
''I should have created a mission'' (edited)

Besides me, there are 13 other active fighters, the other people will surround the house and not let anyone escape!

I hold my new hammer (I'm so happy) and we're headed towards the upper part of the village, here it's no longer river bank and practically no risk of flood, so the houses are next to the ground and considerably better, probably they are already members of the family, bastards, but members.

Some people have already identified us, but they do not disturb, at most were some mothers or fathers who ran to get the children on the streets but soon after they came back and closed the doors tight!

The path is short, 1.5 km or 2 km away only. We identify the house quickly, it is the only house with walls, it has a wooden gate, the house has two floors and is very large, 20 people can live there easily! I found quite a mixuruca, but for some villagers it is the first time seeing the lord's house, simply because they had no reason to come up here, so they seem impressed by the luxury.

We are a large group of people, any strategy seems stupid! After confirming with an elder that this is really the lord's house, I have commanded that all those selected advance!


As a group of Barbarian Giants, we advance! I am the biggest and strongest so I went ahead! As soon as the guard identified us he tried to yell 'enemy attack!' but the same was broken in the blast together with the gate! With my speed, I did not even have to swing my hammer. A shoulder attack was enough to crush the guard at the gate! Hurt like a bitch, but it was a great show of strength! I get up and take the pieces of wood and guard meat from my shoulder. "Split up! Everyone who does not surrender, kill!"

Now with my hammer in hand I break the door with a kick and enter the house! I shook my hammer in some furniture to make noise and started looking in the house! When I saw the servants of the house cringing beneath the furniture crying out of mercy, I felt a bit of a villain (though I did not feel bad.) But since they were surrendered I did nothing and told them to calm down! I want to have a life of adventure, if during that I can help some people I do not care, but inevitably I'll be a villain for several others! The world is too dynamic to be defined in just good and bad, I know this perfectly!

The downstairs had no one else, but I heard fighting noises upstairs. Me and the other Altiorem climb up to support our partners!

I come across three guards and a man with pearl necklace fighting seven Altiorem, honestly, the Cultivators were beating the peasants! Even though I could hear women and children crying in the background, the men seemed very relaxed, and Lord Haiyu himself was not even present, of course until they saw the amount of reinforcements that arrived!

I came showing who's boss, giving a Spartan kick in the first guard I saw! He flew about three meters spit some blood and after two seconds he got up and fought again! Damn Cultivator!

I turned my attention to the man in pearl necklace, previously identified with 'Uncle' he was also looking at me, probably already realized that I was the most powerful in that hall!

I swing my hammer towards Bald Uncle, he deflects, but he did not expect me to swing back so easily! Again, he was able to defend himself efficiently! Martial arts! I will definitely learn them! During our struggle I took some punches, they are painful, but nothing impossible to endure. I hit very few strokes on him, but each one was powerful! But without any of us noticing, all the Altiorem were watching us, some of them were bruised and their hammers broken, but they all watched my fight with boiling eyes! The guards? dead on the ground!

After a few seconds I blow my hammer on Bald Uncle's head, he falls bleeding to the ground and I finish quickly with my Rambo knife! Watching his head roll on the floor the women scream desperately and one of them runs off toward a large door at the end of the hall! The portage opens and before the woman could say something she takes a powerful slap on the face! Everyone in the hall, even the children are silent! He speaks with a booming voice "All this fucking mess! I'M CULTIVATING, BITCH! GO TAKE CARE OF MY OFFSPRING!" He looks at her for a few seconds, the same one points at us, we're all looking at each other like idiots.

The guy's an asshole! But it relieved my heart a little, I was worried that Lord Haiyu was not here!

He sees all the blood and the head of the brother on the ground! His eyes turn red with fury and the veins on his forehead throb with hatred! "WHO THE FUCKING FUCKED FUCK YOU ARE?" Without waiting for an answer he comes running at high speed and hits a punch in my face! With a sound comparable to an explosion, I flew out down the corridor and through a wooden wall, falling on the first floor! I dislocated my left shoulder and broke some ribs. But the worst part is my face! My beautiful face is all disfigured! I look like Valdemort!

I stay on the ground for a few seconds waiting for my healing factor to get the job done! However, I hear several noises of fighting and screaming from the second floor! My people are fighting that damn Cultivator! They will be massacred! My blood boils and I hear my EP beeping for some reason but I ignore it for now! I climb the stairs ignoring all my pain!

I see several Altiorem dumped on the floor with missing body parts! Most seem to be alive but they are all fucked up! Lord Haiyu is punching one of my men while shouting things like 'courting death', 'paper tiger' and 'fucking trash'! I do not question what is happening and I quickly jump on the man, trying to stab him in the back! He reacts by hitting a kick in my still deformed face! I was able to completely ignore the pain! What I only realized now! even with my injured left shoulder I can still move if I ignore the pain! Without care for the consequences I release my claws in my left hand and start fighting without caring the damage I take!

The battle lasted only 2 minutes and was completely Brutal! Both me and the lord are bloody, bones exposed, limbs missing, toothless mouth, broken claws, the son of a bitch is even using one of my ribs, like a dagger! We fell into our own pool of blood. Waiting for death. Well, of course he was waiting for death, I'm an immortal sucker!

After 10 minutes I recovered enough to sit down and beside me is Lord Haiyu's cold body!

The pain was slowly coming, but when it came it looked like a truck had hit me! The last thing I thought before passing out was 'I should have created a mission'.


Spoiler on Marc's "immortality":

Before you start talking shit about MC being immortal and that this is 'anticlimatic', he is not immortal in conception that he wished. This will be explained later, he does not even know it, but this fight was lucky that he came out alive from it.

only_rubis_pleasecreators' thoughts
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