its burned flesh from the black flame, The Gokage are healed and they will begin to move to the battlefield again. Kakashi and Obito begin their fight to death while they recall their past interactions subconsciously. Obito retreats from the other space and tells Kakashi that he's not conceding the war.

Madara looks at Obito's condition and he casts the jutsu to control him for reviving him. Minato doppelganger teleports and attack him to undo the rebirth of Madara. Minato realizes the masked man is Obito and he asks why he do all of this, but Obito suddenly merges with Ten tail to be its Jinchuriki. All allied ninjas are surprised by disappearance of Ten tail, "He looks even creepier than before" Naruto told. Obito destroys the formation, the previous Hokages blocks Obito but they are crushed easily.

Madara also takes the action after Obito become Ten tail's Jinchuriki, Hashirama and Tobirama attack him with exploding tags. Hashirama wants to help fight but he is blocked by Madara, Hiruzen attacks are easily destroyed by the truth seeking ball. Obito can't control his body for a moment, after exchange bows with Minato, Naruto and Sasuke are caught by Obito. Minato teleport them to safety area, Obito accidentally attack himself because he still can't control Ten tail. When Minato rush to kill Obito, he suddenly regain his sane and fully become Ten tail's Jinchuriki.

Hope enjoy this chapter

steelgraycreators' thoughts
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