
Tribute to Kobe 2

Kobe - can't lie.. for the first half of your career, I hated you. Ok, that's not true, but I hated you. I hated on you because, as much as I was in denial about it, you were better than my favorite athlete of all time: Allen Iverson. 

You got drafted when I was seven years old and played your last game when I was 27. Watching basketball as a kid, superstars in the NBA were more like Super Heroes. Superheroes would provide us with an abundance of entertainment, hope, and inspiration. What separated you, though, was while the other SuperHeroes of my time (A.I, T-Mac, Shaq, KG, VC, etc.) were degenerating into mere mortals as time passed, you remained a SuperHero - continuing to play at a high level until your last days as an NBA player.

But this transcends basketball. 

Back in 2012 when I was looking to go to business school and get my MBA, but not at all wanting to study for the GMAT, I saw an ESPN segment on how you wake up at 4 AM every day for workouts during the season, and 5 AM in the off-season. 

What's my excuse?!

Maan I picked up that GMAT book, took a practice test.. and FAILED.. badly 😞. It was more humbling than getting friend-zoned by a girl after taking her wining and dining for three months (so I've heard 😅). 

I kept at it, though, and got into b-school on scholarship. 

I vividly remember you hitting this game-winner in 06. The shot was epic, but your fist pump celebration had me cracking up. I used to mock it, and use it to taunt people when I would beat them in.. well anything. (for context, I'm relentless in my 'annoyingness' as you were in your work ethic). "Koooooobe Bryanttttt!" is what I would yell in my little brother's face whenever I'd whoop his ass in NBA courtside on Nintendo 64, even when I wasn't playing with the Lakers 😂 (if only u did that fist pump before the game came out. You lucky, Lil bruh).

That fist pump was always used in mockery until December 2014. I found myself doing that same fist pump except not in ridicule. It was my reaction when I received a job offer on Wall St, which would be ready after graduating from b-school. Funny how things come full circle. 

I started out hating on you at the beginning of your career, only to end up much respecting you. 

I showed me how to build up the courage to face any obstacle, no matter the challenge. You taught me how to overcome those obstacles.

Mamba Out? Nah. You are immortalized, Legend. Mamba Forever.

Thanks, Kobe.

RIP Kobe. RIP GiGi.

Condolences to the Bryant Family. 

One love.

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