
Christmas and New Year Special 2

Flashback (this was when Eazy was single)Stacy came and sat down next to me as she was looking at me with stars in her eyes. I just asked her if she was ok and if she needed any help. She said "no" and started to stutter because she was overwhelmed with happiness to be finally in my face. Just when I was starting to get a little creeped out by her and was about to walk away she stopped me. She introduced herself as Stacy and was dressed like a typical nerd with glasses, unkempt hair and baggy jeans with a hoodie. I couldn't tell if her body looks good within all those clothes but I was very curious as we started to talk. She told me that she had been following my career since a young age and she has been my number one fan for years. I was surprised by all of this and asked her for more details as she told me shyly. Stacy wanted my autograph and a picture with me after talking for so long. 
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