
Less than expected

Jos blew out a frustrated sigh. "You guys cannot stay so close." She rolled her eyes as her arm bumped into Raven's armor. "You've got to at least appear to be participating in this ridiculous group hunt.

Raven took one wide step to the side. "There, space…"

"What would you have us do, catch a rabbit with our teeth?" Chary chimed in. "My usefulness is pretty well limited to the water and interrogations… not land hunting."

"You're both impossible." Jos rolled her eyes even farther into the back of her skull as she continued down the heavily forested trail leading toward the cliffs.

Raven arched a brow. She reached into the quiver strapped to her back. She simultaneously pulled free the bow and an arrow before drawing and firing into some shrubs. She lowered the bow as she walked over to the shrub. She lifted the arrow with a small rabbit attached to the end of it. "There, one rabbit… Happy?"

Jos's eyes widened in shock. "You killed it! What the hell?!"

Raven threw her hands up in irritation. "You said we needed to at least appear to be part of this thing. Well, here ya go. One hunt-ed animal. Done… Now let's go to this damn cliff-side cave and see what hells await."

Jos shook her head. "I should go alone." Raven and Chary both shook their heads causing Jos's frustrations to build. "Guys this is ridiculous. Have you forgotten who I am… what I am?!" She shook her head in irritation. "You are all way too overprotective."

Chary shrugged. "Maybe so, but I promised Arei I'd keep an eye on you. And you of all people should know, there are two things that man is great a holding onto… grudges and loves."

Jos blew out a resigned sigh. "Fine, do whatever you want… the two of you most likely will regardless of what I say anyways."

Raven and Chary both chuckled. "You're not wrong there."

Chary pointed past the clearing of the cliff. "Is that it?"

Jos shrugged. "I guess we shall see. Perhaps it would be best if you didn't go any farther than here. It's close enough if I need you… you'll know…"

Raven and Chary exchanged questioning glances before finally shrugging in agreement. "We'll be here if you need us. Just shout, and we'll come running."

Jos nodded. "Wish me luck." She stepped past the two other women and made her way across the narrow clifftop. She turned back toward them as she stepped in front of the opening to the cave. She lifted two sets of crossed fingers into the air before turning and disappearing inside.

"It took you long enough." Artemis sat on a smooth boulder with her legs crossed. Her eyes held a hint of concern. "I'd begun to fear you wouldn't come… or had been prevented from coming."

Jos didn't try to hide her discomfort. "I'll not lie… I'm not alone. Charybdis and Raven are both just on the other side of the cliffs."

Artemis nodded. "I see… You don't trust me… or is it that you have already predicted my reason for wanting to speak with you, and the answers you have will surely upset me."

Jos shrugged. "Both…"

Artemis's lips curved into a smile. "Blunt and straightforward. I like that."

"Is there a point in being otherwise?"

Artemis chuckled. "I suppose not." She blew out a sigh. "With that being said, I'll get to the point. You've most likely already guessed, I wanted to speak to you about Ry. I would have preferred speaking to Areion, and I'll admit I'm rather shocked he didn't follow you here… but here we are…" Her eyes bore into Jos. "What do you know of his disappearance?"

Jos arched a brow. "Primarily that it wasn't a disappearance." She shrugged. "You couldn't have expected him to be here when you showed up, could you?"

All humor left Artemis's expression. "Of course not, but I'd hoped he would remain nearby… enough whereas we could have met…"

Jos clenched her jaw. "No… He left, and had planned to leave for some time to avoid you and your brother."

Artemis shot to her feet in anger, her hand drew back. "How dare you!"

Jos stood rigidly steal. "Would you prefer that I lie to you?"

Artemis clenched her teeth. "Then where is he now? I can no longer sense his presence… anywhere." Her anger melted to sadness as she lowered herself back to the boulder.

Jos blew out a sigh as she walked over and lowered herself to the far side of the same boulder. "Last any of us spoke to him, he was dead set on going to my mother's island."

Artemis's brows went up in surprise. "Why would he do that?"

