
A Lifetime

Li Xueyue silently cheered on the inside. If Heiyue would return home without his Master, the stable boy would immediately alert everyone. There would be a massive search for her.

The Lieutenant sneered. "Let that horse go. He's blind. I doubt he will know his way back here." 

Li Xueyue felt her hope instantly die off. Did Heiyue know the way back home? She hoped he did. Her horse was smart so he wouldn't get lost. But then again, it was their first time riding this far.

She had a bad feeling about this.

"Sir, what are we going to do about the girl?"

"Blindfold her."

"Yes, sir."

Li Xueyue couldn't even protest when a cloth was tightly wrapped over her eyes.

"Knock her out."

Her eyes widened. Before she knew it, a harsh blow was dealt on her head. The force was so strong, it felt like her entire brain shook inside of her skull. 

It did not take long for her body to slump motionlessly.

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