

Without waiting for any further answers from Meyrlion, Granny Nindya stepped up to the hill. Her heart becomes all mess up.

Her soul was covered with overwhelming anger. In her life, this is the first time she has experienced three threats at once. The threat of losing her grandchildren, the threat of losing her strongest disciple and the threat of losing her adopted children. Not to mention the threat to the kingdom she had to swear to protect.

No one in all Vajya has dared to violate her life this badly. Hearing about Titan's family name would make them tremble with fear, let alone dare to provoke.

But they really exist some bastards who are tired of life.

Her teeth rattled due to hold the explosion of anger in her heart. She swore whoever the mastermind behind all this chaos would be made to regretting their birth.

"Even if this happens at the behest of any king which is being worshiped across the sea, I will beat him, his family and all of their subordinates who obey him up. Indeed, they are humans who deserve to be the most despicable slaves on the surface of Iocyania. I want them to suffer enough."

"Believe me I will not kill you all, but you will regret not choosing to die before this event happens." The tears running down Granny Nindya's cheeks have turned red. She cried her blood. Her sadness was mix with her anger.

This old hero stepped forward, towards the top of the hill. Her steps are sure and firm. The vibration of the magic emitted by her body was so large and frightening. Her aura is so cold and eerie, like the anger of a female tiger that's its cub was eaten by a group of coyotes.

Unable to hold everything inside her heart, she releases a very loud roar to release her emotional burdens. "Heyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!" It was full of anger, grieve and hatred. Even her Anahata chakra felt hurt so much.

And after her feeling becomes clear, she releases another roar; this one is a battle cry. "Ieeeeeeeeeee.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She challenges all her foes to come at her once!

An assault of various forms of combat magic hit her. Snowstorms, ice blades, flying fire swords, giant flame balls, flooded, landslides, earthquake traps, sudden quagmires, giant rock stones, and even giant ax attacks, all become meaningless before the angry old tigress. Her magical shield was unbreakable, an ultimate form of defenses.

Once all barrage of attacks stops for a while, her aura changes. Its intensity is getting denser until it is forming an illusion of big fierce tigress like.

The tables turn now. The hunters are becoming the prey. And she is the worst predator ever for them, powered by her grudge.

Her first victim is a female mage soldier who tries to crush her using earthquake magical attack and big rock stones assault. It doesn't take more than five minutes to terminate her resistance. Her body was burned by extreme hot steam created from a mixture of fire, water, and wind elementals magic techniques. Her magic power was completely drained, and her nerves were chaotic due to the attack of water magic, so it became very sensitive. Every pain will feel thousands of times more painful. She was left alive, but she begged to be killed. She often cried in pain because every cell in his body was in pain.

Her second victim is not having a better situation than the previous one. All his skin is burned down, his magical ability is sealed permanently, while all her limbs torn off. His minds are messed up by water magic to become extremely sensitive. His broken nerve will amplify every single pain he had much fold. This cause his pain feels unbearable, and he also begged to be killed.

One by one, the victims of Granny Nindya hunt was fell on various hill spots. No one survives without critical injuries. No one dies either, but their future is dim. The total was sixteen foes have become a disabled person in her hands.

She continued to walk, step by step, hunting down her prey until no one left. Her magical detection scans every corner and gap of a hill.


Once her mother said go, Meyrlion spread his sense all over the hill. He is searching for some pattern of magical energy flow like him or his mother.

Once he found a perfect hiding place, he sat cross-legged while fully concentrating. His consciousness is encircling anything sensed around him.

Until one moment, he feels something heavy in his mind connected to somewhere up there, close to the hilltop. He pinpoints those connecting feeling as his destination and decides to quickly teleport himself to that place.


A magical circle of teleporting Sigel appears out of nowhere, wrapping Meyrlion and then disappear again.


Meyrlion found himself at the hilltop.

The first scenery comes before his eyes make his heart sank.

Thirty meters from his teleport location, he saw a bunch of people in black uniform surrounding the source of the magical vibe he has been searching for. The pattern is matched with Tyas's. It must be her, Meyrlion thought.

The mission entrusted to him was to evacuate Tyas, Kyra then Jack. So, he starts to formulate some suitable plan according to the current situation.

First, he creates a diversion tactic. So he moves to another location, somewhere in the darkest place. Then he launches a series of barrage attack into those men. Of course, his attacks are no ordinaries either, it should be lethal and deadly to avoid the correct countermeasures from the enemies.

So he decides to use different timing to every magical attack series of eyes of thundergod.

The second attacks will be automatically launching two seconds after the first. And so on, until ninth. Luckily he has mastering time and space skill. So delaying technique is easy peas for him. This diversion will sufficient enough to trick the enemies into false perception which the attackers are only from one side only.

Once the second series of attack launch, he will transporting himself into Tyas, grab her and escape into the safest places, the Titan castle.

So be it.






His plan is being executed. His barrage of eyes of thundergod attacks those men. But his reality was too different from his expectation.

The level of power he had to choose was to overkill for them. Instead of planned for just a diversion, his assault was completely annihilated his foes.

