
Chapter 1

In a desolate forest that has been bereft of rain for decades. A gathering of clouds begin to form, and as they group together, the clouds' pure white fluff turns coal black. A storm approaches this dry forest. The vegetation does nothing, unaware of the miracle that will soon befall them.

The clouds condense and unable to support the weight anymore, rain soon falls. It touches not the trees first, but a group of small budding flowers. When the gentle pricks of rain hit the group of young flowers, the flowers instantly soaked up the water, not letting even a drop go. And then miraculously, every single budding flower bloomed all at once.

And from their blossoms, a small white light flies out, as if hidden inside the dying flowers all this time, just waiting for the right moment. The lights gather together and condense into one spot, soon taking the shape of a human man. The creatures born from such instances are called 'Spirits'.

They are creatures born from varying circumstances and miraculous happenings. An example of such a case, is if an old man happens to collapse and he happens to fall onto a sleeping cat, and his head hits a multitude of insects all at once. And every one of these creatures happened to all die at the same time and as each creature breathed their last breath. A spirit shall be born from the collected breaths of each death, such a coincidence and happening is what will birth a being known as a Spirit. And each spirit comes with power that is unique only to them, and having been born from such unique circumstances that can only be considered as sheer luck. They are known to be luck incarnate. And this statement is of the utmost truth. They are born from luck, and thus they live by luck. Hence that is why these creatures are so very rare, and so very tempting.

From humans, to elves, to beast men, to all sentient creatures living on this world, they would all want to keep a spirit. Kingdoms and strong warriors have tried to forcefully take a Spirit and control it before, but the results have always ended up disastrous. Spirits are powerful creatures for a reason. They do not have a physical body, and are entirely made up of the pure spiritual energy that seeps into the air from everything in nature. To the rocks, to the ants, every creature uses or has spiritual energy either flowing within them or around them, and Spirits are born from this energy.

No container, so far, has been able to contain a spirit, for they can merely just pass through such a simple cage. And as they are luck incarnate, such a circumstance where a Spirit is ever in danger is few and far between. And, not to mention the Spirits unique abilities, that only they can use and control, angering a Spirit is disastrous.

The last account of angering a Spirit, resides within the historical records of a certain Kingdom, and it details as such:

"In the 15th dynasty of the Kingdom of Ricorrio, a Spirit was angered. The reigning king at the time, King Alrado, ignored the warnings that have been preached for centuries, and listened to the current Head Scientist at the time, Lord Drivei Gant. The Head Scientist proclaimed that he had managed to perfect the perfect cage for a Spirit, and that he was ready to catch a real Spirit. The King, growing worried about the future of his country, and blinded by greed, allowed the Head Scientist to go out and capture a Spirit.

The Head Scientist succeeded in capturing a Spirit. He happened to capture the Spirit who calls herself Tear. This Spirit has been marked down in legends for being very kind to everyone and has never been known to ever get angry. This Spirit is known for her kindness and aid to those who are true and are able to find her. Tear is called the Spirit of Life, her unique ability relies within recovery and healing. She can bring back one that is even in death.

The Kind Spirit was captured. The cage used to imprison her caused her immense pain daily. The Head Scientist conducted experiments that were too immoral and improper to be documented.

The Kind Spirit was captured and contained for a year, until the year 2088, of the Dylan Calender. The contianer for some reason it another, broke. And Tear was free. Angered due to the pain that was caused onto her, she took the life of the Head Scientist as well as the King. And the life of the very land the Kingdom stood on.

The Spirit of Life, was henceforth now known as the Spirit of Death.

She took the life of the land.

And in doing so, took the life of every human living on it.

The capture of a Spirit was a close kept secret, the commoners knew nothing. But the royal family and close confidants knew everything.

No problems were known as of yet, but soon, it became obvious. The fields became barren and cracked. The people grew suspicious, and rumors spread everywhere. Someone had spread the word of a Spirit being angry. The people believed it. What else could cause such damage?

People left the country in a hurry, and abandoned the Kingdom they once called home. The Royal family was blamed for everything and no country would shelter them. They lived in hiding and fear.

The year 2090 of the Dylan Calender, the Kingdom of Ricorrio ended.

Everything decayed, the land forever rotten. Life will forever never flourish there.

The Royal Family has never been accounted for, they are most likely dead."

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