
Never Trust A Child

Me: Nice one system... I really need those stats... so 3 more to go... I got nothing in me...first let me inspect my stats... and distribute these points


LVL 3: 162/200 exp


HP: 16/16

MP: 13/13


STR: 1.6

AGI: 1.9

INT: 1.3


SKILLS: Unspent Skill Points: 2

(Eyes of Inspection: can inspect within range of 10 meters)-LVL 3

(Summon Spirit Bear Lvl: 3]

Me: since I need to protect my own... one is for strength and one for agility since I don't need those stats points for intelligence for this quest. I'll level up it later. Let's see Ursa's stat's... INSPECT!.

[Summon Spirit Bear - Ursa

MP cost: 7.5

Spirit Bear Stat:

LVL: 3 0/100 exp

HP: 15/15



STR: 2.9

AGI: 1.9

INT: 0.7

SKILLS: Returnable to return to the owner immediately

*Skill Description: Summons a powerful spirit bear companion that can carry an equipment's. If the bear moves from 100 meters from the owner, it cannot attack. The owner suffers 10% of his max health as backlash damage if the spirit bear dies.

This skill has an upgrade if the owner has an item called "aghanim`s scepter".

The owner has the right to release or back and forth from its space

Cooldown: 3 days]

Me: ehh... it's stats distribute automatically so basically 2 stats points added but distributed to 60% to STR, 3% to AGI and 1% to INT... man that intelligence need to level though. Now let's see if one of those bastards is in the vault, let's give them some surprise Ursa!.

I already put Ursa to his space so that guy will not run immediately so that he will see me as an innocent child have been lost. I walk to the vault, I see a two guy one is thug while the other one is trembling innocent guy just working in the bank as a supervisor since the owner is not here... well all I can say one hell of a day. Anyways I walk to the two of them and said.

Me: Mr.! Mr!... did you see mom?... Do you have candy? Mr. Is that the one-shot those things on what you are holding? Can I play with it? What is your...

Criminal 3: What the hell are you doing here kid? Tsk... annoying pest .... (he points his gun to the worker's head and said) if can't open it after I came back... I'll f*cking blast your head off!!..

Worker: Sir Pls!!... don't do this I really can't do your request... I'm just supervising, only the owner knows the password!... pls don't kill me I have a family...

He kneels in front of the thug crying while hugging its knees. But the criminal just kicks banging it to the vault that causes bleeding to his head. 'this bastard!'.

Me: Mr.! Come on!... mommy's waiting for me...

Criminal 3: Oi brat!... you should not talk with other people is someone talking!.

Me: ehh... ok!...

We walk to the intersection where the last criminal has been knocked out, I stopped 'its time!' and said.

Me: Mr. Let's make a bet if I let you punch in the face I've given all my saving.. how about that!... I want to be a boxer in the future you know?!... plsss...(with puppy eyes)

Criminal 3: Heee... a pipsqueak like you?... hah... fine... Let's see how will you punch my face.

Me: hehe... thanks, mister...

I thrust all my body to this punch and those punches able to contend to professional boxers but not those world champion but definitely experienced so...

Criminal 3: 'what the...' "BAM!!"... gurhhhh...

Me: That's what you get bastard... and also you should not trust kids these days... haha.. but man this strength and speed are definitely awesome... I may able to take two people but not simultaneously... I got a long way to go

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