
Chapter 15.

(POV Sanji)

WHAT? My little wife, are you playing a prank on this husband of yours? You realize I can see you, right? Could you at least try to hide the fact that you are the one who arranged for this meeting?

Wait. Why did he look so surprised when he turned back in your direction? Did you just make yourself invisible to him? Did you? Did you really? Are you mad that I saw some random girls making out? Are you mad that I saved it to a folder in my brain for later use? My wife, please don't joke around. Am I not even allowed to look accidentally?

Fudge, he's looking at me again. Right, calm down me. I've got to keep up my look of an ancient master. How else can I keep this kids mind away from thoughts of my wife aside from imprinting the suggestion that I am a wise old master who is secluded from the world.

This kid is a MC after all. Even if he looks innocent now, I wouldn't put it past him to become some kind of wife snatcher in the future. I must implant this suggestion firmly into his head.

Hands off the wife, she is mine! Look but no touchy!

I quickly collected my thoughts and recomposed myself after several minutes had passed. During this time we just silently stared at one another.

After I calmed down enough I opened my mouth.

"Child it appears my wife has taken a liking to you. For her to bring you to me while in my seclusion is truly quite rare indeed."

Stop laughing my wife! Husband is trying his hardest to keep up this act you know!

"It is my honor to meet venerable one once again. It was my good fortune to listen to your awe inspiring words of wisdom."

I stared at the child in silence as I was able to determine he was now a 7th realm mortal. My heart skipped a beat thinking about the MC's cheat like abilities in cultivation. Hah? What awe inspiring words did you hear to break through like you were on steroids? Please tell me what kind of broken words can make you jump three realms in ten days?! I would also like to hear some cheat like awe inspiring words and jump to a 10th realm mortal!

"Child, it seems you made some minor progress in your cultivation over the last 10 days."

Of course, my actual thoughts completely betrayed my attempt to downplay his absurd rate of cultivation. I have a cheat like goddess on my side who gave me some game breaking body! What do you have that let you keep ahead of me?!

"Yes venerable master, your words to me were like the light that illuminated the darkness on a foggy night. Your words completely obliterated any confusion this young one once had. Can I possibly trouble venerable one for some further guidance?"

I scrunched my brows up as I could only cry to myself for starting this stupid act.

Seeing my locked brows it seems the child thought I found his question rude. "Please forgive this humble one for his rashness. This young one has been too eager for success after his sudden windfall."

Why did I think it was such a good idea to act like some refined expert when I'm still below you by a single realm.

Cold sweat started to drip down my back as I racked my brains trying to come up with some more nonsense to deceive this naive little child.

"Child, what is your full name?"

"This humble one is named Han Tengoku."

"I see."

I put on a thoughtful face while looking far off into the distance with a vacant look like I were reminiscing over the past.

After several minutes had passed in silence I finally opened my mouth once more.

"A long, long time ago, there existed a sect called the Heavenly Fortune sect."

The child trembled upon hearing my words and his eyes widened. It looks like I hit the Jackpot.

The child's vigilance was now slightly raised towards me; he may have somehow heard of the name before. Perhaps that patriarch has mentioned it to him in passing.

I couldn't help but let a malicious smile form in my mind when thinking about how this naive child wore his heart on his sleeve for the world to see when he was slightly flustered. I hope this child never grows up and forever remains a pushover who I can easily hoodwink. But alas, hardships will inevitably make the MC grow.

"Child, fear not. I mean no harm. To others the name may be distant and far off; perhaps even forgotten, but to this old one it is merely a simple memory of a small sect in a tiny mortal realm. It is so insignificant when picked out from amongst the vast expanse of all the realms in existence."

I could feel the child's vigilance decreased significantly upon hearing my follow up.

"Child, do you know why it was called the Heavenly Fortune sect? Do you know what significance it has to the sect you are presently in?"

"This humble one has only heard the mention of the name casually from my adoptive father. Even he does not know much about it aside from its name."

"I see, so even he has forgotten. Such a shame, such a shame. Nothing can surpass the test of time after all. The last descendant has forgotten his roots."

The child's eyes widened in complete disbelief that I knew of such matters.

Hahaha my little wife I can see you glaring and pouting at me. The information you provided me is quite useful for deceiving innocent little children.

The child noticed my gaze that focused where he had last seen my little wife. I only glanced for a brief moment before my gaze turned vacant once again. He turned to where I was looking but was incapable of seeing anything.

He felt slight confused as he turned back towards me.


I quickly cut the child off and before he could finish his sentence I replied while I pretended to know what he was about to ask "don't ask child. Some things are better left unknown."

It seems I hit the nail on the head with that response as the child only let out a sigh while slightly dejected.

I continued "child don't feel discouraged. Though there are many things that are bound to weigh on your mind, you must learn to let go. Only through letting go can one be truly free."

"To even let go of freedom and bind yourself in chains. That is also a form of freedom. To remove those chains, that is a choice only you can make."

"Your very thoughts are like the ropes that bind this old one to this pole. Forget them, forget yourself and become one with the world. Once you do so, you will truly be free. You can only appreciate freedom once you know what it is to be bound. This old one had forgotten of this and as such I took away my own freedom so I could once again truly appreciate what freedom means."

"Now child, will you seek true freedom or will you continue to shackle yourself?"

The child fell into deep thought as he contemplated the meaning of my words. The child shook his head after a while and it seems he could not grasp my meaning.

I felt a bit panicked inside seeing his reaction as I had just blurted out whatever nonsense I could think of. I hoped to hoodwink the child while he rode the waves I stirred earlier in his heart. I even used information that pertained to his adoptive father in the process, but it looks like I missed the mark this time! I'm done! Finished! Kaput! Finito! Goodbye my award winning oscar act!

Although my mind was in chaos it seems the heavens still had eyes. Little Han walked into the courtyard and he took a rope that laid off to one side on the ground.

After he picked it up he walked over to the pole I was tied to. He sat back to back with me while he wrapped the rope around his torso and the pole before closing his eyes.

He could not see it, but there was a wide grin that arose on my face as I smiled triumphantly towards my little wife who stood there with her mouth agape. She was clearly confused and baffled at how such an idiotic scene had played out before her.

I could even hear her utter under her breath "I thought this kid was slightly intelligent, is he really just a complete moron? What true freedom? What shackles? It's just some normal rope that anyone with a bit of strength can rip apart."

How rude my little wife! It is clearly because I am a respectable master that this obedient child cannot help but follow in this masterful one's footsteps.

When my wife saw my smug smile, she snorted lightly and turned away to walk through a spacial rift disappearing once again.

Luckily for me my hearing was rather good and I could hear her when she disappeared while she grumbled, "snotty husband, hoodwinking children isn't attractive at all."

I could only sigh and think to myself when she left; my little wife even when annoyed looks bewitchingly beautiful.

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