
The Dance (Part Two)

Isaac was enjoying his supper, quietly whispering back and forth with Skye talking about the strange events of the day.

"What do you think about the visitor?" Isaac asked leaning close to Skye's ear. Smelling the aroma cherry blossoms drifting in a spring breeze radiating from the female elf beside him. Gods did he love that smell, to him that smell meant home.

"I don't trust the mortal and I want him to return to his Kingdom and leave us to our peace. Our people should not have to die for his." Skye said in a low grumble ensuring she was low enough that only he would hear.

"That is what I think too but it is not my place to say anything. In the end, I'm just the court healer and protector of the princess" Isaac said stifling a laugh. Skye gave him the look, she hated being called a princess. In her opinion she wasn't a princess she was just an archer. Especially due to the fact that most of her people avoided her at all costs or treat her like a pariah.

It was out of character for him to call her princess however Isaac was trying to lighten the mood. He could tell that the fact that the other elves who were whispering about Skye were really starting to affect her. He knew she could hear them after all they were quiet about it. Many rumors surrounded Skye and her mother. No one except her father knew who she was and many believed her to be druid due to the fact that her ears looked so mortal.

"I think I am going to call it an early night, I have to be up at sunrise for training," Skye said in a saddened tone. Isaac knew she wasn't actually going to bed, she was going to the orchard to shoot.

"I will escort you back," Isaac said before taking one last sip of wine and putting his napkin on his plate.

"No its fine I just want to be alone."

Skye then leaned towards her father to ask to be excused. Isaac looked at her not with pity but with understanding.

Just then the visitor asked Skye to dance, Isaac knew this wasn't going to end well. Skye wasn't the type of person who likes to dance. She was always afraid she would do something wrong, even though she had been trained from a very early age. Skye had actually learned to dance with Isaac since he was her only friend the King typically had them do almost everything together. The King didn't want Skye to feel alone, he knew the rumors but she was just a child. The King had even told this to Isaac when he asked him to look after her. Isaac and Skye had been friends for a few years at that point but during this time the bullying had gotten worse. Skye had stopped eating or smiling the only thing she did was target practice. It was a very sad and lonely time for Skye but she always had Isaac to cheer her up, he was always by her side and always would be.

Isaac thought of these memories as the King was agreeing to the visitor's request. As William led Skye towards the open area in the middle of the horseshoe banquet tables, all the other elves ceased their dancing and returned to their spots leaving only the pair.

Isaac couldn't hear what the pair was saying but he could clearly tell that Skye was upset. He started to scoot his chair back when the King held out a hand toward him. He stopped knowing the King wanted him not to intervene. Isaac sighed, he hated this he wanted to go over and punch this ass and take Skye to her happy place the orchard. The song was quickly over Skye hastily left the prince in the middle of the dance floor hurrying out the doors. Isaac quickly rose from his chair and followed Skye into the cool night air.

"Skye please wait" Isaac yelled as he followed her trying his best to keep pace. Isaac didn't remember a time that she was this upset as he watched her fade into the nighttime fog. Isaac ran toward the orchard knowing where to find her.

"There you are," Isaac said out of breath after some time finding her not shooting but she was actually curled into a ball in the gazebo.

Skye looked up at him and tears started to stream down her checks she wrapped her arms around him and just silently cried for what seemed like an eternity. Isaac had never seen her cry not ever in all his years of knowing her. A rage boiled inside of him, he was going to kill that visitor for doing this to her. Isaac continuing comforting her and holding her close. It was as if she was making up for not crying for 20+ years by letting it all out now. Isaac didn't know when she stopped crying but, he didn't dare move. They stayed like that late into the evening just holding each other in the cool night air, in silence the only sound was that of their own hearts beating.

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