
Chapter 21.

After my wife took her leave I was in a major dilemma. I wanted to take care of a certain problem, but with this child here I didn't want to shatter the image I worked so hard to build up.

However, no matter what I thought of, I couldn't think of a way to relieve this burden within my heart.

In the end I could only patiently wait until this hell spawn of a nuisance left.

I'll have you know it has already been over half a month since I started interacting with this little wife of mine.

Now that I think about it. How the hell do MC's even manage to cope when they spend years at a time cultivating away in their little man caves. Isn't it too ridiculous? Those damn betas.

But at least the beta MC's are better than the MC's that find any beauty to sleep with. Also, what is with the females they constantly find? It's like every woman in existence is designed to be more earth shatteringly beautiful than the next.

You know what I really don't understand. The first person an MC will meet will be described as the most beautiful person in existence. The next woman they meet will be even more beautiful. How is that even possible? Is there some sort of level up system in place for beauty? My wife should be the max level right?

The worst part of it all though is every woman the MC meets just happens to spread their legs the moment they meet the MC's eyes. It's like the MC has some sort of eye prowess. Could it be MCs are all just ninjas hidden in the mist with their fancy mango eyes.

That's right. Don't question it. They're stupid mango eyes! It's not that I'm afraid of being sued or anything. I'm a manly man after all. What are lawsuits to me?

But why is there such injustice in the world? It makes no sense. What about all the side characters who have been with their woman for years, only to be tossed to the side the instant the MC is introduced.

I definitely will make preparations to avoid that happening at all costs. My wife is definitely the most beautiful in existence. There will be no end to the ravenous wolf like MCs I will need to face.

This little MC before me now doesn't seem so bad. As long as I can keep the wool pulled over his eyes it should be easy to keep him reigned in. There is also that girl that he may like. What was her name again? Chu Yue? I just need to make him into the faithful to love interest type. I better make sure that little girl does not die on him. Otherwise who knows how he will change.

Wait. There is still the possibility of shipping Sai Hitu and little Han as well. If he were to turn full on gay, wouldn't my position basically be secured? Such a difficult decision.

No no no. I refuse to push for that genre. Honestly what kind of nefarious thoughts are invading my mind lately. I feel like I'm becoming more evil as time passes.

I've never even touched a single book in that genre before after all. How could I possibly pull it off without any experience or reference material? Maybe we could make a pit stop in my old world and I could pick some up.

Well it couldn't hurt to be safe and have a trump card right? Maybe if I brought back some manga from that genre and had him read it the problem would resolve itself without me having to lift a single finger.

If MCs have trump cards, why can't the side characters? Why do side characters always have the worst moves made to look amazing but always get stomped on anyways? Really though, no matter how great a move a side character has, an MC with a trump card they pulled out of their ass always wins.

Hah. Whatever. This is a problem for later. Right now my most pressing problem is this child will not gtfo;paty(get the fudge out; please and thank you).

While I was busy plotting against this child and acting the part of a distant secluded master, this damn brat was still sitting there while his aura was fluctuating.


Are you kidding me? What aura fluctuating? No. I refuse to accept MCs. I worked so "hard" to surpass you and you are able to break through thanks to some life talk? What will happen if I teach you about the birds and the bees? Will you become an upper realm god?

I'm done. I quit. Stupid MC. I hate you.

I was completely forgetting the fact that I surpassed the child with no effort by simply falling asleep and waking up after I broke through a tier. In fact, I still didn't know how I managed to break through so suddenly. It couldn't really just be because of my new body, right?

After four more hours of suffering through the mental torture of watching the MC become stronger while simultaneously silently battling with my majestic little brother the child finally opened his eyes.

Damn right child, you better open your eyes for this daddy you stinky snot nosed brat.

If you ever close your eyes in front of me again, I swear if I do not slap you across the room I will not be called the god of face slapping.

This daddy will give face slapping a whole new meaning if you try to show off in front of me ever again.

Of course these were only my thoughts. I would never voice them in front of this child.

After the child broke through to become a 2nd realm semi transcendent I said, "child you may take your leave now."

Little Han looked hesitant as he struggled to voice his thoughts.

