
Harvest troubles

At around august, we started harvest season. Apparently, everything had to be harvested early to avoid the winter freeze. Some other countries got two harvests in, but they were further south. We gathered all the crops. The wheat we had in the first field was in no condition for harvest, no doubt do to the same blight that got Preston's wheat fields. Fortunately, Bobbington also grew oats, potatoes, apples, and plums. These crops could more than tide the hamlet over for winter. We managed to send Preston a large shipment of crops, half for tax purposes and half for trade. As Prestons in a bit of a bind, Bob is hoping for a profitable venture selling these crops. I the prices assigned to the crops Bob sent were higher than what I saw at the capital. When I asked Baron Bob about that, he said that prices very based on location, and with the wheat blight, most food was selling for higher. The price he assigned his crops were actually kind, as neither location had a licensed merchant and was only 30% more expensive. Most food is 2X or even 3X the normal price in this region, and he has to sell his crops fast before the merchants show up and use their influence to buy all the food at normal price and sell for 4X the normal price. I was tempted to ask why the merchants charged such high prices, but stumbled across the answer before a word left my mouth. The merchants have their own expenses to pay and don't want to fall back into poverty. It only takes a few greedy people to put them in such circumstances. I am not so naive as to believe that there are no greedy people in this world. Apparently the only reason the merchants guild can't charge higher is a decree from King Arthur II, that limited the price of crops.

As I helped the villagers, I noticed that there was a little girl on her own. As I approached her, I suddenly saw a wolf jump out at her. The wolf was followed by more wolves as they circled attempted to separate us form the group. As they tied to scare us form the group, I realized that they were afraid of the rest of the village, so I stood my ground. So long as I demonstrate an unwillingness to move from this spot they should move on. As if noticing my determination, they did exactly that. As what appeared to be the alpha backed away, the rest of the wolfs seemed to follow, retreating into the woods. However, one of the wolves stayed behind. This wolf seemed skinny and frail. Clearly this wolf was not motivated by anything like reason. This wolf was motivated only by hunger and desperation. As the pack left, the alpha looked at him, seemed just a bit pensive, and then sneered. They left the pitiful one behind, but the wolf in question only approached with a mad light in its eyes. And then leaped, as I launched a strike at the wolf, something shifted in my body and I struck the wolf with the fiercest blow I had ever struck out with. My shoulder must have dislocated, as my right arm fell limply to my side, but the wolf fared worse than I, clearly unable to move in the full range of motion. So the wolf dashed not at me, but at the girl. This was unacceptable, so I tackled the wolf and used my left arm to strike at its already wonky chest. As I did so, I felt the same sensation as when I practiced the Rulers Formula, except now rather than shifting and stopping at a certain point, I felt it lock in place. I felt the power in my body was... just the same. Maybe advancing does not have immediate effect. At any rate, my tackle seems to have lodged on of the wolfs ribs outside of its body. The wolf was clearly trying to move but failing, clearly in pain beyond any I could conceive of. I stood there in terror at what I had done, until baron Bob came up. "I am sorry, but its time is up. The only reprieve you can give it..." Bob strikes the wolf in the skull, crushing it into splinters "...is a quick death. You did good to defend that girl, but please give more mind to your own safety. I will be killed if you die in my care."

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