
Episode 1: Into the Rabbit Hole (Part 1/Myst)

"Wooof! Wooof! *Slurp *Slurp *Slurp"

I suddenly woke up with dog saliva slathered all over my face. Not that I'm bothered by it. It's just our family pet being far too liberal with displaying her affections as always. It's quite cute actually. The only downside is me smelling a bit funny after she's done with me.

I slowly sat up on the bed and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the drowsiness. I'm not really a morning person. I moved my gaze towards the door to my room. As expected, the petite figure of my dear little sister was there; her cheeky little mouth curled up into a wry grin.

"Rise and shine big bro." an angelic voice resounded.

"Honestly, you've got to start learning how to wake up by yourself already. You've just turned eighteen. You've got to start behaving like a more responsible adult. You're setting a really bad example here."

I shrugged my shoulders as I listened to her usual morning lecture. Honestly. Doesn't she ever get tired of it? Not like I hate it or anything. After all, she does have a point... or two. It's just that I can't seem to find any motivation y'know.

"You're plenty responsible already Elaine. How bout you do my share as well?" I replied half in jest.

Elaine Evrard, my hyper competent, busybody little sister, pouted cutely as she placed her hands on her waist in an attempt to look imposing.

"Geez. What's with that? You weren't always like this big bro. You've been in that state ever since Vance and Felise left the village..."

My brows furrowed involuntarily and my expression turned gloomy.

Ouch. She certainly did hit a sore spot of mine dead on. After noticing my change in expression, Elaine cupped her mouth hurriedly and displayed an apologetic look.

"Big bro... I'm sorry. I..."

I got off the bed and lightly patted her shoulder.

"Nah. Don't worry about. I'm the one at fault for brooding about it after all this time anyway. Thanks for always worrying about me Elaine. And sorry for being such a no good brother."

Elaine got teary eyed and hugged me tightly on the waist. Geez. What is with this cute creature? My little sister can't be this cute!

"Big bro! Don't worry. No matter what anyone says, you'll always be my one and only big bro." she exclaimed with conviction.

Man. Just how much more loveable can she get? This little sister of mine truly was too good for me. I... I am not worthy. I'm seriously about to break into tears here.


A lively bark echoed throughout the room, breaking the moody atmosphere.

"I think Berry's saying it's time for breakfast." I said with a grin. Elaine smiled and let go of my waist. She then trotted towards the stairs with a lively gait.

"Big bro, hurry and wash up so we can eat. You know mom won't let us touch the food unless everyone's present on the table." she reminded before finally heading down. Berry, our family pet, followed along.

I proceeded to the bathroom to get rid of the smell and the sticky sensation on my face. I then headed towards the dining room of our quaint village house for some breakfast.


Come to think of it, I haven't introduced myself yet haven't I? The name's Myst. Myst Evrard.

Quite the fancy name for a rural village guy don't you think? Apparently, the Evrard house was once a prominent noble house that produced several generations of excellent knights.

But due to coming into conflict with another famous noble clan and ultimately losing out, we started to decline and were finally chased out to the outskirts of the Vandel kingdom, where we lived in exile.

That's how the stories told at the periodic family gatherings went at least. Honestly however, they were little more than gossip and no evidence to substantiate those fanciful claims was ever found even if one traces back our family tree.

But it's a nice story nonetheless. Not to mention a great time waster. The kids seemed to love it anyway. Heck, even I was completely enamored with it back when I was young and didn't know any better.

Come to think of it, hearing those stories might be one of the factors that contributed greatly to me wanting to be an adventurer back then, only to have reality slap me in the face. Hard.

Honestly, why are kids so damn gullible?


"Good morning dear. Have you groomed yourself properly? And you didn't forget to wash your hands did you?"

My mother's smiling face greeted me as soon as I arrived at the dining table. Melissa Evrard - my awfully young looking thirty-something year old mother. Her long silky brunnete hair, smooth skin and curvaceous figure were the envy of the village housewives and spinsters.

Heck even our village's young maidens were jealous of her killer combination of youthful looks and mature charm.

"Yep. All cleaned up." I replied casually.

"Well, now that Myst is here, can we start eating already?" a deep, masculine voice echoed from across the table.

My dad, Lucian Evrard, made a pleading look as he asked my mother for permission to start digging in.

Even though he looked like a seasoned veteran warrior, he was actually a big softy, especially towards mom. They made quite a pair actually. Incidentally, he's also the village chief.

"Ehehe. Dad's stomach is already making funny noises mom. I think we really need to start eating before it gets any worse." quipped a familiar bell-like voice.

It's my little sister, Elaine Evrard. She inherited mom's glossy brunette hair and good looks. She tied her hair up in a cute twin tail style and possessed a cheerful and somewhat sassy personality.

