
And why should we care?


Sora and Shiro woke up, they found themselves being carried from something, when they seen who was carrying them, they were a bit surprised.

Sora: Good morning, Qiangwei…

Xiao Qiangwei: Finally you are awake…

Then Xiao QIangwei threw them in the ground like bags of potatoes, making both of them yelp. Then they were glaring at him.

Sora: You really couldn't let us fall safely?

Shiro: Yeah…

Xiao Qiangwei: Stop complaining, we are currently in god-knows-where in a fantasy world, I gained some information from Tet, do you want to hear them out?

Shiro: ...Tet?

Xiao Qiangwei: The self-proclaimed God.

Sora/Shiro: Ohhh…

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright…

Then he sat down and started to talk about the pledges.


It was evening, and they reached a tavern, the three of them were wearing robes picked up…


They were walking in the road to a random direction, when some people came in front of them, this made Sora and Shiro panic while Xiao Qiangwei had a calm face, due to the pledges he couldn't just kill the people here, which were thieves.

Shiro: ...Nii… They look...Weird.

Sora: ...Wowhoa, aren't they thieves!

Thief 1: Hehe… If you wanna get past, ya gotta play a game with us.

That sentence made the siblings look at each other helplessly while Xiao Qiangwei sighed.

Shiro: ...Is that… How thieves here… Are?

Then the siblings started to laugh, making the thieves angry.

Thief 2: What are you guys laughing about! If you don't have a game with us, don't even think about getting past here.

Xiao Qiangwei smiled, knowing what the duo behind him wanted to do, so he started to talk.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, if you win, then you can do whatever you want with us, but if we win, give us EVERYTHING you own and tell us where is the most nearby city.

The thieves were shocked from what he said, while the siblings stopped laughing and smiled with Xiao Qiangwei while looking at the thieves…


Obviously they won, and now they had 2 bags of gold and robes to cover them, right now Shiro was looking inside the tavern from a window while Sora was playing at poker with a bearded man with a bulging beer belly, Xiao Qiangwei was just taking a piss somewhere nearby.

Shiro: ...How...lively… What happened?

Shiro was looking at two girls who were playing poker too in a table surrounded from many viewers, one of them looked around 16 or 17 years old, and had red hair while giving a sense of elegance with her manners and dress.

While the other person looked very alike in age with the redhead, but her temperament and clothing gave out a sense of maturity in other people's points of view, she wore a black veil draped over her head and black hair.

The bearded man heard Shiro's question and was a bit surprised.

Man: Ah? Don't you foreigners know at all? But then again, there aren't any other human countries left.

Sora: Ah, because we are from the countryside, we are not clear with situations regarding the metropolis.

Man: The so-called humans that don't live in this country…. Aren't they hermits?

Sora laughed and asked.

Sora: That is true. Okay, so what is all the commotion inside?

Man: ...Right now, there is currently a gambling tournament to elect the next king for Elchea.

Without turning, Shiro asked.

Shiro: ...Elect… The next king?

Man: Yes. These were the previous king's last words before dying…

"The next king shall not be inherited by blood relations, but the coronation of Humanity's strongest gambler".

Man: In the fight to gamble for the country, the human species were defeated. Now there is only Elchea, which is also the capital of this country, so there was no time to look decent now.

Sora: Huuu, gambling for the country, eh…. That seems to be something very, very interesting.

Then Sora looked at the inside, noticing the two girls playing, while Xiao Qiangwei turned back at the table where Sora and the man was.

Xiao Qiangwei: So, what's going on?

Sora: We will talk about it later…

Xiao Qiangwei: Meh, just finish this one.

Sora: Alright boss.

Then Sora let down his hand with his cards, revealing a Royal straight flush, making the man stare in disbelief.

Man: A ro…. Royal straight flush…?!

Sora: Yep, sorry man, now we will take our leave.

Sora played with the man just for fun, they didn't bet anything since they had already some informations, money and clothes. Right now he, Xiao Qiangwei and Shiro entered the tavern while she whispered to Sora.

Shiro: ...Nii… Cunning.

Sora: Ah? Why did that come out from you.

Shiro: ...Deliberately using… That kind… Of cheat that sticks out by a mile.

Sora smirked and turned on his phone before showing it to Shiro.

Sora: Article eight of the Ten Pledges, once cheating has been discovered in a game, it will be deemed as a defeat, which means, as long as you are not found out then you can do it. Isn't receiving acknowledgement nice… Hey Qiangwei, can you pick a room for all 3 of us?

Xiao Qiangwei: *Sigh* You lazy ass…

Then Xiao Qiangwei picked up the bag of money and walked to the counter, then he put on the counter 4 gold coins, Xiao Qiangwei had a little idea about the value of each since this type of money was similar to the one of his Original World, even if soon he started to use Spirit Stones to pay.

Xiao Qiangwei: A room for 3 people, two beds are enough, how many nights can I get with this?

The figure at the other side of the counter with a boss-like aura glanced over and said with a moment of hesitation.

Man: ...One day with three meals.

Xiao Qiangwei: Tell me the truth.

The man could feel an incredible pressure over him, and unconsciously talked.

Man: Three days with three meals…

This was the power a Godly Reincarnation Ex-Practitioner has, Xiao Qiangwei still possess the Dao of the Divinity, but it is incredibly weakened now since he isn't a Godly Law practitioner, he could control only people with a weak will, like the man in front of him.

