


Kyoya's gums hurt like shit.

Sitting docilely in their house's porch with only his doe plushie and teething ring for company, Kyoya attempted to be a better person. He valiantly tried to convince himself that he left his bloodthirsty, headstrong ways in his teenage years and, although he's physically a toddler now, he would not debase himself and give in to foolish, unbecoming immaturity.

In. Out. Inhale. Exhale. Meditate. Meditate. Meditate.

His mother left him a while ago in the care of one of the pineapple-bivores because she needed to buy groceries and she didn't want him outside of the compound yet due to his age.

In. Out. Inhale. Exhale.

The pineapple-bivore number twelve excused himself a while ago saying he's going to pee for a moment. It's been ten minutes already. Kyoya suspected the herbivore's probably dragging out his feet because that's just the kind of lazy shit his current relatives would pull. That pineapple probably left already. Leaving him and his poor gums alone, lonely, with no one who could soothe and heal and-


...His fucking gums' getting to him.

No. Kyoya. Meditate. Inhale. Exhale. Control.

He would not teeth on that teething ring. It's disgusting and unbecoming for a carnivore of his standing. Kyoya would bear this pain with the dignity becoming of a Hibari.

...Not a Nara, obviously since this clan's fucking nuts and lazy as fuck.




After a minute, Kyoya put his hands in the air and gave up. To hell with being a better person. He wondered if he could get a tonfa in here or somewhere.

Clumsily standing up in barely concealed enthusiasm, Kyoya toddled outside of his house and started to explore the clan compound.

He's mostly sure his parents wouldn't mind. His father gave him permission to "play" with his cousins, after all.


When Nara Yoshino went back home after buying groceries, she didn't expect to see irritated Naras gathered in front of her house. It's quite a rare sight since the clan's pretty laid-back in general.

"What happened?" she asked curiously to Nara Daen, a skilled, easy-going jounin who seemed bemused by it all more than anything.

Daen quirked his lips in clearly befuddled smile. "Your daughter bit us to death."


"Bit us to death." He repeated. "She said that phrase before attacking some of us for some perceived slight. The hime's lucky she got good instincts or she would have been skewered by the others a while ago." Daen gestured to one of the bruises on his arm. "Pretty strong too."

"...Excuse me. I've got to talk to my daughter."

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Yoshino berated to her daughter disappointedly. "You could have been hurt!"

Her daughter didn't even look remotely remorseful when she promptly replied."...Hn. It's tou-san's fault."

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