Jos lowered her head and rubbed her temples. "Because Ry is Ry… and he still blames himself for what your father did to Arei and me…" She shook her head. "He has some kind of crazy idea in his big stupid head that he could somehow convince my mother to lift my curse… and that that somehow would make up for all the time Arei and I have lost with one another… I don't know… No one has been able to get ahold of him for over six months."

Her mouth dropped. "And no one has thought to investigate?"

Jos shrugged. "I'm not sure. I spent most of that time in the U.S. with Chary and Scylla… I didn't realize he hadn't returned or contacted anyone until just recently."

Artemis nodded. "I see…" She studied Jos silently for a long while before finally asking. "So, what can you tell me of your mother's island? Tell me everything you can. Don't spare any details."

Jos drew in a shaky breath. "Calypso's island is Ogygia… Calypso is my mother…"

Shock overtook Artemis's face. "It seems… I'd forgotten that detail…" She studied Jos more closely. "How do you access the island? How do you get past her many monsters?"

Jos swallowed uncomfortably. "I know Poseidon can teleport on and off the island… Also, Hermes has never had problems flying there…" She thought back to the bits and pieces she remembered from Russ and Ry talking about their trip there. "Ry and Russ… ur… King Russell went there some time ago, and I know from what they said swimming to it was a bit challenging."

Artemis rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I see… and the monsters, is there any way to get past them?"

Jos nodded slowly as she debated how much to disclose. "There is… As long as we know precisely the time you will be entering into the waters, we can guarantee safe passage by the worst of the monsters. As for the others Russ… uh…"

"It's fine. I understand the two of you are close, there's no point in hiding it."

Jos could feel her cheeks redden. "Yes… well… Russ was able to out swim them without too much difficulty."

"And your mother? How do I find her once I'm on the island?"

Jos shook her head. "That I couldn't answer. I've not seen my mother in over a thousand years."

Artemis pondered everything Jos had said. "And you're sure that is the most likely place Ry would be right now?"

Jos shrugged. "I have no idea. Arei and the others assumed that if he were not there then he was in a… situation… where he didn't want to be found right now and that it would be best until… things… blew over…"

Artemis's eyes narrowed. "What exactly do you refer to?"

Jos could feel the blush creep back up her neck as she averted her gaze. "Um… well… you see…" She turned hesitant eyes to Artemis and swallowed hard. "Um… Ry… well, between not wanting to run into you and your brother… well, he'd also kinda fallen for Russ apparently and… man this is awkward…"

Artemis pursed her lips. "I already know how varied his tastes are. There is no need to dance around the matter. He and I share a similar… taste… So, I can understand. The new King is an attractive kid…"

Jos nodded. "Yes… well, with some questionable things that had happened between them, and the nearness of your visit, topped with a ton of guilt over Arei and my relationship… He decided that talking with Mom would be best, I guess… And wouldn't listen to reason from anyone else…"

Artemis frowned. "That sounds like him alright…" She pushed herself up from the boulder. "Well, I suppose we should be heading back before we are missed."

Jos hid her surprise. "If… if there isn't anything else…"

Artemis shook her head as she dusted off her clothes. "I don't suppose there is, unless you have more to add."

Jos quickly shook her head. "Not at all."

"Very well." Artemis arched a brow at Jos as she moved toward the mouth of the cave. "I shall see you back at the palace?"

Jos nodded. "Yes… though I doubt we'll be staying for much longer. Arei and I have a lot of our own problems to work on as it is currently."

Artemis nodded dismissively. "Understandable. Well, thank you for taking the time to meet with me." She gave a slight nod. "Until we meet again, then."

"Until then…" Jos held her breath as Artemis left the cave, not releasing it until she was sure the goddess would not be returning. Her heart began to pound with the released breath, and she dropped her head into her palms. Rapid footsteps drew her attention back up to the mouth of the cave.

"Jos?!" Raven was the first to run inside. Her eyes scanned over Jos. "You're alright?"

Jos nodded. "Yeah… I'm fine…"

Raven made her way over and held out her hand. "Well, come on. Let's not chill in this creepy ass cave all night. The wolves let out a cry about the time Artemis stepped out, so the hunt is over. Thank the gods…" She held up the rabbit. "But you better believe I'm still showing off this bitch."

