
Swing Time

"I should've known." Eiji groaned when they stepped inside a thriving inn, which was situated in the middle of nowhere along a strip of coast closer towards Kure City.

One side of the inn had some of the fusuma and wall panels removed to allow a picturesque sight of shimmering moonlight amongst a black blanket of sea.

They were able to hear rhythmic sounds of the tide moving in and away from the shoreline. A gentle cool breeze stirred through the heady thick atmosphere of the inn's party.

"Welcome!" Greeted a middle-aged woman wearing a modest green-white kimono that seemed to be the working uniform of the ladies in the house.

At least, those who didn't have to entertain men as being Geisha.  Naturally, Kei found his way to where two Geisha were on a low-rise platform at the back of the room, performing an elegant dance to a crude number before a rowdy crowd of drunken men in traditional attire. 

Eiji tensed when he caught sight of traditional tattoos to arms and legs of some of them.

"Tyne. I'm not sure we should be here." He discreetly whispered into Tyne's ear. 

"Second that. I've noticed some of the quieter heavy hitters in the corner keeping watch of us." 

"What is Kei thinking sending us here?" Sean entered the conversation with his whispered contribution towards their concerns.

"Let's see what happens. He wouldn't have brought us here if he felt it wasn't place we could rest," Tyne said to reassure his men, and himself.

"Gentlemen. You're a long way from your country?" A slick voice called out to them in broken Deutsch. 

Eiji, Tyne and Sean faced a smooth and slender looking gentleman in a bone herring suit, expensive black loafers and slicked back hair.  He was a handsome young Japanese man, except for the clear straight scar line that ran down his left cheek and side of his neck. And probably about the same age as Tyne judging from his confident mannerisms and wrinkles to his forehead.

Eiji sighed at the man's assumption of Tyne and Sean being German. 

"They're with meh Ricky!" Kei drunkenly rose a glass to the man with a young Geisha giggling under his arm.

"You don't waste time Kei-chan." Ricky smirked at Kei.

Kei gave him a happy gesture with his hands and approached his companions.  "Yah can trust to Ricky. He'll get you what pleasaaah yah need." 

Sean sighed, not liking this stupid drunken side of Kei.  But whatever. 

The scrutiny from the eagle-eye watch dogs in the corner had relaxed when Ricky assumed their host and invited them to a private booth and low table, which had a clear view of the ocean (or the blackness of it) and crisp feel of its breeze from the opened shoji doors.  Subtly lit lanterns created a soothing ambience around the room, promoting a feeling of relaxation and coziness. A dangerous place.

"My name is Harigawa, Rui. You can call me Ricky if it makes you feel at ease." Ricky warmly greeted the men seated at the table before him.  

They were certainly handsome specimens. The way they held themselves suggested they were more than your average civilian. 

A serving girl politely entered upon Ricky's permission. Everyone patiently waited for her to finish serving sake and kaiseki consisting of sampled boiled fish, rice, small buns and artistic sweet cakes.  Sean was unable to hold back his glee at the sight of the cakes. 

"Please gentlemen, indulge." Ricky permitted the men.

Sean eagerly sampled the sweet cakes and gave a goofy expression of enjoyment, which seemed to have pleased Ricky.

Conversations were light and innocent until the meal was over. Ricky's expression and customer service smile eased into one of a sober businessman. Tyne, Sean and Eiji were more than prepared to discuss any arrangements they had to meet in being there.

"Kei-chan. Tell me what brings you all here." Ricky addressed his question to Kei with his eyes fixed on Tyne and Sean.

"Dem be those doctors for Wiesmen.Yah know." Kei hiccuped, looking about his arm for the Geisha who was no longer by his side.

"Aah really? So you're the Americans. Well, I don't know if it's an honor or if I should shoot you." Ricky chuckled. 

Eiji sat up with surprise. His mind went back to a conversation they had with Kei and his papers.

"Shocked I see?" Ricky's chuckle eased into a smug grin. "Don't worry. I won't shoot you. At least not yet." 

"Bah. Don't be an a-hole Ricky. Dem be solid." Kei slurred as he rudely downed a cup of sake.

"Kei-chan. If I didn't love you, I'd shoot you for your foul manners." Ricky scoffed with an expression of clear distaste at Kei's drunken boldness at the table. 

"Yeah, yeah, yah love me. I ain't going to f'ck yah, though, cause yah know I like boobs." Kei came back at Ricky. "BOOBS!" 

Ricky sighed and rolled his eyes. "Like I would go after a wiry ape four-eyes." 

Eiji dared pensive glances to Tyne and Sean who seemed to be unperturbed by the bizarre reaction from their host and Kei.

"You, on the other hand, you're handsome." Ricky boldly addressed Eiji. "I guess you go after boobs as well." 

This caused Kei to blurt out crude laughter. "Yeah and pigs have wings."

He got up with a pretence, and drunken crude declaration, of finding a pair of boobs to rest his head on for the night.

"Boss, give me money." Kei held out his outstretched hand to Tyne.

Tyne sighed, not seeing any other option considering he was their driver and it probably would make them look bad in front of Ricky if he didn't seem to care for the man's good time.

"Don't go overboard." Tyne handed him a wad of yen. 

"Imma go all out, prissy." Kei gave an evil chuckle as he drunkenly left the booth to find the girl of his dreams for the night.

"So that's Kei when he's having a _really_ good time." Eiji groaned.

"Fun man isn't he?" Ricky coyly addressed Eiji with wink. "So, by Kei-chan's reaction, your preferences are similar to mine."

Eiji tensed, feeling uncomfortable with the attention.

"He's an acquired taste." Sean butted in on the conversation. "Haven't you wanted to expand your palette?"

"With your looks, I'd consider a nibble." Ricky eyed Sean, appreciating his looks.

His eyes lingered on Tyne and reached a conclusion. "I can tell you're on team boobs." 

"Thank you." Tyne answered.

The men finished their meal with civil conversation, skirting around questions they really wanted to ask and have answered.

They allowed a few of the Geisha to entertain them before deciding to split off for their own entertainment. 

Sean accompanied Ricky in a private room for the rest of the night.  Eiji felt both grateful for Sean's rescue and concerned on the type of romping he would have to experience.  He and Tyne had a task to do before they could call it a night.

They returned to the car for the suitcase and Tama. As they were making their way towards their assigned room at the quieter wing of the inn, they passed Kei who gave them a winners grin as he closed the door to his room with two beautiful Geisha under his arms.

Eiji rolled his eyes and continued to follow Tyne to the room. It was as private a place as possible. A location that Ricky and Kei were able to organize for them whilst they were mingling and getting merry.

They both focused in setting up communications back to base, with Eiji keeping watch and caution for intrusion.

Tyne was eventually able to reach a signal. Another American voice eventually answered their call.

Thank you for reading this chapter

Veronica8creators' thoughts
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