

when they both finish changing and start going to class in the road they met with a little girl but you can see she has at least 16 years with long white hair and blue eyes like the sky she was wearing a white dress and holding a sable in his right hand the sable was white like snow and a handle like a rose.

tom: do you have a business with us.?

??????: No with you but with him I don't know how a low class demon like you enter bu.....

tom: hey what's your problem!

Iril: she is not an opponent you can handle you don't recognize her?. she is the second to the throne of the heavens Emily skydrum the successor of the king of gods.

Emily: at least you know who you are talking to little demon I will not let a demon that have immortality like yourself to live.

at that moment Emily pick up his sword and move forward but

tom: look I don't care how you are but I will not let anyone hurt my partner.

Emily: you are saying you want to have a duel with me?.

tom: yeah just what I want.

Emily: okay when classes finish I see you at ¨the arena¨ don't run.

tom: Yeah I see you in there.

Iril: did you know what did you just do!!!!?

tom: yeah.

Iril: she is the one of the 3 in the school that are in the SS block she is the only one in this academy apart from the director that can you use light magic.

tom: yeah but I can't back down and I will say it all the times is needed I will not forgive anyone that hurts my friends.

Iril: what? only for that?

Iril: haah okay but I am coming too.

tom: what?!!!

Iril: is obvious I was the one that was being insulted.

tom: eh? no but....

Iril: a problem?( releasing blood lust)

tom: NO SIR!!!!!

iril: okay I am counting with you partner.

tom: yeah partner.

they give each other a high five.

and that way Iril and I become temporarily partners.

Iril: and one thing more.

tom: what?

Iril: thank you.

tom: yeah no problem.

tom and Iril went to the classroom and explained what happen to everyone.

everyone: whaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!

tom: well that happen.

robin: are you a Idiot challenging a SS rank to a duel without knowing your own magic.

tom: well I manage somehow...

Eli: Is your fault you Idiot!!!!!!!!!

in that moment Elina gather blood magic in his hand and attack Iril.

tom: Eli calm down he isn't the one to blame It was my decision.

Eli: no it wasn't he took advantage of your kindness is exact like that time he will make you suffer!!!

in that moment I move fast as I could it was like a reflex and stop Elizabeth

tom: that is enough Eli if you say something like that I will not forgive you.

Eli: Tom you idiot!!!!.

tom: Iril let's go we have to prepare ourselves.

Iril: Aah yeah.

tom: I wish that you forget that please Eli and me have some rough past.

Iril: it okay.

tom: well let's get to the dressing room.

Iril: sorry I will see you in there.

tom: okay.

In that moment I start feeling the pressure and anxious of the nearly fight but in that moment

????: are you worried?

tom: teacher Zen!!!!

zen: yeah i feel abit worried so i come to see you but how are you feeling? well looking at your face one will know

Tom: haha as i through you could knew?

Teacher zen: tom.

tom: yes?

Teacher Zen: tom did you know what magic is? magic is the crystallization of desire if you desire to become strong your magic will respond to that. well don't worry about if anything happens I will cure your wounds.

tom: desire..... thank you Teacher I feel little better

as I said I reveal a fearless smile

teacher Zen: okay now the reason that I come here was to give you this.

tom: this is ?????

teacher Zen: is a light armor with a rune of power

tom: are you giving this to me?.

teacher Zen: yeah and also this.

tom: what is this? a rock sword with strange words

if I have to describe the appearance of this sword I say that it looks like a rock with the form a sword if i didn't feel mana i may as well call it a piece of rock. but is strange i feel a sense of nostalgia like i have hold this sword before..

teacher Zen: when I was in the ruins of a temple I founded I look for the words but I couldn't find the correct language maybe it will help you. Well is better that going bare hand right?

tom: yeah thank you very much!!

tom: Now that I look at this armor is very extravagant is covered in black and red is like a black sky covered with a rain of blood and this sword made of rock I took because I didn't have a weapon for the match but it feel strange reliable .

i swing it a few time but i don't feel any discomfort

????: tom!!!!

tom: Iril you are here.

Iril: are you ready?

tom: yeah I count with you.

Iril: yeah me too.

the moment Iril say that I and Iril start walking to the coliseum to start a battle that to death with the princes of heaven.

tom: Iril did you hear that

Iril: yeah they come from the coliseum the sound of shouts and steps of a lot of people

tom: well it's better if the thing is fire up.

