
It's Dangerous

"Hmm, a complaint about the country? Well, I'd say the taxes are too high and heavy on us. I heard from my sister living near the forest that her town has been offering a lot of their supplies to the soldiers. With little to none left for themselves, it's been difficult for them to get by."

"You want to know what angers me so much? How unfair it is that the rich and middle-class can get their prissy little problems heard by the People's Representative. We don't have our own leader to talk to about issues which concerns, and that damn representative always ignores us."

"Well, would you like the honest truth, little lady? What I struggle the most is finding a suitable place for my children to spend their time meaningfully when I'm out in the stalls earning a living. My husband and I don't want them to sit here and do nothing all day."

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