
Semi-Finals (3)

Having no success with Jolteon, Alain decided to go with something more powerful and defensive and so he sent out his next pokemon into the battlefield.

He tossed the Pokeball up in the air from which escaped a bright light and a massive pokemon materialized in the middle of the battlefield, the sun's bright rays related from its exterior as the pokemon released a majestic pressure.

The pokemon that entered the battlefield is Metagross, its four massive limbs landed hard on the ground sending tremors through the battlefield.

Julian nodded at Alain's choice, Clawitzer cannot use his claws against a pokemon that is so big and tough, even if Clawitzer is capable of crushing rocks with his claws there is no way he can put a dent on the hard metallic body of Metagross.

Julian knows it because he has also trained a Metagross and he knows what to expect from it, the only way Clawitzer can deal damage to this pokemon is through blunt brute force through his claws, his crushing grip will be completely useless against Metagross.

Seeing that Julian had no intention to switch his pokemon the referee continued the battle.

Alain "Metagross, use Hammer Arm"

With his command his Metagross lifted its heavy limbs of the ground, floating in mid-air, suddenly rushed towards Clawitzer with full speed, each of its arms glowing as they radiated destructive pulse of energy from them.

Julian "Use Protect"

Julian knew that the incoming attack will be very hard to dodge but he already has a plan to counter it, Clawitzer used Protect and suddenly created a forcefield around him to block the incoming attack.

As Metagross got close to Clawitzer, it suddenly extended all its limbs straight making it look like a cross from above, it then suddenly started to spin like a spinning top.

If one looked from above they would see a fancy glowing spiral.

The spinning Metagross ripped through the air and crashed hard against the protective shield, and because of the continuous barrage of Hammer Arms, the Protect shattered in a second.

Julian was surprised by this but it was enough for him.

With how fast Metagross was spinning, all of its arms made contact with the protective shield which reduced the power of all Hammer Arms.

Julian "Quick, use Surf"

As soon as Metagross got past the protective shield, Clawitzer released a surge of extremely powerful waves of crashing water all around him.

Because of the sudden outburst of water all over the area, the spinning Metagross came to a stop and it couldn't hand any Hammer Arm on Clawitzer.

Now that it is has stopped being a crazy spinning wrecking ball Julian has the chance to take advantage of it and he is not an amateur to miss it.

Julian "Now, Dark Pulse"

Since Metagross is right in front of the claw there is no escaping from this, Clawitzer snapped open his claw and blasted a powerful Dark Pulse right on Metagross's face.

The Dark Pulse made contact with Metagross at point-blank range sending the massive pokemon shooting through the air.

After a few meters, Metagross came to a stop as it stabilized itself, even though the hit was at point-blank it couldn't knock out Metagross.

Metagross hummed in anger and glared angrily at Clawitzer.

Alain "Use Flash Cannon"

Metagross used its two limbs and aimed it at Clawitzer, a ball of glowing light formed between the two limbs which was then released in form of a highly pressurized beam.

Julian "Counter with Scald"

Clawitzer snapped open his claw and blasted a hot jet of water, the two moves clashed right in the middle of the battlefield.

While Flash Cannon is destructive and cold, Scald is sharp and hot. Both attacks try to counter each other but no move came out of the top, it was as if both moves were canceling each other.

The exchange lasted for a few seconds before both moves faded as they ran out of energy.

Julian 'This battle might drag on if this continues'

Julian thought and decided to switch pokemon, he took out Clawitzer's Pokeball and sent him back, he then sent out his next pokemon into the battlefield.

Aegislash entered the battlefield in his Shield Form.

Alain looked at Julian's choice and wondered what he should do about it, he wondered if he should continue with Metagross or switch his pokemon.

After thinking for a few seconds he decided to switch as well, he sent Metagross back to its Pokeball and sent out his Charizard, his final pokemon.

As soon as Charizard was out, he didn't even waste a single second to mega evolve his Charizard.

The light from his keystone fused with the mega stone around Charizard's neck which soon triggered the evolution, Charizard started to change, the shape of its wings, its size, and as the light disappeared Mega Charizard X was revealed.

Even with Charizard mega evolving Julian was not worried because Aegislash was on the battlefield and Julian knows this battle will not last long, even with Charizard's mega evolution.

Alain "Use Dragon Rush"

With Alain's call, his Charizard charged at Aegislash as a massive dragon made of energy aiming for complete demolition.

Julian "King's Shield"

Aegislash used King's Shield in an instant, a image of a massive shield appeared in front of him putting a layer of protection around him.

Alain looked at this and realized that he made a mistake. When Charizard makes contact with Aegislash it will reduce its attack stat.

King Shield is a very unique move that only Aegislash can use, this move will protect Aegislash from any type of move, whether it is a physical or special attack but this move can only be used when he is in his Shield Forme, another ability of King Shield is that any contact move from an opponent will reduce the opponent's attack stats which is equal to crippling the opponent if it is a physical attacker.

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