"Ven… venerable master this young one still has some troubles in his heart. I can try to accept that guy as he is, but there is another matter that has my heart slightly burdened. Venerable master is clearly a guru in the field of love seeing his peerless wife. Can venerable master please give this young one some guidance on the heart of a woman?"

I couldn't help but take note of the child's change in how he addressed me. It suddenly went from venerable one to venerable master. I was unable to stop myself from cursing him in my heart. This little bugger is starting to get better at sucking up and flattering.

But god darn it you brat! Can you not see I am facing my own inner struggles right now? Are you trying to kill this venerable master by frustrating him to death. I'll explode you know! Explode! Do you even know what a hydrogen bomb is? Well a certain little brother does. That's basically what he is right now!

I maintained my composure not allowing for a single slip of the tongue as I said, "you must be talking about that lass Chu Yue."

"Yes venerable master, it is as you have guessed."

"I am strongly attracted to Chu Yue. She has been one of the few people who has shown kindness towards me. Whenever I was depressed she would come over to console me. Whenever I was lonely she would always appear by my side. However, fate is cruel, she is Sai Hitu's fiance."

"After finding out about Sai Hitu's preferences I don't know how to face her. In all honesty I cannot read her heart at all. She is kind to me yet kind to my enemy as well. She shows loving eyes towards me at times while looking towards Sai Hitu with a somewhat lonely expression."

"In the end no matter how I try to repress my feeling towards her, it is impossible. Venerable master, please show me the light once more! How do I win her heart?"

Holy crap. This is stupid. It makes no sense, right? Shouldn't you be a standard MC who just snatches the wife without a second thought? What's with this guilty conscience of yours towards the enemy?

Is this actually not a world of cultivation but a world of a third rate drama?

If this was a drama then isn't she just flirting with you because she wants to make Sai Hitu jealous?

Or perhaps she feels resentful towards him for keeping her away from the one she truly loves? Isn't the MC's power a bit to strong? Stealing the hearts of fiances just by existing. What a terrifying power.

What about Sai Hitu though? How does he feel about Chu Yue? There must be amiable feelings, right? He can't be full on gay, could he? Maybe he's just bi-curious.

Ugh. With all the tangled webs I can't see the full picture yet. I need more information to get a better idea. Maybe it is time to start spying on a little girl.

In my old world such thoughts would have me arrested at the drop of a hat. Screw it, there are no cops in this world. I should be safe, right? I've got the protection of my great wife after all. It's not like she would get jealous of me spying on a little greenhorn. If anything dangerous did happen she would definitely step in right?

"Child, to understand a woman's heart one can only secretly observe them from the distance."

I couldn't help but smile. I felt like I were about to play the role of the detective of love.

"Venerable master… forgive this incompetent one, but I don't quite understand."

"Child, there are some things in life you need to be sneaky about. To capture a heart, you naturally must first understand it. To understand it, you must observe it and make deductions based upon facts. Without accurate information even a great master on the battlefield known as love can not make an accurate prediction."

"Don't be naive and think love is all about rainbows and being a happy go lucky fool. Love is a battlefield. It is a war zone. In some ways it is far more treacherous than the path of cultivation. Not only will you feel joyful at times. You will be hurt. You will feel pain. You will be betrayed. You will feel unimaginable heart ache. The loneliness, the isolation, the separations, the reunions. Keeping distance when necessary, yet striking out at the most opportune moment. Do you think it is possible to overcome all of these obstacles without any information on the target? Absolutely not!"

Looking at the child I couldn't help but think he was too easy to hoodwink. I just spouted some garbage I read online one day and you take it for the gospel? Those eyes shining like you are looking at a god. I can definitely be said to be part god though.

After all, I'll have you know my mother in law is a goddess of love and fortune. If I am not skilled, then who dares to claim they are skilled?

"Let us go child, we shall depart to the bloody fields of battle."


"You must strike while the iron is hot. The slightest delay will only lead to heaviest of losses."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the distance, in a once tranquil lake a lovely nude figure was bathing while kicking the water upwards throwing a slight tantrum.

"Husband, go get castrated for all I care. While your wife is bathing, you decide to sneak off to go spy on some other woman? Hmmp! All that wasted effort for nothing. Apologize to everyone who expected some fan service!"

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