Jos shook her head. "Of course, you will…" She rubbed her temples. "I need sleep… All the drama of today has completely drained me…"

Raven chuckled as she threw her free arm over Jos's shoulder. "Old age finally catching up to ya?"

Jos shoved her away playfully. "You're one to talk!" As they stepped out into the moonlight Arei's large frame stood silhouetted on the opposite side of the cliffs. His back was to them as he spoke with Chary.

Raven shook her head. "I figured he'd be here any time… I'm actually surprised it took him as long as it did before hunting you down." She patted Jos's shoulder. "That man is crazy about you… and it's not curse related." She wagged her eyebrows at her.

Jos blew out a sigh as a smile curved her lips. "I know… and I believe I'm finally finished hiding how crazy I am for him… I give up…" She said with a shrug. "What can I say… I love him."

Arei turned at the sound of her voice. He arched a brow as he planted his fists on either hip. "Who do you love, now?"

Jos's smile widened as they both worked to meet each other halfway. "Oh, you know, a lot of people." She held out her hand and began naming fingers. "Let's see… Cam, Shelly, Raven of course."

He narrowed his eyes. "Of course… and Russ…" He reached out and grabbed her hips. "And who else?"

A sweet but teasing smile curved her lips. "There's just too many to name them all right now…"

He lowered his lips over hers in a hover. "Is that so? There's no one else you'd care to mention at this moment?"

She shrugged. "Well… maybe that rabbit before Raven shot it…"

His eyes narrowed, his voice growing more gruff with desire. "Even a strange woodland creature warrants mention?"

She nodded as she pressed up onto her tiptoes. "And you…" She whispered against his lips.

"Hum…" He growled against her lips. "Why don't we go home, and you can show me…"

Raven rolled her eyes. "Well, at least saying you two left to go bang wouldn't come as a big shocker to anyone…"

Chary laughed. "I'll go give them a reasonable excuse for you if you guys want to leave from here. I figure Scylla shall be ready as well."

Jos giggled as she sent Raven a playful glare. "Yes, Chary we'd appreciate if you would do that for us."

Raven rolled her eyes a wide smile spread across her lips. "Yeah, yeah… I see how it is."

"Can you blame me?" Jos laughed.

Raven shrugged. "I donno… I don't see what's wrong with it… I was gonna use the same excuse so Isha and I could leave early…"

Chary chuckled as she gave Arei's back a playful slap. "And you say I'm a handful. Looks like I've met my match."

Arei rolled his eyes. "And I'm looking forward to avoiding whatever you do to get the upper hand and maintain your proud title."

A mischievous smile spread across Chary's lips. "Ah, come on, little brother, you know you look forward to my shenanigans!"

Arei shook his head. "No, in fact, I'd rather say they terrify me 95% of the time!"

Chary threw her arm over Raven's shoulder. "Why don't we see who can come up with best story for these two on the way back?" She gave an excited hop. "Awww! Perhaps we could even team up!"

Arei shook his head as he pulled Jos tighter against him. "That's the last thing this world needs, the two of you working together." He set them a wave. "Later, guys."

Chary lifted a hand and Raven held up the skewered rabbit as they walked away head-to-head in plotting mode.

Arei shook his head again. "The world is doomed if those two are left together for too long."

Jos giggled as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "Don't worry their wives will always be able to ground out their excessiveness regardless of how crazy out of hand it gets."

"Hum… You're right…" He turned his attention away from the departing backs and held Jos tighter still. "That's a good sign of two people who are meant to be… when they can balance out the other's flaws. I feel like we do that well for one another. We're complete opposites in so many areas. Like magnets, our opposite poles attract each other and hold us together."

Jos smiled up at him as she tightened her arms around him. "I like that… it sounds oddly romantic."

He bent and placed a light kiss to the tip of her nose. "That was the point." His whispered words tickled her cheek as he lowered farther and captured her lips this time. "Ready to go home?" He murmured against them.

Jos nodded, pressing upward for a better taste for his lips. "Yes…"

Between health problems and internet malfunctions, I've all but given up on timely chapter releases. Mehhhhhh

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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