"Ops...! Sorry I forgot to adjust the power level." Meyrlion astonishes.

Sixteen dead bodies turn into sieves; fall into the ground without even has some understanding about what is going on.

"Rest in peace, I'm sorry, don't haunt me"

Three of them can be considered very dangerous enemies. Their remaining power emitted from the body is so strong and frightening. They even have the ability to provide permanent energy shields throughout their bodies.

But their bodies even remain intact without scratches. It's just that their heads are gone, destroyed by a barrage of thunders.

"Damn it, Jack! This missed power level calculation must be because you injecting nano-machines stuff in my body. Look at 'em. It was all your sin they die. I do not take any responsibility !" Meyrlion grumbles.

"Dear fallen ones, do not put a grudge to me. It all Jack's fault. You may haunt him if you feel any grudge toward your death. But I guess you better not bother since he is not ghost-believer-person."

While scratching his back neck, Myerlion ran to Tyas.

Her appearance is very miserable. Half of her tail has been cut off. All her index fingers bent backward, her left temple had an open wound, blood covered her left eye until her cheek, her face was beaten bruised, her hair almost burned out, blood even flowed out of her nose and ears. It seems like she was getting beaten mercilessly.

She still held her knife, but it had melted and her hand was injured. While maintaining her fighting attitude, she leaned her back against the tree trunk. Apparently, she had a problem standing up.

Meyrlion felt much suffocated. Who dares to do this to her? She is still pure and innocent. What is wrong with it? Is that the Dracula's Troops did? Why can't all of you forgive this frail little girl?

Can't all of you think that is funny to gang against a single little frail girl? Are you all too bloodthirsty to beat her up until she almost dies? Why don't you all come to me instead?

It was difficult for Myerlion to understand the ways of thinking of his enemies. He cannot imagine what will happen if he was late. Maybe he will regret it as long as his life, haunted by his failure to protect his own daughter.

These thoughts remain in his mind, burning his rage and then consolidate into becoming a seed of hatred towards Dracula and its colleagues. This seed had found a fertile place to grow.

Without any Dracula's neither higher leader nor any Nevernian officer realize they provoke something they should not, the strongest hidden clan on all Vajya.

"Papa Myer ... is that you ...?" She tried hard to smile, "I'm glad you came to me ..."

Meyrlion hugged her dearly.

She screamed in pain, it seemed like some of her ribs were broken, "Don't talk. I'll take you to the safest place," Merylion also tried hard to smile. His eyelids glistened. "Come on, I'll carry you, it's daddy's job."

She smiles. "Please save Kyra too ... she's there ..." Tyas pointed his finger somewhere.

Myerlion nodded. Then he teleported them to that place.

Tyas pointed his finger somewhere in the shade of leaves and twigs. There is a small cave. "Please, let's get inside, papa..."

Inside the cave, there are three people. The body without limbs is placed on the floor with a severe fire injury. Two other people tried hard to heal her.

Myerlion was astonished to see that view, "Aren't they both Dracula soldiers, are they?"

Being carry on his back, Tyas shook his head, "Don't worry Papa, they're not dangerous. They bring my orders to cure Kyra. You can consider them as my subordinates now."

Both of them seemed too afraid to see Tyas come along with Meyrlion. "I beg you, don't kill us ... We have surrendered. We know we cannot win the fight against you. We are not combatant soldiers; we only the healing support team. Please, spare our lives; we will do any commands you give to us. "

"Then, both of you should put an oath to sign out from Dracula Troops or any of our foes," Meyrlion said while pointing his index fingers to those two.

"I swear to sign out from Dracula Troops or any of your foes. From now on we are not soldiers from any troops. We put our loyalty unto you and miss..."

"She is Tyas, I'm Meyrlion, his father, and the one you are currently healing is Kyra. We are Titan family. Tell me your name!"

They had the same pale face and white blonde hair, with reddish Iris.

"I am To Folkink," The short hair one says.

"I am Lies Steijn," The long hair one says.

"We swear our loyalty to Titan family, to obey every command of Master Meyrlion and miss Tyas. Please, spare our lives."

Ignoring their request, Meyrlion asked, "I receive your oath. How's Kyra's condition?"

"It took a long time ... her wound was too much. But, but she is still alive."

"Then heal her too simultaneously ..." Meyrlion said, putting Tyas on the ground. "With the three of us, their recovery should be faster ..."

Two of them nodded. "Not!"

Bzzt ...!

Meyrlion then put the magical curse of loyalty to both Folkink and Steijn. "I hope you all understand, this curse is a standard procedure in our family that is applied to every enemy soldier who surrenders, especially in conditions like today. Don't hate me. I just do our standard rules. I don't expect any slavery but forget out being released back into your home."

"We do not dare to betray you. " Both of them if they nodded with pale faces.

"I decide, This is our temporary post. Miss Folkink and Steijn, you all can all start now. I'll go for a while to pick Jack and Mother."

Anahata Chakra, The fourth chakra. Expresses as love, for either the divine or the material world. Commonly called the heart center, the anahata chakra is located in the dorsal region of the spine near the physical heart in the center of the chest.


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