
Am I Still Human?

One week later, the girl returned to the Children's Villa.

Her body was thoroughly mangled, but with the use of modern day medicine, she looked the same as she did the day before.

The only thing that changed was her mentality.

If she were human before, at present, only a few fragments of her past humanity remained.

Modern day medicine couldn't cure ailments of the mind. She'd been done continuously by over 300 dogs without rest. She had four meals a day filled with drugs that increased her sexual appetite, so this forced her to possess quite an active role in her bestial punishment.

Furthermore, rough full body checks and cleans performed by veterinarians were done on her every hour to ensure that she didn't die from the physical strain.

As for the mental strain, there was nothing to be done about it. In fact, that was an aspect of the punishment, so of course the wife would not want for it to be mitigated.

To her, she only wanted the doggy girl's life to be maintained throughout the punishment because she wanted the girl to suffer both physical and mental pain. Dying amidst the process would be too easy of an escape.

Besides, the wife had other uses for the girl as well.

Consequently, under the conditions of the hellish punishment, even if the girl's body didn't break, her mind completely did.

Now, every time she saw a dog, she'd roll over and spread her legs for it, asking to be penetrated. Every time you gave her clothes, she'd rip them off and run around naked while wiggling her tail and barking for phallic objects to play with.

The only thing that let her retain her humanity was the fact that she never let herself forget that she was born a human. For the sake of her still-growing children, she couldn't actually become a dog; the children needed her, so she needed to fight for a while longer.

On a different note, the doggy girl had just started her period today. Since she didn't have any sanitary pads, much less clothes to cover herself with, she left behind a trail of blood as she crawled.

Many servants were actually appalled by the sight, and even the ones that would usually grope her avoided her.

This time, when she entered the Children's Villa, she didn't meet with the Young Master and his kids; only the wife was here.

Upon seeing the wife, the girl immediately trotted over and lay on her back with her limbs curled, asking to be pet. This had become so much of a habit for her after a week in the pound that it was almost second nature for her to try pleasing someone by offering her body to them for petting.

The reason for this was because, while she was in the pound, she wasn't given any real food, despite being fed four meals a day. All of the meals consisted of some dog food and water laced with drugs.

Even if the veterinarians in charge injected her with nutrient supplements frequently, she still wanted something to eat.

Of course, the people in charge of her also noticed this and offered to give her some cheap food on the condition that she act like a dog and willingly let them "play" with her whenever they asked for it.

Perhaps if she wasn't hungry or under the influence of the powerful drugs, she may have never considered doing such things. Alas, such was not reality.

Every time she spotted someone who her mind deemed influential enough to help her cause, she would not even hesitate to willingly expose and humiliate herself to them.

After the punishment was done and she was taken off from the influence of the drugs, while she wasn't as extreme as before, the habits had been ingrained into her.

As a result, she sat by the wife's feet, displaying her everything while fawningly trying to win over the wife's favour with her doggy charms.

To the wife, the doggy girl's pose was unsightly, and this was primarily because her legs were spread wide enough to display her nether regions and the gore that seeped out from underneath.

The wife frowned at the sight of this.

She also noticed the blood trail behind the girl and she was seriously revolted.

She even felt a tad bit insulted at the doggy girl's posture that tainted the air around her noble presence.

She refused to let this kind of beast near her kids.

She called the servants to bring over a hose, and this time, the wife personally administered the hose treatment to the dog girl's nethers.

The girl kept squirming under the constant fire, but was held down by the servants so she was unable to move. The wife only stopped 20 minutes later, since her hands were starting to hurt from holding the hose for so long.

If not, she would've let it run the entire day.

The girl, on the other hand, was foaming in the month. She had violently climaxed numerous times due to the stimulus of the water's forceful impaling of her lower body, and this drew the disdain of the wife.

The wife thought of the doggy girl as a lustful slut. She needed to put an end to the dog's perversion.

After the wife stopped the hose, the traces of blood were gone.

The wife seemed to come to a decision at this moment. She called her servants over and informed them to call the family doctor. When the family doctor arrived, he was startled by the scene of a naked woman being held down by the servants and the amount of blood pooled under her.

For a second, he thought that the girl had miscarried.

Only then did the wife explain that she wanted to castrate the girl with medicine, to make it so that she doesn't have periods or produce milk from her breasts again.

This was easy for the doctor, and an hour later, he produced estrogen controlling medicine.

This medicine would take three days to take effect and would last for a week. It had to be administered once a week, and if it was used continuously for a year, the effects would be permanent. The doctor immediately administered it without asking for the dog girl's consent, since doctors never considered gaining consent from animals anyway.

And so, the doctor bid his farewells and the servants let go of the girl.

The girl was crying since her last bit of humanity had been robbed from her. She was no longer able to have kids under the effects of the medicine, nor could she produce milk for her second daughter.

The wife didn't care and immediately dismissed the girl for three days until the medicine took effect. Until then, the girl wasn't to take a single step into the compound.

The girl comforted herself with the fact that she could now, at the very least, go see her kids.

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