
I start hearing snores


when I go out I go directly to the bathroom to clean my face. when I come there I go directly to the washbasin to clean. while I come there I start cleaning it. after I do this I go and sit on the toilet to wait for Greg I could go and watch how he is playing but he could be soon to the end and I don't want to do this. when I sit on it I said "what happened to me. I couldn't do this before meeting him. I'm becoming pervert but after I pleasure Greg he will do this for me and after it, I feel great and I want him to do this for me." after saying it I start thinking our all sexual interactions. while doing it I could hear that door has been open but I said nothing while.

after some time I could hear Greg saying "ok I'm here". 'fuck I'm becoming wet while remembering this all' i said to myself hearing his voice and when he comes to me closer and give me kiss.

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