The pledges talked about no violence and robbery, so using this power for something like this was alright. Xiao Qiangwei smiled and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, since I am a good man, I will leave the coins here even if you tried to scam me… About the name, just write Blank.

Then Xiao Qiangwei walked towards Sora and Shiro, who were spectating the game between the two girls, and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Done, three nights with three meals only for 4 gold coins for all three of us, two beds.

Sora: Two?

Xiao Qiangwei: I'm not going to sleep with both of you in the same bed, I'll stay with mine.

Xiao Qiangwei then glanced at Shiro, who was looking at the red haired girl.

Shiro: ...That person… Will lose.

Xiao Qiangwei and Sora looked at the table, and noticed that the red haired girl was not hiding her emotions during a game of poker, but something else attracted Xiao Qiangwei's attention…

Magic… He could sense magic in the hand of the other girl, probably she was cheating, and the magic seemed to come from another girl away from the table, he used his spiritual senses to analyze the girl, and found out that she was an elf.

Thanks to Xiao Qiangwei's control of his Spiritual Senses, he was able to analyze the girl without being senses, probably it was because what he was using was not magic, making it hard to detect.

The Elf seemed to be really strong, even if she was physically weak, probably she was a great magic caster.

After looked for some seconds, Xiao Qiangwei immediately brought back his Spiritual Senses to avoid getting detected and walked away, followed from Sora and Shiro, which the former whispered something to the red haired girl before leaving.

The Elf suddenly looked around, but didn't found anything of what she was looking for.

Elf: Strange, I thought I was being observed… Maybe it was my imagination…

Later, the 『 』reached their new room, and the siblings immediately picked a bed before lying over it and relaxing themselves, Xiao Qiangwei picked the other bed and sat over it, before looking at the window, when he noticed that the siblings were resting, Xiao Qiangwei immediately started meditating.

In just 3 hours… He was able to enter the Golden Heaven 3rd Stage… It was surprising since he needed some pair of months to accomplish this, and in this new world he needed only 3 hours.

This was the strength of the Perfect Body showing up again… He needed only a night to reach the bottleneck, then he could decided when to enter the Second Nirvana, before automatically enter the Nine Immortal Cycles.

He couldn't hide it anymore… Probably Sora and Shiro would stay glued to him since he was the strong one and was literally a magnet for good things, and they would obviously notice him while he is in the Second Nirvana.

But now it was alright, he was in a fantasy world, so not many people would think he is a threat due to his Qi, and probably they will look at him only as an anomaly before ignoring him. So he could tell it to Sora and Shiro.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Still… What will happen with my mom…? *Sigh* Who cares now… Everything is done, I can't do anything about that anymore... And I already thought about leaving that Mortal World…'

He opened his eyes and looked around, finding himself again in the wooden room, Sora and Shiro were still sleeping in the same bed.

He would talk to them when they were awake and perfectly capable of thinking.

Then he looked outside the window and noticed that it was night, so he sighed and started to meditate again, but before he could start, he sensed someone coming at their door, and then…

*Tok* *Tok*

That someone knocked at the door, waking Sora up, while Shiro was still sleeping with him.

Xiao Qiangwei stood up and got to the door while telling Sora.

Xiao Qiangwei: Don't worry, no one is going to get hurt here, and outside there is the red haired girl of before.

Sora: ...Oh… Wait a minute, how did you know?

Xiao Qiangwei: I wanted to talk about this later, maybe after we know what the guest wants…

Sora nodded but didn't got to sleep again, he stood on his bed watching what will happen, Xiao Qiangwei opened the door, and revealed the red haired girl he was talking about, but she looked like she had suffered a huge blow.

?: ...Can you let me in?

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright.

Then he let her enter the room, Sora recognized the girl from before, and was curious about the reason she was here.

The girl noticed Sora in the same bed with a little girl, but ignored her and kept a sad face, then she sat in a chair while Xiao Qiangwei sat in the bed.

Xiao Qiangwei: Who are you?

?: I am Stephanie Dola. I have something I would like to ask to your friend there regarding the thing about today…

Xiao Qiangwei: Sora… You didn't molested anyone, right?

Sora: W-What are you talking about?! I am still 100% virgin! Ahem… I am Sora, the years I've been without a girlfriend equals my age, and I'm currently seeking a girlfriend right now.

Xiao Qiangwei facepalmed and let out a sigh of exasperation, then he started to talk.

Xiao Qiangwei: I'm Xiao Qiangwei, why did you come here?

Stephanie turned towards Sora and talked.

Stephanie: Today, right when you had brushed past my shoulders, you said to me something like 'Can't you see you are being cheated?'.

Shiro, half-sleeping, started to talk.

Shiro: ...So you… Really lost?

Stephanie seemed agitated from Shiro's attitude.

Stephanie: Yes… Yes, that's right, I LOST! Now, just about everything is over!

Sora and Shiro covered their ears to muffle the shouting coming from Stephanie, who abruptly stood up.

Sora: Ah… Because of my lack of sleep, the sound will echo back and forth in my head, so please refrain from shouting so loudly…

But it seemed that it entered in Stephanie's ear and left from the other, who started crying with a sharp voice.

Stephanie: Since you knew that the opponent was cheating, wouldn't it have been good for me if you had explained the cheat to everyone?! I could have won if you had exposed the truth! I lost, thanks to you! Arghhh, now I am even eliminated from the competition for the throne!

At this moment, Xiao Qiangwei interrupted.

Xiao Qiangwei: And… Why should we care?

Hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you like it, comment, put PS, review and bye.

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