
Mewtwo's Call

It's been one week since Julian arrived back to pallet town and he is leaving his days peacefully, training his pokemons and himself together with them, he has also grown close to Daisy in this past week.

Julian 'Man, this peace will be over in just a few days, maybe even tomorrow or today'

Julian was outside the lab making food for his Snorlax and other pokemons, suddenly he hears something coming towards him at full speed, he turns around and sees a Dragonite flying towards him at full speed, as it lands in front of Julian it gives him a square shaped plate with a class crystal in the middle and an envelope, Julian first looks at Dragonite and sees a bag hanging on its shoulder filled with cards.

Julian 'Looks like Mewtwo had started his plan'

Julian looks back at the plate as a hologram appears on it displaying a figure of a woman dressed in brown fully covering every part of her body except her face

Woman "Please forgive the urgency of this letter, You have been acknowledged as a promising Pokemon trainer, so the strongest pokemon trainer, my master, has invited you to a party"

Suddenly the hologram changes into a map displaying a route with red lines.

Woman "This map shows the direction to reach the pokemon castle on New Island, please check the reply card whether you may attend or not, the strongest pokemon trainer greatly desires your attendance"

Julian opened the envelope and saw a card with two checkboxes named Yes and No

Julian 'I don't know how stupid people are to go to this place after receiving such an anonymous message, I might understand if Ash's was to go there but there are more people going'

Julian just shook his head and took out a pen from his pouch and checked the Yes box and gave it to Dragonite

Julian 'Even though I say this I have to go there and see if everything goes right, I will only interfere if things didn't go as per anime'

As Dragonite flew away, Mew suddenly appeared out of nowhere and sat on Julian's shoulder and looked at the hologram map projected on the plate, Julian looked at Mew as he was surprised by the sudden appearance

Julian "We are going to visit an acquaintance pretty soon so I hope you don't cause trouble when we reach there"

Mew looked at Julian tilting his head then nodded as he floated towards his pokemons to greet them

Julian 'I should get ready to head out'

Julian walked inside and saw that the TV was on and the news channel Kanto Today was on it, this time it was a different host

Host "The Gym in Viridian city was completely rebuilt three days ago as the gym leader is still not present, our reporter has gathered information that he has put someone else in his place till he comes back no one knows where the gym leader is, people in the city are saying that he feels ashamed of his behavior towards the mysterious legendary trainer so he went away to repent himself"

Hearing the nonsense that is still going viral in Kanto and other regions Julian didn't know what he should do but to keep quiet and hide from the media, I switched off the TV and walked towards his room, after is finished pacing some new coats for himself he is ready to head off towards the New Island, as he walks out he sees Professor Oak with Daisy, Daisy is wearing a dress and looks like she is heading somewhere, Julian walks towards them to see what's going on.

Julian "Daisy are you going somewhere?"

Daisy "Yes I am going to the Hoenn region as I was called to be the assistant of the world famous pokemon groomer who will be residing there to further he studies and I will be helping her"

Julian "That's great I hope you have a great time in Hoenn and learn more about pokemon grooming"

Daisy blushes, in the past few days she has become close to Julian and has developed a slight crush, now seeing him supporting her like this made her feel very happy.

Julian "By the way Professor Oak I will be going out for 2-4 days but I am not sure if I will return under those days"

Oak "Where are you going?"

Julian "To meet an acquaintance"

Oak "Ok have a safe trip"

Julian "Daisy come I will drop you at the seaport"

Daisy "Thankyou"

Julian "Wait here I will bring my bike"

Julian walks away to bring his bike while Daisy and Professor Oak talks for a while, Julian comes back with his bike and signals Daisy to sit behind him, she climbs onto the bike carefully as it's her first time riding one.

Julian "Hold on tight"

Julian starts the bike and drives away as Daisy holds him tightly, after a long ride they finally reach the port, they arrive right on time as Daisy's ship is about to sail in an hour.

Julian "Take care of your self"

Daisy "You too"

She walks away but suddenly turns around.

Daisy "Will you come to Hoenn someday?"

Julian "Don't worry I will, as soon as I arrive there I will tell you but it will take a long time for me to go there so you have to wait for me."

Daisy "I'll wait"

She smiles and walks away leaving Julian alone.

Julian 'She is the second one who makes me feel like this, I hope Chloe is doing alright even though our time was short she really left a deep impact. Chloe, Daisy don't worry I will make both of you mine'

Julian sighs as he sees Daisy's figure disappear from his sights

Julian 'Now I have to go towards Old Shore Wharf, most of the trainers will be there, should I take the ferry, no the weather is going to be altered by Mewtwo I should ride Gyarados, I will arrive there pretty late, from pallet town to Old Shore Wharf is going to take me at least two days, Mewtwo would have already started his plan, now that I think about it Garry didn't go there, well its better that way he must have just ignored that message thinking it's fraud, it's not surprising as he is very arrogant'

Julian walks towards the sea and calls out Gyarados, he is still wearing that Tungsten headgear with the mega stone on it, Professor Oak as given the Keystone permanently to Julian as he finished doing his research on it.

Julian "Buddy we are going on a trip, let's go"

Gyarados bows down a little as Julian jumps on him as Gyarados dashes towards the direction Julian pointed.

It's night time already and Julian and his pokemons are in a remote Island as they finished training before going to sleep, Gyarados also went for his adventures and Kabutops following him as they find suitable opponents to battle, if not they would spar with each other but Gyarados would always win but Kabutops never felt disappointed as it was just normal training and they where like family.

The next day Julian continued his journey as he rode Gyarados very early in the morning, as he was heading Mew also tagged along as he was dangling on Julian's neck while playing with his hair or he would go in front of Gyarados and look at the Mega stone with sparkling eyes, Julian just laugh at Mew seeing it childish and cute behaviour but he also knows under this cute and cuddly pokemon lies a force that could destroy multiple cities with ease.

Every pokemon had the capability to destroy cities but they wouldn't as it was their home but they should never be taken lightly.

As Julian was still very far from reaching the Old Shore, the storm started brooming, the clouds became dark as it started to rain, huge waves started forming as the sea was in chaos, Mew who was sleeping on Julian's shoulder suddenly woke up as he sensed two similar presence, one was Mewtwo and other was one of its own kind, a Mew.

Julian "You sense them don't you, both Mew and Mewtwo"

Mew just nods it's head as it stares at Julian with eyes filled with sparkle, it now saw Julian as much more of a mysterious person, first it saw Julian surrounded by Omniforce which even he can't use, Mew had tried to read Julian's thoughts many times but it failed as he couldn't get inside as he was blocked by large amount of Omniforce and now he saw Julian predicting the future, he knew Julian is a very special person and he will always experience fun by following him.

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