"Look. Even Berry's starting to get impatient." Elaine pointed out while giggling happily. Our family pet truly did look a bit impatient as she vigorously wagged her tail.

Despite the cute name, Berry was anything but. She's a cross between a regular dog and a type of lupine monster species called Rouge Fang.

My mom found her wounded and nearly dead as she was picking herbs within the nearby Fiora forest. She brought her home and nursed her back to health along with my sister, so she's quite attached to the two of them.

She lacked the usual wild and ferocious nature of a full blooded Rouge Fang. But despite that, she's still about twice as big compared to a regular large dog.

She did have a unique charm though. Instead of her fur being blood red, it's carnation pink - except for a particular spot on the center of her forehead, which rather curiously resembled a red heart mark.

She's become our official family mascot. She can be rather sweet. But piss her off and you'll be on the receiving end of her pearly white (and rather sharp) fangs. She beats any regular guard dog, that's for sure.

And then, there's me. The one and only Myst Evrard. Seeing as the other members of my family (plus the family pet) have really distinct features and personalities, one would expect me to be the same right? Well, unfortunately, that's not the case. Far from it actually.

The wonder that is "me" can actually be described in one single word: ordinary.

I have no distinctive features. My looks, while far from abhorrent, can't exactly be called handsome or dashing either. My height is average compared to my peers. My build ain't skinny. But it ain't buffed either. I'm not particularly gifted academically. My physical capabilities are average at most. I have average mana capacity as well. And my skills with a sword, spear or bow can be considered as barely passing.

Hence, I'm your average guy. As ordinarily ordinary as they come. The poster boy for ordinariness. If you think of "ordinary", chances are, you'll think of me.

Anyway, the bottom line is that I'm ordinary. You got that?

It's not like I'm sulking or anything you idiots!


Well, I think you get the point.


After the meal (which was delicious, as always), my father and I headed out for work. Mom and Elaine started their day by fussing over the plants and vegetables in our garden as Berry lazed around nearby.

Mom's the village pharmacist. It's said that even just her smile could heal. There's even a rumor of people injuring themselves willingly just in order to see her.

My dad's the village chief, but he's also the village's best blacksmith. He used to take in loads of commissions for weapons and armor during the war with the demons.

Now, he just makes various tools and implements. His kitchen knives became an instant hit with the housewives because of their beauty, sharpness and balance.

I walked down towards the village entrance. Lindorf, this little village out in the sticks, is my home. Despite not having any distinctive features or specialties, our village still gets plenty of visitors due to it being one of the stops along the road towards the kingdom's southern border.

Adventurers and merchants pass through our village for some rest while in the middle of traveling towards the neighboring Almadeus Theocracy.

My job is basically being a village guard cum village guide and receptionist. I greet and inspect the people that come to our village and provide some friendly directions for first timers. Service with a smile and all that.

I also alert the other village guards whenever I encounter suspicious individuals. It's not the most exciting job in the world. But hey, it's better than nothing.

I greeted some of the villagers along the way. They're all relatively friendly folk. But some of the younger generation can get a bit annoying at times.

"Hey, look guys. It's Myst. He looks as gloomy and miserable as always. I can't believe he's childhood friends with Lord Vance and Queen Felise." a lanky young man quipped.

"Sssh. Quiet down! He'll hear you. He may be a good for nothing but he's still the village chief's son." a young woman whose eyes narrowed into slits warned.

I already heard you, idiots. And which part of me looks gloomy? Okay, maybe I do have a bit of a depressed look recently. But I make sure to put on my best "business" smile whenever I take up my post.

And seriously, a good for nothing? I may not be anything special, but at least I'm not "bottom of the barrel" useless. There are guys who are much worse off than me even in the village.

Damn. This is unjust resentment. I want a lawyer.

I do have an inkling as to why they're so critical towards me however.

Simply put, they're just jealous.

Why the skeptical look? I'm serious here. No, really. I'm not pulling your leg.

They're not jealous of "me". Not exactly.

They're jealous because I happen to be childhood friends with both the dashing and powerful hero who slew the Demon King and brought peace to the continent, and the beautiful and brave princess, who spent her childhood hidden in a far away village to stave off some traitorous nobles who were after her life.

She then made a triumphant return after the king, who had been turned into a puppet ruler by said nobles, breathed his last. She staged a successful coup, deposed the corrupt nobles and rallied the various allied nations under one united front against the threat of a massive demon uprising.

She was finally crowned queen after the demon army's defeat.

Amazing isn't it? They both sound like larger than life individuals, and I'm childhood friends with both of them.

Not that this little tidbit counts for anything really. They both seem so far away now.

And to think I can still vividly recall their smiling faces whenever I close my eyes...

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