

Li Xueyue felt a familiar ache in her heart. It reminded her of the time she found Bai Tianai and Zheng Leiyu together. Years have passed since that incident, but the pain could never be forgotten. It crawled out from the depths of her mind, gnawing at her trembling heart.

She let out a shaky breath and took a hesitant step backward. She wanted to run, but where? She wanted to yell, but how? When her eyes met his eyes, he dropped his hands.

"Well, this is an interesting sight," Li Xueyue wryly said. She hugged her stomach and stared at the familiar woman. 

"Sunshine," Yu Zhen murmured. 

Yu Zhen completely abandoned Xu Jiaqi. He rushed to Xueyue who stood by the entrance. He reached out to grab her, knowing she must be shocked by this scene.

Li Xueyue let him touch her. She could see the hope soar in his eyes, only to die down.

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