Iril: okay let's go

tom: okay!!!!!!

the moment we enter the arena a enormous pressure invade us like a storm

Emily: looks likes you didn't run away.

tom: I am a man that don't break promise with a lady.

Emily: Is good that you can laugh now because from this moment you will not be able to do it.

Referee: the moment, the canyon shot and a blue ball explode the match will begin.

tom:(I feel light like a feather it's strange this feeling I have is confidence? pride? or?

the moment the ball exploded I stopped thinking and my body move

tom:(if this become a magic battle I don't have a chance I have to finish this before this became her specialty because that reason I have to take her down in one strike)

I was moving the fastest I could to reach her before she summon her magic but the moment I was about to strike her.

Emily: it was close but you can't hurt me with this level.

tom:(a sword appeared of nowhere?!)

Emily: it's look like you have some brain in that head of yours

Iril: yeah indeed he have some brain " DIVINE SCARLET PENETRATION PALM"

tom:(this is Iril scarlet magic is concentrating his magic in his hand and forming a blast of scarlet energy We can do this if we keep this rhythm up me with the sword and Iril with Magic)

Iril: aaaaaah!!!!!


this is a technique were i make my mana spin around my arm to create a stronger impact

Emily: Magic Martial arts?

tom: I didn't come here with nothing in my sleeve!

Emily: looks like you are better than you look like (I didn't intend to use this here but I have no choice)

Emily: SWORD THAT IS MY SOUL GIVE ME THE STRENGTH OF YOUR HOLY STEEL AND MAKE MY SOUL TAKE FORM (holding his sword and start saying his incantations)

tom: the sky is being tear !!!!( sword are appearing of nowhere)

Emily: to think that you make me use this treasure. fuu now died low creature!.

tom: Iril!!!!

in that moment I jump to save Iril by pushing him

Iril: tom yo you your hands!!!!

Emily: what an idiot if you had thrown him away you will not lose your hands.

tom: haa haa yeah but when I think you will kill my friend haa my body move on his own to protect him.

Iril: tom!!!!!!

tom:(Ah I feel cold is because of the loss of blood? Well at the end I couldn't do anything Iril, robin, teacher Zen and Eli I couldn't anything for you Eli I am sorry)

my vision is turning black dammit i could do anything I was to weak

???: Do you wish to shatter that reality My king.

I hear a voice

tom: what? Who are you? King?

???: In this moment that doesn't matter do you wish the power to smash this cruel reality

tom: yeah.

???: even if you stop being human.

tom: even if I become a demon or a monster I will not doubt and I will move forward

the shadow makes a little smile as he says:

shadow: then take the power to make your deepest desire reality!!!!!

is what the shadow say while a enormous door appear behind him.

shadow: this door is your power accept this and you will stop being a human

tom: yeaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when tom answer the door starts open and a light start getting out.

Iril: tom what? How?

tom slowly start to get up

Emily: (how can he stand up his hands was cut down and his body pierced by my holy blade?!)

in the moment I stood up and incredible explosion of energy is liberated from my body and a black light that covers the entirely arena is released.


Emily: Impossible a magic enchant with that body!!!??

Emily: (his hand grew back and his chest is closed?!)

when tom finish saying his incantations a white element appears in his left hand while his right hand a black element appears and start concentrating in the rock sword.

tom: CHAOTIC CUT!!!!!

tom move his sword to the sky and bring down an enormous energy that cut the barrier.

Iril: If you use this magic with that body you will not.....

Iril as if trying to stop him stretch his hand but he was too late

tom make a cut that powerful that entirely barrier and coliseum start trembling

Iril: tom!!!!

I didn't know but later on that magic will make revolution that will change the story of this world as is know

Shadow: so how does it felt?

tom: who?

Shadow: don't tell me that you forgotten about me that fast?

tom: shadow?

Shadow: yes.

tom: Thanks for lending me this power

Shadow: I want to talk a bit more but it's time you awake

tom: what?

The shadow put a little smile on his face and move his hand to tom head

Shadow: one more thing don't forget what you say to me when we first met. I trust you let me see what future you will make with this power.

comments please!!!!!

lotusflamedevilcreators' thoughts
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