
Battlefield 138

Thirty-one hours have passed since I have come to the central command, and since then, I have been here.

Assistants changed their shifts; even council members changed every few hours. 

Though there were always six councilmembers present in the central command to make the decision, the projection of Lord of Glass is unmoving as always, making me think his projection is fake and he is not present here.

"All of you, your shift is over; return after four hours," said Lord Chalice from his chair before turning to other councilmembers.

Nobody stayed after hearing him; all of us walked out of the central command at breakneck speed before stepping into the formation. 

Even though we could continue for days without sleep, we slept whenever we could. We are trained for it; it is the way we could maximize our efficiency in this war where we could be called to fight at any moment.

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